At least I'm not a nigger

At least I'm not a nigger

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But you are.

Back to pol, I'll meet you there later.


too bad you're a faggot

That's nice dear.

So glad i'm not aswell, jesus christ that would be worst than death itself

Fake racists are the nigers of Sup Forums tho

>that Carmen bitch

>she chased her husband out of their house and plunged an 8-inch kitchen knife repeatedly into his back with enough force to snap the blade.


But you're a faggot, and that's worse.

yeah no fucking joke. I feel like I won the fucking lottery. Every day I wake up and think, "I am so glad that I wasn't born black."

Do you think they know they're black? Like do think they get it? Do they feel dirty in the same way that we think they're dirty?

kys stormtard

black people are more redpilled than white folks

most whites are gay leftist normies who are oblivious to jewish tricks

They are filthy savages without any compassion or empathy for themselves or there fellow man and require special attention to get what they "want".

are you one of the "Based" blacks?

At least this is not technology.


yeah half the time I forget what board I'm on with threads like these

country bumpkins are not aryan!

>on Sup Forums
Do you even Thiel?

Black person here, I try not to sweat it when it comes to things like race since it's something out of my control. The thing that I'm really thankful for is not being american, though. Spares me the experience of being shot daily just because I gave a dirty look to a redneck.

post yfw elephants can pass the mirror self-recognition test earlier than nigglets

what lol in the states you're more likely to be shot by your own race than by a redneck. blacks make up a majority of the violent crimes, and I remember reading a news report a back in 2015 about how something like 93% of black homicide victims are killed by blacks. Now that was in 2015, but I can't imagine that number has gone down very much.

William Shockley, the co-inventor of the transistor, needs to red pill you normies.

Ah yes the new nigger software version 3.5 is pretty inferior to the Aryan light but I'd argue Aryan light is easy to catch viruses unlike previous versions

You need to download the last update, pal


I'm completely aware that blacks in the US have much higher crime rates than whites. The "redneck" part of my post was only there so I could bait a yankee into replying. Thanks for the (You).

Yes, Black people. Not niggers, niggers aren't black people or people in a way, they want muh white privilege and gibs. Black people know that being mistreated a millenia ago wasn't justified but they still only play that card when things go absolutely wrong. Blacks fight for education and a future, niggers just want free shit.

>I don't hate gay people I just hate faggots :^(