There is literally nothing wrong with using Windows

There is literally nothing wrong with using Windows.

how else can you look outside retard
you don't need windows in your computer

I want to try switchong to Arch Linux but I still need windows for my non Linux supported apps. The creator's update is absolutely shit. Is it easy to set up usb passthrough so I can allow a VM Windows to use my graphics card while running Linux as my primary OS?

I meant PCI passthrough oops

W*nKUCKS for a reason

...except for windows itself.

maybe 7
but windows 8 is a meme
and windows 10 has telemetry

8.1 + classic shell is comfy as fuck and faster than 7
10 is faster than 8 on most new hardware

and even then, I use 10 non-ironically simply because I like it

It's not too hard, you just need to have two graphics cards (you can use the igpu in your CPU as the second).

haha cirno is a nigger now