>We designed our workplace to reflect the future we are creating for you to inhabit.
We designed our workplace to reflect the future we are creating for you to inhabit
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fuck this open space bullshit memeing
cubicles and offices are the way to go people work better when theres no distractions
pretty neat desu
Dot com bubble crash 2.0 when?
They can't keep huffing Javascript paint fumes forever, can they?
>not a single monitor in portrait orientation
What a joke
>We spent all our money on chairs and monitors and had none left for walls and a ceiling.
>implying I dont see that black lives matter bulletin board on the right
motherfucker beat me to it
I am the 2012 where's waldo champion.
You never had a chance.
And no black people in sight
Anyone else triggered by the exposed wiring and vents on the ceiling?
Zuck couldn't afford a nice drop ceiling?
Ant yet not a single nignog in that office. Damn sometimes i really feel sorry for you westerncucks
Dude it's meant to reflect Facebooks hacking culture and shit
What a nightmare
The other harmful meme is working more than 30-40 hours per week. Productivity drops significantly after 6-7 hours, if done on a regular basis, not counting isolated exceptions.
This isn't even the worst part.
Working OUTSIDE of company time because you're being paid a salary and not an hourly wage and this means they literally own you and this is in your contract.
I've seen contracts like that.
Fixed salary for """40 hours"""***
*** overtime is expected but not paid
Shamelessly verbatim in the contract
this is the most cramped-anxiety-inducing-hell-hole I have ever seen
We support your cause, b-brothers! *black power fist*
Oh you want a job? fill out an application... don't call us, we'll call you.
If my workplace looked like that I'd fucking burn it to the ground hoping that they would get it right the next time
Requesting that "white people made computers too hard" pic
HR literally filters your resumes if your name looks black or spic.
re: no black people, do pajeets count?
>all in ones
what a waste of money
pajeets don't count because they aren't filtered by hr like mexicans and black people
No wonder this is where those bloated malware tracking apps are produced.
Fuck the jews.
why would you filter a mexican
they just assume you're an illegal immigrant and you're going to cause trouble later because your SSN is stolen or forged
What does he have on screen? Jira left and some IDE on the right?
Not on of these people looks healthy
imagine the smell
Google "jessica walsh nude"
>So many macshits
I'm trembling pls i need an adult
they all have imacs, which literally cannot be put into portrait orientation
I wouldn't trade the projection room I work in with constant 65dB background fan noise to any of those seats.
>Trying to focus
That seems impossible in there
You mean pushed through by hr?
Maybe even phabricator on the left
Got that in my contract, I assume it's fairly standard.
Not actually put under pressure to work extra though
>that one guy in the midst of despair on right
If you have a salaried job then you're probably making good money. Stop complaining
Are you blind? There are plenty of Dell monitors in this pic.
>Everyone's making fun of them and talking about how miserable they must be
These guys are making well over 80k a year.
I hate that bullshit. I've turned down jobs that had this open-space bullshit.
I need to not be distracted by retards, and sometimes I need to visit personal sites for 3-5 minutes to clear my head. Can't do that when everyone is constantly viewing my screen and I have the constant reminder that people are watching me.
Yes, stop complaining, wagie,
Mr. Shekelshtein needs the new yacht he's laid his eyes on
I see a bunch of college aged employees.
Where are the experienced old guys?
In the first world there is this amazing stuff called "human rights" that indicate, among other things, that you cannot sign you rights away and such clauses are illegal and non-enforceable. That's also why EULAs are illegal and essentially wet paper around here.
This horseshit all started when GabeN decided to get rid of cubicles but the key factor that all the other companies are missing out on is Valve gives employees the ***OPTION*** to do this shit
>Where are the experienced old guys?
Smart enough to avoid hipster start-ups where everyone is "family" and gets "free" ice cream, but is expected to work 80 hours a week .
Facebook employees earn 100k+.
Yacht costs $350k
You could buy your own yacht within a few years of working, user.
>Sup Forums - """""Technology"""""
>""""""""""technology discussion"""""""""
Companies are banking on the fact that you do not know your rights, and even if you did, have no time or money to fight them in court.
And if you are, you're not taking the job anyway and some other poor schmuck is.
Why the fuck are they in an office? They should be working from home communicating through group skype calls video streaming their screens.
Waste of time and effort, a modern software development firm doesn't need to be geographically rooted in some gay silicon valley warehouse, just imagine the upkeep on that shit.
>Facebook employees earn 100k+.
and they have to live in expensive areas where 100k is as much as 50k elsewhere
>have to live in expensive areas
Menlo Park, CA cost of living isn't that high. If they're smart they'll just rent a cheap apartment, then they can probably retire by the time they're 35.
