I'm using Debian Sid.
Give me ONE (1) reason to move to Arch.
PROTIP: You can't.
I'm using Debian Sid.
Give me ONE (1) reason to move to Arch.
PROTIP: You can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
There is none. I recommend you move to stable.
AUR is part of the problem that Debian Linux seeks to solve. AUR gets you 32,000 packages with uncertain quality and provenance. It's about two steps from downloading a zip file of binaries off the internet.
Debian has 29,000 packages that conform to a set of policies, with careful change control and vetted, active maintainers for each one.
You would get respect from /g linux noobs. If you were serious about autism you'd install Slackware
Computers are tools.
Astronomers generally don't build their own telescopes either.
>Hurr durr
Who are you quoting?
Arch wiki
How do you know?
You don't need to run arch to use their wiki.
I'm pretty sure Debian Stable users are more retarded than anyone else on this planet
Even more then football players
Leeuwenhoek was the first microbiologist and built his own microscope. I know what you mean though, running CentOS 7 at work and Ubuntu 16 LTS at home because they just work. Besides, I do 99% of my shit in Emacs so in principle I could even run Windows..
Yes you are faget
You have to install Manjaro at least
Do it NOW!
But I won't because botnet and instability
>I use c++ wiki to do things in python
Arch wiki is more helpful when using it with Arch desu
please don't switch to arch. i did this from windows and couldn't get it to work. basically had no computer for 3 weeks prett much. almost lost my job because apparently moving operation system deletes all your important files, although i sense this only happens if you are switching to arch. arch sucks haha
I dual boot Arch and Windows literally because the name and logo is cool
I don't even use the AUR and prefer apt over pacman
Find the curriculum of an astronomy or astrophysics course of an academic institute near you and see how little overlap there is with engineering.
>Even more then football players
Spotted the American.
>I use c++ wiki to do things in python
Who are you quoting? Who used the false equivalence fallacy in the thread?
>Arch wiki is more helpful when using it with Arch desu
It's basically the same software stack interacting the same way. The main difference are apt and versions.
Agree. How can a sane person use a OS, in a workstation or server, that have a stable api and is highly tested?
>The main difference are apt and versions
Get your shit together
I'm just a slav! What do you want from me?
Ok, what are other big differences in the debian and arch software stack?
>I'm just a slav! What do you want from me?
American damage control.
>active maintainers
Homophone spelling errors are most often made by native speakers.
Because your updates are being held back to suit the stretch release. Example: Linux 4.9 is still the latest kernel in sid because they can't go backwards from 4.10 to migrate potentially any potentially urgent last-minute changes to stretch.
All distros are basically the same shit you fucking autists.
I should of known this
Your choice is fine my friend, whatever works for you. There's no thing as perfect distro.
hello friend. please tell me if debian testing support 32 bits
t. arch user that have to leave arch by november because the developers are pretentious fucks the dropped 32 bit support
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
Of course it does.
Kek at arch fags.
>amd64 arm64 armel armhfi 386 mips mipsel powerpc ppc64el s390x source multi-arch
If you need the amd64 for something pay attention not to download the aRm64 by accident. I always do that.
should have*
Just stop.
You don't need to. Once you found a distro you like, there's really no reason to move as they're all pretty much the same with small differences that influenced you to choose that distro in the first place.
tl;dr Don't nobody use arch because I'm a retard
Arch's community is the main reason to avoid it.
Full of NEETs and weebs with egos the size of planets, without ever contributing to anything.
being this poor
*laughs in openSUSE Leap*