Post em bitches!
/retro/ - old computers and tech
wow is that the computer from portal ?? xD
Old thread:
old shit incorporated
my casio PDA i had to use at work where cell phones were not allowed
installing the sims on my thinkpad t42 right now for some old school simulation
Here is the last one i have atm
From previous thread
that things pretty darn neat
shame i cant say the same for my piece of shit phone camera
ill get better pics with a nicer camera if anyone is interested in a cheap pda from 1996
I know the Compaq CMOS utility was all nice and cool but somehow I always hated it because it gave me more headaches then solved shit.
>Win7 era ThinkPad
What's a good alternative to EMM386.EXE? Specially for UMB.
For future reference, any more pics of the dock by itself or the laptop turned on will have to wait. The dock is currently partially disassembled because i have to hook up a cd drive in the spare slot. and the new hdd i got for the laptop doesnt have an OS on it and i dont have any floppys.
Backing up some data from old floppies and from my 486, I think my father bought this PC back in ’92
Man, I need a 5 1/4 floppy drive
the sound these make when reading/writing files is so comfy
The 8*24GC wasn't that great. It did look neat, though.
From the previous thread. It's still around.
Holy fucking shit, talk about ancient
Aw shit, I need some newer nubus card for my Quadra
Bitches be about it.
You know you're supposed to take the watch off when you want to use it with the keypad...
It looks more badass with it on tho
More? Your machine?
>several decades in the future, people will be powering up a ancient macintosh with netscape and get it online and this page will still load up
But, wait, there's more!
Pic related
Has anyone ever legitimately wished this phone was real? I would unironically use it if it existed.
So, something like a Nokia N900?
Yes, but it needs to be thicker and have more IO than i can possibly use at once.
Glue a USB hub behind it and add all sorts of shit, from DVB-T receivers and floppy drives to USB video outputs and sound DACs
It's possible though
When I saw Starwars Eps 2 and 3 back in the day as a teenager I used to think about that kid growing up to become Darth Vader.
Is it bad that I am actual debating on how long this thing would take to make?
No. I have contemplated it many times.
>tfw the BIOS utility was saved on the HDD and the BIOS is inaccessible without it or the floppies
If the machine has only a BIOS with SCSI support, then the IDE header on a sound card would be useless? Or could the driver handle it?
Suitcase computers are comfy.
>have a sharp like that
>instead of basic it has some shitty undocumented insurance calculation program installed
Are you serious? aw shit. is there any other way to like get an iso or someshit?
Well, at least it was like that on my desktop compaq
You can still install windows on it without the BIOS and then create the floppies from there, maybe even install the program from windows itself, not sure
I once couldn't configure a bigger hard drive, because the setup utility didn't auto detect the heads and cylinders, even though the drive actually worked fine with the BIOS itself fine, it was just the utility that wasn't programmed to support those sizes, worse, the utility didn't even support those sizes I wanted to enter manually, the only way I could finally get it to work was to enter one value and restart then go back and enter another, else it would change the previously manually entered value, real mindfuck.
Well i guess i better go get some floppys and find a windows 95 iso somewhere.
shit im probably gonna have this problem too because the computer originally came with either a 2gb, 5gb, or 10gb ide hdd and i currently have a 40gb one for it.
It must have been a great experience to be a teenager/kid in the early 80s, getting your first ever computer and learning to program in BASIC and assembly language and stuff.
A drive overlay software might work though even with wrong values in the BIOS, also, if the BIOS battery is OK, then you only would have to do it once, anyways, it might have been just a problem with the setup utility for my particular model of machine
Dole Kemp '96 campaign website
My original plan was to use the cd drive on the dock to boot and install DSL on it but ive been having trouble with power connectors and shit. unless i can get that to work im going to have to get a floppy and somehow load DSL on it or do some windows 95 bullshit.
Sounds comfy, good luck with it
Ahh fuck, it's been a long time. I remember having to fuck with both of them non stop to get some games to work right.
thx m8. ill report back with full setup once i get everything working.
You're going to need a new computer to put it in as well. Last computer I had that supported a 5 1/4" floppy drive was one I built in 2005. Any computer I had after that date didn't support 5 1/4" floppy drives in the BIOS, only 3 1/2" floppy drives (my last build also only support a single floppy drive instead of 2).
