>buy iPhone
>forced to use iTunes
Buy iPhone
just buy a fliphone and some chinkshit OGG player
Except you're not
>buy from brand known to force their own shit on you and provide zero alternatives on top of actively creating compatibility issues
>how could this happen
>buy iphone
>literally never use itunes
literally not a problem if you're on macOS
>>buy iPhone
Found your problem.
>buy decent phone
>don't need iTunes
But iTunes is nicer than every android alternative
No, iTunes is not nicer than simply using your file manager of choice.
>know beforehand that Apple maintains a closed ecosystem designed to keep the retarded and the old from getting confused
>buy their shit anyways
>complain about it
I own an iphone and ipad and have never used itunes, you dont need it at all
>buy iPhone
>use CopyTrans
This is like complaining that you're stuck with 5-star meals when everyone else gets to choose to eat Pajeet excrement
>Can't even drag and drop files onto your phone
>willingly put shackles on
>whine about said shackles restricting you
iphones are for people who are tech illiterate...
>simple task requiring ctrl-c ctrl-v
>move stuff to phone in less than a minute
>pajeet excrement
>simple task that now is massively overcomplicated
>can't move certain file types to phone fuck
>have to convert to format iTunes likes
>download shit to convert my files
>wait to convert my files
>have to add converted files to itunes library
>now have two copies, original and converted sigh
>have to wait for iphoneâ„¢ to sync all its shit to pc
>have to select things I want to sync to phone
>wait for 10hrs as itunes finally finishes copying everything in library to phone
>can't just add new files, it syncs EVERYTHING ALL OVER AGAIN
>there are nice looking loading bars
>5 star meal
You know you're lying so just stop kiddo.
I got a MacBook recently
haven't started up itunes
I'm afraid, I remember when I had an iPod and that shit was on windows and bloating and crashing all the time
dare I ever boot it or is there a better way to keep music organized? I used musicbee on my desktop
You really don't know much about iPhones, do you? All that misinformation.
Sad really.
You shouldn't be surprised that Apple can't write good software for Windows.
Microsoft can't.
iTunes on the Mac just works.
The windows version of iTunes is a mess because it installs billoin apple-related services and refuses to work without them. On mac those are all built into the OS and thus the actual iTunes will feel much better to use.
Sad that you can't ctrl-c ctrl-v like a normal person would t b h.
>prove me wrong
>t. mactoddler subhuman
I know it's a bait but still, user, why the fuck did you buy iPhone if you don't want to use iTunes?
Literally the worst thing about Apple products you'll never hear Apple adepts about.
Everything is forced through Itunes, no glorious drag and drop.
[spoiler]He can't with his current phone[/spoiler]
This. Unix today is not an operating system, it is an approach to operating systems that cannot properly be applied to a product which gives you no access to a hierarchical tree of directories. The iPhone is not unix like, its an appliance.
>consider here there is a worthy 20 lines of green text about intricacies of MTP standard
>or spinning a ftp server on your fucking phone and a client on your fucking pc to sync your latest anime to phone
>said ftp server also cant access to media card unless you are rooted or chose to configure media card as a internal storage
>pointing itunes to your media folder on your pc
>letting it do the rest of the tasks of downloading the media covers and info and converting if applicable
Just Works meme isnt a meme for nothing
There is also a foobar you crapulent fool
>me so stupid me cant even open appstore
Onedrive, googledrive, dropbox, demonsaw.
A bit retarded aren't you?
A bit retarded aren't you?
Erm, friend, I think I don't get it. Why would I do all of this shit when I can just copy my cartoons to my phone in a single action?
you are using iphone arent you. i know because i am using android and you would know how shit of procedure it is to copy something to android using the usb cable if you used android. I guess its all play pretend here, friend.
Found the barely literate spic
Retards this stupid are posting on Sup Forums now.
>plug in android
>auto open folder
>drag and drop music file
it just werks
>buy phone
>download Spotify
It just werks.
I don't know what's worse, all of the shitposting mouthbreathing retarded annoying childish iFags or the fact that there's so much smartphone shit on Sup Forums now, goddamn it fuck off and die, all of you!
Dumb image. Of course people post about Apple. It's a tech board faggot.
>fruity toddler toys for morons frightened of technology
>tech board
Pick one.
I'd be laughing if you weren't serious, but you are.
I shall now proceed to laugh even harder.
le convincing arguments
Look I can do it too.
haha autism isnt tech
All Apple has done over the years is copy other companies' ideas. The iPod was a copy of another media player that came out earlier, the iPhone is basically every smartphone a generation or two before it, the idea for a GUI was stolen from Xerox, and the list goes on. It is not an innovative technological company at all.
can you move files to and from the phone in foobar?
Sony Xperia Z1 (purple). You plug it in and drop the files you want anywhere you want. Preferably in a folder that's used by your default "Movies" app, but anywhere will do.
You used to be able to pair them via WiFi too, but somewhere during the launch of Win10 Sony decided "fuck it" and dropped that functionality.
>you would know how shit of a procedure it is to copy something to android
Do you also happen to have issues with the procedure of breathing?
I give up Sup Forums, the day has come where some assholes complain about how convoluted a basic copy paste action is.
I dont know I dont use Icrap, I just asked friend if he could look it up in appstore.
