Wendell and his brother Rufus completely destroyed Apple in the last news segment:

Wendell and his brother Rufus completely destroyed Apple in the last news segment:


How will Aplel fags ever recover?

Who are these 2 faggots and why should I care what they think?

Papa Wendell is the god of Linux.

Applefags on barbed dildos

holy hell can they be more any obvious they are former or current intelligence analysts

You okay?

don't try to gaslight me you fat fucks. I know a spook when I see one

wendell runs his own it consultancy you idiot

Literally who?


stfu bitch. you will speak when told to

Found the beta faggot, threads dead

It ain't dead till I say it is

>barely anyone is interested in thread now

na, its dead

not now it isn't cuck. i'm the lifeblood of this thread you're a parasite

oh wow that's never been done before

how very interesting

You're a beta faggot who is too much of a pussy to have an opinion in the outside world so you get shiggy with your keyboard on Sup Forums. If you weren't so autistic I would feel sorry for your pathetic existence

not true in the least. I will talk shit in your face and you will do nothing but cower in fear like all the other betas that challenge me.

are you 12? you sound like you're 12. Also, screaming at toddlers doesn't count as a beta challenging you

I'm 52 years young and enjoy putting whippersnappers like you in your place

>Still on Sup Forums