I work in an office with 4 people and it's already noisy enough
If two people are on the phone, the other two cannot talk to each other or even on the phone
We all have headsets and what usually happens is whenever we have to make an important call (all the fucking time) we get up and move to one of our two meeting rooms for privacy and silence
In the meantime, our PCs, notes, printed reports and all the useful stuff are back in our office desk and we either have to remember all the important details or rush back to the desk mid-call to see something important
It's such a shitty design, and my boss wants to make us move our desks even closer in the future
this is why the laptop was invented, so you can carry it with you when you have an important call that has your important notes, reports and useful stuff with you.
fucking 1st world problems
Literally adult daycare
>every college kid thinks their first job will be like working at google with ball pits and overly lavish lounge areas
minus living expenses, minus taxes, the only way to afford a yacht would be to spend absolutely nothing for several years
>come on you wage cuck, what's a few years of slavery for a yacht?
this attitude is cancerous, especially considering fuckerberg earns enough for a new yacht and another summer home every time he goes and takes a shit
>bitching about how your boss makes more money or what he does with his money
The point is that if you have more than enough to afford a comfy safe life style, then you shouldnt be complaining. The rest of the world has it far worse.
>oh no i have to work some overtime even though I'm just going to be sitting on my ass in a comfortable office with A/C
Ok, give me your job.
>cost of living isn't that high in the Bay Area
>cheap apartment in the Bay Area
>there's available apartments in the Bay Area
Basement dwelling NEET detected.
>leave all wiring, piping, insulation exposed
>call it modern
>save thousands and thousands in the process
Dumb fucks
Studies have shown that people work better in an open ceiling environment.
>nobody is allowed to complain about their boss for any reason
>only by sucking the cock of our feudal lord will we ever have a chance of not being one of those filthy disgusting subhuman poorfags
>the pinnacle of life is sitting at a desk with air conditioning getting yelled at to stay until midnight just because someone else fucked up
you are everything which makes the wagecuck attitude cancerous
Yeah but is it worth it if you hate your job?
Like, I seriously wouldn't do a shitty job that I hate even if it would mean I'd by financially safe for the rest of my life. You just get so fucking miserable and depressed after a while that it's hard to go on.
Judging by your grammar, you'd work better as a technical writer sourced in China. LOL
Do they also have designated ballpit hours depending on how many hours you work a week?
I like the aesthetic of the open ceilings, desu. I would fucking kill myself with that open office plan though, at least segregate by department or something.
>Yeah but is it worth it if you hate your job?
>80k a year
>worth it
I have no family/friends, so with that kind of money, I could do anything I fucking wanted. It's only for a few hours a week.
Suck that shit up and stop complaining.
Fucking ungrateful 1st worlders.
Show me one of those studies. I'd believe it if you mean people like high ceilings since that gives the impression of the room not being as cramped but open and exposed ceilings tend to make me feel uneasy.
>encourage casual attire, never wear a suit
>call it hacker culture
>pay hoodie level wages not suit level wages
>have the work place arranged so it looks like a factory floor
>pay blue collar wages
Is Zuck a genius or what?
And that's the reason why the fucking USA is stealing all tech and stuff from other countries by spying like 3 year olds. Fuck you amurrica, the whole world hates you.
>>pay hoodie level wages not suit level wages
No. I'm sure this is the culmination of lots of ideas coming from other people. What you posit sounds believable but I don't buy that it came from Zuck. He's only smart enough to have listened to the advice.
I received an invitation to apply at Facebook last week. Relocation paid for.
Have not responded yet.
no, you have never worked at a tech company so i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt why you don't understand how working at a company like that can be shit, the work is depressing and mentally exhausting, once you finish your 80 hours of work per week you go home on sunday night and there's nothing to do but sleep and wait to go back to work on monday morning
No you haven't.
I just saw a post on HN today titled something along the lines of "six-figures is low income" in SF.
kek. New offices being built at work, and I swear that those storage drawer things are the exact ones that they have on show (as a sample)
>invitation to apply
Sure, if it keeps you at ease :)
I'm not interested in working for them anyway.
You do realize that Suckersperg is a Jew, right?
>the work is depressing and mentally exhausting
That applies to 99% jobs, except most regular jobs are physically exhausting too.
>once you finish your 80 hours of work per week
You're not working 80 hours every week, dont even lie. More than likely, if shit needs to get done or someone massively fucked up, then sure you make up for it. Probably happens once a month
speaking of hoodies
Average Facebook salary in Irish headquarters where they employ thousands is 150,000 euro+
>"six-figures is low income" in SF
Hardly, must not be software then.
Software salaries are shit here
>not deferring to the HN groupthink
Someone smells unemployable.
Jesus, it looks like it'd be hard focusing in that kind of environment. I'm sure the company has enough money to at least clean the place up and maybe put a ceiling in to cover up the pipes and shit, and install a neat wall to cover up the huge beam with H24 written on it. It's like they found an abandoned space, cleaned it up in the most minimal way, and thought it'd be good to just randomly throw shit in there.
If you make 6 figures, you're not low income. Doesn't matter where on the planet you are.
Simple as that.
Most Irish "IT" headquarters like facebook and google are mostly advertising or business.
How do garbage men and street cleaners survive in SF?
... both of which are far more important than 80% of programmers by the way.