Look it up and you will know.
they probably dont into the filesystem
t. i never had to copy files as i am using the literally any function of the phone OR i am actually an iphone user
>im a dumb shitskin
>5-star meals
Oh. You mean those meals with 3 peas ordered on a plate in a line with a spurt of sauce connecting them?
>i never had to copy files as i am using the literally any function of the phone
Literally playing a game while downloading a cartoon episode right now.
>i am actually an iphone user
Nah, you can't play Heroes III on iPhone.
For almost everything iTunes converts your files to a compatible format automatically. I don't know how it is on a non-apple PC but for me, all of the syncing happens really quickly over lightning. I guess if you have anything older than an iPhone 7 where the lightning to USB cable only does USB 2.0, it could feel a bit slow.
Basically for me, on my tri-boot Trashcan Pro booted into OS X or Windows it goes like this:
>Drag files from file manager to my phone in the left pane in iTunes
>Wait a few seconds for it to transfer files, converting them when necessary
Now in Linux, it's a little different. I have to manually convert files to an iPhone compatible format before I open rhythmbox and drag the files from my rhythmbox library to the phone, and it did take some fucking around with libmobiledevice and udev rules and shit before my iPhone would be detected properly AND allow drag n drop file transfer. Still works though.
I get that people don't like that they can't basically use their 256GB iPhone as an external SSD (well, NAND since some people are pedantic fucks) by being able to mount it in your OS as its own drive and transfer more than media files since you can do that with most other smartphones via MTP... But the iPhone is not most other smartphones. It has never claimed to be. While it's true that certain aesthetic and design choices as well as functionality does overlap between the iPhone and other smartphones for the sake of staying competitive, the iPhone is essentially an iPod that can make phone calls and browse the web. It's a personal media player. Aside from the previously mentioned feature overlap to stay competitive in the mobility market, the main focus of the iPhone is not to be an all in one device, but rather a platform for media consumption via iTunes.
The limiting factor of using proprietary software is intentional. Apple wants you to use iTunes so you buy more music and movies, listen to more podcasts, etc. (Cont'd)
I haven't used iTunes in years.
Don't tell me you're a normie who watches media on their phone and uses it as a music player?
>buy iPhone
>have any kind of expectations
I got gifted an iPhone 6 Plus from my cousin because she didnt use it anymore.
Did i win?
I fucking hate my Xperia M4.
Continued from Apple wants it to be more difficult for you to add files to your iPhone because the easier it is to get your files onto your iPhone, the easier it is for those files to be music and movies without DRM that you didn't purchase, or didn't purchase from Apple. They're trying to make money, after all.
So why isn't it just as difficult to sideload data onto an Android device? Because Google makes the majority of their profit from advertising and are much more diversified than Apple. They have a greater market share, they have more services (Apple doesn't have anything similar to YouTube that is anywhere near as big for example) and Android is more developer-centric. Google launched Android as another advertising platform, and a way for users to access the existing Google services on-the-go. Being an open platform focused on developers was their gimmick to be a viable contender to the iPhone in the mobility marketplace, and they were able to dominate rather fast for two reasons: 1) at the time Android came on the scene, Apple had an exclusivity contract with at&t, so while that may have barred the death star from carrying Android devices, it left the other three major carriers wide open for Android and a burning desire to make Android a success because they needed an "iPhone killer", and 2) the open nature of Android meant that Google didn't have to spend money on producing handsets, they could just licence their OS to OEMs and reduce their overhead, leaving more money for software development (and gee, since Android is open, they sometimes got some really boss development for $0). This meant heavy app developer adoption because the Android SDK was free, easy to use, and allowed greater integration with the OS itself, so the Android app store didn't take long to catch up to Apple.
So yeah, if you want to access non-media files, you'll need a cloud based solution. iPhones aren't normal smartphones. Get over it.
>buy android
>use itunes anyway
I hate iPhones, but unless you'll bend your piece of shit, I guess a flagman is still better than a budget phone. Especially, when you are a filthy casual who won't be using any of Android vast functionality.
Trying playing native DSD on an iPhone.
Oh wait...
I mean, dont get me wrong, i prefer Android over iPhone, but holy fuck Xperia M4 is a pain in the ass, my dude. The damn thing came with a factory problem and a shitton of bloatware, not to mention i cant even root the goddamn thing.
>actually storing music files on your device
>wasting device storage space
>not having a boost mobile plan that allows true unlimited data and unlimited pandora and spotify music streaming
Who cares what software you're forced to use? The whole point of using an iPhone is so you're perceived as a successful person who can afford nice things.
Sprint coverage sucks around here, I stick to AT&T MVNOs
>at my cabin
>family can't even make a call
>I have 4G with full bars
>being satisfied with spotify
>not having anime soundtracks and other weeb shit
It all depends on where you live. ATT sucks in my city. I had like 1 bar with ATT at my house and with boost i have 4 bars with full LTE coverage.
Also never lost signal yet. I even go into the mountains of NC and still have signal with boost.
Sprint/Boost is GOAT in eastern NC. 4 bars LTE in OBX right now.
Learn to music, nigga.
I use Spotify and then SoundCloud for all my weeb shit and obscure shit
forgot to post pic related
>buy iphone
>never use it cuz no friends
>buy iPhone
>only use iTunes for the glorious full backups
>use Photos which is a pretty cool app
>stream music from Apple Music and Spotify
>how could this happen
to me
It's GOAT in pretty much anywhere in NC. I even get LTE standing on the beach in havelok. Shit i even go out to the lighthouses and still have full coverage.