>$100 with no cables included
Or you could just get an old machine.
>The future is on line
stay a bunch of ovbious pedofiles
hey, armadafag here, i just booted up the laptop with the new hdd in it and i got pic related.
To that one user talking about the hard drive headers, is pic related the situation you were talking about?
This actually looks sick af
This seems to be fine, where do you see the problem?
>Bad command or file name
Do this:
>cd to dos dir
>type in: edit
>into edit type: dir/w
>press alt and select save
>save as: ls.bat
now you have actual ls (list) directory view and command without having to retrain your muscle memory
> yo dawg
> I heard you like operating systems
> so we made an operating system for your operating system
> its gotta be installed on your hard drive too
We still have similar shit, called recovery partition
I'm pretty sure compaq just licensed DOS and some windows clone GUI like GEM for the "BIOS", and put them on a small custom partition
Pic related
That's exactly what they did, just a nice graphical BIOS utility
They also included a "keyboard not found, press F1 to continue" error
Classic, but sometimes it still worked if it was just a stuck key or something
until they stop doing it right, and make all sorts of... other noises...
>no shortwave radio
literal trash.
why is this one still around? Did they just forget that they're paying to keep it up? Was it a time capsule project or something?
I wonder if it's hosted on the same machine as back when it was made, lel
And yes, companies often "forget" minor shit like this
when i type 'edit' it still gives me Bad command or file name
when i dir in the dos directory the only thing in there is some executable called MSCDEX
Ah, probably not a full DOS installation
Could this be retrofitted with the internals of a modern laptop.
Would be sexy if so.
There is no OS on the hard drive. btw i know almost 0 DOS commands so any help with that would be appreciated
As long as we're mentioning classic websites, it's worth noting that this one is still up:
cd dos
There's a broken DOS install on the C: drive though in your picture.
What are you planning on doing anyways?
There's also this
Online since 1994
>when i dir in the dos directory the only thing in there is some executable called MSCDEX
that won't help him
I also explained my situation here earlier
With the amount of room in that thing you can put full desktop parts in it
Did it boot off the CD? Do you have a floppy drive?
How about this...
Many of those features...
Make spare USB modules for them, they plug into one of the (Four, full size) USB ports on the device. Now you hurt the profits of the chinaman since these things work for other devices too.
Also the cell phone is a radio technically right? Why should it only be able to communicate at the same frequency as the cell towers?
Use it for AM/FM as well.
> leave it hackable so it can be used to scan any variety of frequencies, just dont support this officially
> Flip Out Keyboard
laser keyboard, now you just type on your desk or table.
>floppy drive
unless you're speaking of Superdisk
no just kidding
however a regular size SD card slot would be perfect, with forwards compatability to whatever end of SD density they might accomplish.
also none of this OTG micro-usb shit, those (four) usb ports need to take devices
> AC power
make it capable of taking high end laptop power supply (65W?), and then attach lower end plug adapters
no these adapters dont just fall off the bottom, they screw in, and allow using anything from mini usb, micro usb, lightning cable, or even the common laptop charger cords
no I dont think the apple spatula should be used, because fuck that
> if its lower power, that just means it takes longer to charge, this way you fuck the charger companies since someone can just plug their laptop cord into it
If I may add...
It can be a little thicc but I demand that thickness put its ass to work for something.
An 8,000-12,000mah battery standard. Kinda like the cheero. If that fucker only costs $30 then it should be IN a phone.
I dont care if my phone weighs 3 pounds. Handguns are about that size and weight anyway.
true. What's that thing called and where can I get one so I can try this?
Well, you won't get far without a text editor or access to another DOS install/CD drive
Maybe try putting the HDD into another newer computer, format it and put DOS files onto it
Osborne Executive, there's also the Osborne 1 that's similar
Few hundred bucks on eBay
>wanting to fucking destroy an osborne computer
You idiot. Only a few were ever made
Got this glorious motherfucker for €30 some months ago. I have to get around to installing FreeBSD on it. I already have a SATA II card and a dual GbE NIC in it.
> undocumented