Why is freetard shit so awful

Why is freetard shit so awful
>go to install OpenBSD
>install it
>it's not on my disk after installation for some reason
>go to install FreeBSD
>network driver(s) doesn't support my card(s) without manually patching device IDs into the driver and rebuilding the colonel
>kernel fails to build on some unrelated note
>download OpenSUSE
>download is corrupted, I get the same error in a VM as on the rig (pictured)

Is there anything freetards can do right?
At least OpenSUSE got my high dpi screen done right and didn't make me have to read 1mm high letters on my laptop during installation

Other urls found in this thread:

freshbsd.org/search?project=freebsd&q=killer e2400

is this the new desktop thread

you're using other free software

also you're a faggot

hey dont bully jordan

>you're using other free software
not really I hate free software!

U fucking piece of shit, this is the first time I'm actually replying to your shit "Is this the new desktop thread?" question. I've always held myself back but now I just can't handle it anymore. You're a fucking piece of shit and should seriously kill yourself because NO, this isn't the new desktop thread and NO, THE DESKTOP THREADS ARE OFF Sup Forums BY NOW YOU FUCKING AUTISTIC SHIT. You're even pretending to be fucking female even tho you probably have a dick, please kill yourself already, you have a serious mental disorder, nobody can help you and your pedophilia anime fetish. SO FUCK OFF, YOU'RE PISSING OFF EVERYONE HERE AT Sup Forums. I WISH THE MODS BANNED YOU OR THAT YOUR FUCKING TRASH PC FILLED WITH ANIME PEDOPHILIA DIES ALREADY. Please don't every try to reproduce either with a male or female you fucking imbecile. You seriously make me so mad every time you post over here you fucking mentally challenged neckbeard. I hope you're aware of how everybody hates you over here and how much of a moron you are, you fuckong cuntbag. You probably still live in your mother's basement and I hope you fucking know how much of a dissapointment you are to your parents and how much you should be ashamed of yourself and your stupid question and riced weeaboo desktop. So fuck off and never come back cause I will find you and when I do, I will wipe your stupid hard drive and all shit that's on it and I will put you in a mental hospital where you belong or make you kill yourself so you'll finally end this stupid bullshit. FUCK OFF ALREADY. KILL YOURSELF. DO SOMETHING, JUST DONT EVER POST HERE AGAIN OR I'LL FUCKING SLICE YOUR THROAT YOU FUCKING UGLY ASS PEDOPHILE! THIS ISNT THE NEW FUCKING DESKTOP THREAD FUCK OFF THERE ARENT ANY DESKTOP THREADS, STOP POSTING ALREADY. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS AND FUCK EVERYONE AROUND YOU FOR RAISING YOU LIKE THAT. FUCK OFF!!!

ello me mates;)))here is your mate williem back to teach you how to waggle your willy like a willy wanking bishop;;')) ohoy me mates;;))) now some of oyu guys are confused on how to waggle your willy eh???so u wanna be a willy wanking star,big deal.u gotta learn the willywanking game in 5 easy steps.cumon me mate lets leurn to wank our willies together with me mates gordon charlie and bill and even lilttle cousin nicky;))


GRAB the willy!!you have to wait for it to turn into a sasuage stick, dont worry if it doest happen in 10 seconds like me!!!just grab an issue of your beano comic your mummy bought you at the newsagents, flip to a page with minnie the minxes bum and bbengin wanking your willy!!!

step #2

move your hand up and down your willy,ur getting there me mate;)))if possible do it with your mates in your tree house so your mummies cant see or hear you!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!;)));)))


you will be feeling your willy about to explode!!!!!it's going to hurt a lil;;)do dont worry;)))because your willy is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!just shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYWILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there will be goy wee wee verywhere thhat is very goeey;))if you finish before your mates then help them by waggling THEIR willies;)))

why did you try such autistic distros?

go for ubuntu gnome / mate and move on with your life

Ubuntu is for noobs, lad.

What theme are you using?



Which apparently includes you if you can't handle installing fucking FreeBSD of all things.

LOL yeah, all those software engineers at Google are such noobs.

That's because you're retarded and installing shit in a VM and expecting it to be perfect.

There's literally nothing wrong with openSUSE. It's the only distro with a stable KDE integration, aside from maybe KDE Neon.


I can install it and did, but the network drivers don't work so it's garbage
But I was installing these things on my laptop, not a VM. I only fired up the VM on my desktop rig to verify that my download was corrupt and not the microsd card I put it on

Debian is fine. I'm using stretch right now and it's perfectly stable. All of my hardware works.

Yes, noobs with jobs and who can't or won't put up with spending 10+ hours setting up their fucking system just to feel like hackers for using some obscure autism distro. If you don't like spending hours dealing with bugs, DON'T USE ANYTHING BUT THE MOST POPULAR DISTROS

OpenSUSE is like number 5 popular distro and Ubuntu number 4 on distrowatch

>install OpenBSD
>it just werks

how do you fuck up literally the simplest installer ever?

Please stop bullying owo poster!

>I can install it and did
writing data to disc is not installing
if it's not functioning, you didn't finish the install

>tfw when you have to manual rebuild the colonel

I don't know but that's one extremely ugly windows.

>can't even install opensuse
You must be fucking retarded

ITT: OP is too much of a brainlet to figure out how technology works.

Well, at least you watch good youtubers.

the average goon

The opensuse argument with wasn't even thinking fault of the distro it was your download. Try harder.

>paid for something awful
>also payed for a Sup Forums pass

>Why is *all* software which is produced by a philosophy awful?
It's just bad on your hardware. Also, apparently NGINX, Apache, PHP, and basically everything the web runs on is shit.


Maybe you're just dumb?

I booted into it mate the network drivers just didn't work, no interface was made.

I know that feel (see pic)

It's actually pretty nice

Sure I can but they have faulty download servers for their isos!

see pic related

no u

OpenSUSE is amazing stfu & don't fuck up the download next time.

So uhhmm. Is this the new desktop thread?

>rebuild the colonel

Better than he was before.


>network drivers don't work
Or you just can't configure it properly?

Bingo! Go read manual at first:

Niggers it's killer nic e2400
The only documentation is people saying you have to hacking kernel

>killer nic e2400
Lurk more:
freshbsd.org/search?project=freebsd&q=killer e2400

Why didn't it work then LOL

Because it's only merged in -Stable.

So more typical freetard nonsense
Guess how long Windows supports this

>So more typical freetard nonsense
I know all tripfags are extreme retarded but it's mean you need download -Stable(or -Current "FreeBSD 12") snapshot and use _it_:
>Guess how long Windows supports this
As I know windows not support Qualcomm Atheros chip "out of box".

>mfw when freetards will convince themselves that this is not only acceptable, but preferable

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>mfw when
I want to reddit/twitter/tumblr/facebook GTFO from Sup Forums.

bait thread

OP here, fucking lolin hard at opensuse
look how ugly and bulky everything is. Simply unacceptable in 2017 when you can look at my OP image to see how an average WINDOWS desktop looks like

>"Why is freetard shit so awful"
>talks about BSD
BSD isn't freetard, it's cucktard.

also you've made it very clear you're tech illiterate so the fact that you made a thread to bitch about something you don't even understand makes no sense.

Install something other than Gnome Shell faggot. Grab KDE Plasma or XFCE.

BSD is as free as it gets. Now go back to Sup Forums.