What does Sup Forums recommend to use as the best instant messaging app out there?
Zuckerberg shit need not apply. Currently using BBM and telegram for all my instant messaging. needs.
Sup Forums approved instant messaging app
>what do you guys use
>don't recommend me X
>I currently use Y for everything
Why did you make this thread? Fuck off. We don't need more inane and petty threads shitting up the board, post your query in /sqt/.
>Using messenger or whatsapp
Signal user here. telegram is nice: low cpu usage compare to other messengers, and looks best too.
im 3rd worlder so i use whatsapp
I'm german so I have to use whatsapp.
Literally everyone of my ~80 contacts in my phone has and uses it. I know no one who doesn't have it
Greek here
Most people I know use Messenger, but i'm not willing to give my phone number to Jewbook, so I use Viber instead, which again, is used by everyone.
QKSMS is nice
Wire for best features.
Whatsapp for the largest userbase.
The rest is mostly garbage.
I use a second phone with Messenger, Allo and Whatsapp for the normies and only use signal and bbm from my main phone.
Most people here use Viber so I go with that
First time I've ever heard messenger.
vk is not a messaging app though
That would be like saying Instagram or Facebook are.
I'm surprised the Russian choose whatsapp over viber
I can verify this.
XMPP, yaxim or any other free software client.
Who do you talk to that uses your special snowflake app?
I've never met anyone that uses those and I refuse to believe there are normal people (and girls) who do
>Not chatting up uzbeki qts through the superior telegram app
Telegram is the brainchild of the founder of vk
which one respects my privacy the most? i was looking into tox, ricochet, signal and wire?
Non. Basically if it's free it's shit. Drug dealers and other shady types often use modified phones.
Bbm protected and other similar subscription apps are your best bet if you're not a yakuza blackmailer or an arms dealer.