Can any android fags help me out? My battery on my s6edge is literally the worst i have ever delt with...

Can any android fags help me out? My battery on my s6edge is literally the worst i have ever delt with, and tips a supreme gentleman could help me out with

what apps do you use? something is probably draining your battery in the background

Check for the system update, it is probably a faulty battery or something is draining the battery, download accubattery to get a calibrated reading on the battery's current health. Gl.

Mostly snap, robinhood, and stocktwits

You're fucked if you own an s6 or note 5. My note 5 doesn't reliably go into deep sleep unless I put it into airplane mode.

Well fuq. Dam i miss my iphone 5s

Yeah you were better off with the iPhone than a Samshit device, I can't defend those devices at all…

Funny thing is, this is my second one. My first ones multi screen button stopped working after like 2 months

Remove botnet. Uninstall gapps and all google services and replace them with fdroid or install apps via adb. I've gone from 2 days of battery life to week and a few days on Moto Sup Forums with moderate use of web browser and mail client with vpn running in the background. There is plenty of capacity in smart phone batteries, but all the background spying services drain it very quickly.

It's snap

If you can update to nougat you should and just make sure you close snap like the plaque

Factory reset your phone, most likely you got some botnet running in the background.
T.s3 owner, went from 12hrs to +36 hrs



the power of android

Buy an iphone already rajesh. The se only cost 150 dollars now fro christ sake. Theres no need to continue using poordroids in 2017.

Fuck you i paid $800 for this 64gb pos late last year

>buying samshit
l fucking mao

The Apple iPhone 7 Plus doesn't have this problem.

>paying over $300 for lagdroid

Yea and you know how much it's worth now? Probably $200 at best on ebay. Androids never hold their value.

Get greenifiy, uninstall gmaps/location services, check what apps use the most battery and cut their idle processes.

Now, because Sup Forums is fucking retarded, I'll give you an actual fucking answer.

Yeah removing gapps and taking control of your phone via root helps a bit, same with flashing roms.

But honestly here's one of the big catches that samsung doesn't warn their customers about.

All of this "fast charging" nonsense is great for charging but people are going around leaving their phones to charge overnight with fast charging on, and that is destroying the battery life of the device.

Fast charging is meant to be when you're in a rush to go somewhere, the increased charging rate isn't meant to be left on for 6-10 hours at a time.

You see a lot if people asking questions like this when they have samsung devices that charge quickly but can't hold it for shit.

>fast charging
It's too late for you

Get greenify and hibernate snapchat when you are not using it. Also use adb to change your resolution to 1080p if you are desperate.

instal custom rom (lineage) without gapps = fucking awesome bat life ( 3 days on one charge 3-5h SOT (lg g2))

>s6edge not on there


Muh nigga. S5 here


go to XDA and see if there's an unofficial build

>put in twrp custom recovery
>flash in lineageos, dont put in gapps at all
>use fdroid and aptoide for your apps
>use it on efficiency battery mode all times, you could even it on battery saver
>you can root it even and underclock it to 960MHz
Might be rather much, although even in touchjizz and no root, i used to disable all gapps and set the battery saver and still managed to get almost 2 days moderate usage till i need to charge

Muh cracka. J5 here