If Windows are for work, and Apples are for fun, what are Linuxes for?
If Windows are for work, and Apples are for fun, what are Linuxes for?
they are all shit
If Apple is for HomOSeX and Windows is for botnet, what is GNU/Linux for?
is it just me or is there an incredible sexual tension between those two actors (not gay or anything but damn).
That's it, that's why there's so many lineckses.
>tfw it's been so long since i could post this
More like:
>Windows for office applications and games.
>Mac is for 'artists'.
>Linux is for fun.
What you need to understand is your low intelliquence.
Consider this:, some people use Neet browsing using Linux / G /
They are what you mean
Over the past few years, the most gifted programmer on the planet is running
Systems to support the better,
Some of the tools are available,
Recommend specific ways you are familiar with the bad
For developers,
It corresponds to the half-Duplex specific development.
Because I know how to use these tools
I'll be in the right Designer
This tool has been optimized.
It is suitable for normal player / media use. This is because
Computer programmers and scientists. I would recommend this technology is given
Specifications. You need to understand that this is not a linux
In this case, when compared to Windows, there is a difference between Windows and Unix. app for Windows
Designed to take into account the user,
I do not understand the computer is needed or required. It is not pretty, it is very stupid. I will understand it. On the other hand, in Unix
The idea is to train the majority of computer hackers and scientists
algorithm development environment and the needs of
Operation layer 1 million "user friendly
I'm trying to get the GUI but the black box mess me ahh.
UNIX computer science designed to make life easier.
All these Unix foundation
We carry millions of different.
TL; DR window is designed for people like you and design.
The results of theory. Linux and Unix derivative products, engineers,
People like you think you're the next generation.
If windows does everything applel and loonix can do, why do they even exist?
Literally everything.
Tiny microchip that makes a shitty plastic carp talk and sing: Linux
2 Billion HPC: Linux.
Smartphone: Linux
Tablet: Linux
Intel Management Engine (installed on literally every single Intel PC and Laptop): Linux
Router OS: Linux
Apple is trendy and expensive. Linux is free and fun.
>Linux is free and fun.
*spends weeks installing arch only for it to break when connecting to a new wifi network*
>apple is trendy
only for homofags lol
l33t haxxors
Why do you faggots hate Linux so much?
Arch is a stupid Meme.
Use Mint instead.
Perfect balance between stability and features
smirked and exhaled loudly from my nose
Interesting fapping
>spend weeks installing arch
How can you retards be so fucking stupid that you can't follow a simple instruction manual? It should take you no longer than an hour tops. Weeks? It must be hard being fucking retarded
>Everything I'm not used to is a meme
Just werks on my system :^)
Just pirate one.
How is windows for work? Anything number crunching is osx or linux, anything audio visual is osx or linux for render farms and shit, typing is better done on a tablet because all you have to do is slide a finger. Macs have ecc and xenons for error checking. Windows is unfortunately only for gaming and its trash at that.
>windows is only for gaming and its trash at that
This. There aren't very many good games for PC. Just a bunch of indie shit and bad console ports, with the occasional good AAA game.
it's due partly to baby-duck syndrome, and partly to stockholm-syndrome.
>what are Linuxes for?
>There aren't very many good games for PC
I mean, sure, but that's still more than every other current or past platform.
I started off on Windows but prefer Linux myself.
I seriously don't get the artist thing, on windows it's a lot easier to get photoshop for free and otherwise it's the same.
Hence 'artists'.
>Not realizing this whole thread is a joke.
>writing a 400 word response.
You have low "intelliquence", not OP
Linux is for both
>just indie shit and bad ports
I didn't realize it was possible to shove your head so far up your own ass that you can chew the back of your tongue?
apple is for people who have no idea how to use a computer but want to be somewhat productive/safe and pay extra for it
windows is for children to play videogames, people who have no idea how to use a computer use a browser or to run legacy enterprise programs
linux is for productive people
because it doesn't werk
>trading one botnet for another
>install arch
>oh no! my fairly common device doesn't have any drivers/the only drivers I could find are 3 years old
>finally found all the drivers after many weeks of searching but now the system is so unstable that moving the mouse crashes it
>finally fixed the crashing issues but now it doesn't recognise the mouse on some startups
>need unstable software to stop the fans from spinning at 100%
keke. Free as in too much free time because only NEETs use loonix
I thought there would be at least a little truth behind it, nvm senpai.
>linux is for productive people
>has to spend inordinate amounts of time getting it to work
keke. This is what lincucks actually believe
i don't. if you do, that's your problem
Actual fun
>damage control
Linux is for work if you're a programmer. Windows is for work if you need some proprietary software like Office or Photoshop. Windows is also for fun, since it has the most games.
Mac OS X is for retards.
Is English a second language for you?
>Install Ubuntu
>apt-get install whatever dev tools and libraries you need
>Get straight to work
This is an inordinate amount of time?
It is though, undoubtedly the number one office-drone OS, preferred option by enterprises for their end-user needs.
>can't even update without errors
you can't make this shit up lmao
If Windows are for hetersexuals, and Apples are for homosexuals, what are Linuxes for?
The Internet basically runs on Linux at this point, not to mention how Linux is the default sever OS for most IT professionals.
Could you understand anything he said?
I'm surprised you didntsay anything about his extremely broken English
>replying to bait
Apples are for work
Windows are for fun
Linux is for autism
for desktop threads
>for work
Nooooooo lmao you can't do shit on windows without it restarting or giving you a BSOD. It's a fucking toy OS for autistic children that turned their computer into a glorified gaming console.
Trying this hard.
Shitposting anime girl wallpapers on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>He doesn't make YouTube poops for fun on his $2k laptop
Linuxes are for managing the services for work and for fun.
Forb Neggbeerbs :-DDDDDDDD
Hobby (ω)
That's why you need to do 30 minutes of research.
>started with ubuntu 9.04 or whichever that was
>tried arch
>sucked dick (idiot downloaded minimal install with only cli)
>years later
>laptop getting slower
>might as well install something else
>idiot installs kali
>werkz really well
>can learn to work with all the tools
>saving people's dead flash drives
>learn to use the environment past a gui, cli most of my shit
>install i3
>workflow goes up to 11
>great experience
>feel comfy in debian
>my OS #1 now
>VPS? Debian
>Laptop? Still kali, works fine
Seriously, if I hadn't been so deep in Kali right now, I'd go over to pure Debian in a heartbeat, but there's no trouble so I leave it be.
Seriously, don't go off into the deep end if you can't swim. Start with a nice Gui, as close to Win/OSX as possible and learn along the way. It's more work, but at the end you'll have a pc that is your own.
(Fun fact: I can leave my laptop open and unlocked with no fear, unless you know what you're looking at and what the shortcuts are, you can't do shit.)
My buddy described it as "The grandpa syndrome" and I can see where he's coming from.
He's getting his Dell tower back with Debian Mate tomorrow.
>inb4 mate sucks
It's fine for him, pretty similar to Windows.