Jesus christ why is this board so full of shills? don't you have a life...

jesus christ why is this board so full of shills? don't you have a life? fuck off already nobody cares about your shitty, shallow piece of plastic and metal. there are far more interesting caveats of technology ranging from compact fusion reactors to qubit architecture, but instead of you want to fucking bicker about two companies. it's pathetic. this is why humanity is doomed to die on this rock and nowhere else. your ancestors are probably rolling in their graves.

Cry more, Android 2.3 pajeet.

not the person you replied to here,

I have been forced by virtue of employment to use an iphone since version 4. Without a doubt, the only good thing I have observed is the battery life. Everything else - the mystery stuttering in chat, delayed message delivery, activesync failures, hotspot spasms, random lockups requiring a hard start, etc. - has been no better.

Frankly, I don't care about it, beyond the fact that they are now so thin I'm afraid I'll break the damn thing by just picking it up.

iPhone was, is, and will continue to be (for a little while) a meme, nothing more. I don't care that you have an overpriced product, and neither does my employer. My employer does, however, care that I can be reached while on call. And when the goddamn phone acts up and refuses to report pages until 20 minutes after the fact, I have to really wonder why people pay for overpriced garbage.

Give me a consistent phone. I don't give two flying fucks about your goddamn selfie shots that no-one gives a shit about on Facebook. I don't care about snapchat, I care about server uptime. I don't give a shit about your news apps, I give a shit about my RSS feeds for overnight jobs submitted.

Jesus H. Fucking Harry Christ on Crutches, it's like you fuckers enjoy being wallet-raped every 2 years.

If you addup only 2 of the other phones in the chart, it's more popular than iPhone.

That chart is meaningless ad so is this thread.

Got rid of my "smart" phone 7 years ago and never looked back. If people want to interact with me it's not going to be in an on demand fashion.

At least you posted a nice pic.

misleading title
the actual study displayed that the iphone 6s (specifically) was the most-shipped /individual model/ phone

this doesn't mean more iphones sold over android phones in 2016, nor does it mean more people are using iphones than android phones

Poor crackberry ;_;7

They had it coming but refused to see the writing on the wall.

You can't be this dumb. Ok then, Apple iPhones are the most popular phone. They did say 'iPhone' for a reason without indicating model.

their only mistake was not putting "an" at the beginning of the article title
it is true that an iphone was at the top of the chart of individual phone model shipments
the main problem here is that OP completely misunderstood the article and the chart
android phones are far, far more common than iphones
both are reasonably common though, that is, it's not considered unusual to use either, so it's not like i'm saying iphone users are hipsters, either

>using an OS that doesn't come with file manager
jesus fucking christ, even firefox os, ubuntu mobile, temple os, freedos has that. Iphones are not created for people who likes to tinker with their phones, it's made for people who has nothing to do with tech, that's why it's "white woman phone" and not "thinkpad phone"

just wait until someone claims file managers are obsolete things of days past

>file manager
>on a cellular app launcher

Not everyone is autistic.

>Iphones are not created for people who likes to tinker with their phones

Yeah no shit. I do not want to tinker with my phone. Tinkering is for my computers and other things. I enjoy having a dependable locked down device that never fails, slows down or falters in any way and receives updates for longer than I care to use the device. You see I actually depend on my smartphone for communications and reception of nudes. It doesn't stay in a basement only serving the purpose of watching chinese schoolgirl cartoons while receiving no communication. I can't think of any good reason to do anything to the iPhones I've owned when they work exactly as I'd like them to.

>android phones are far, far more common than iphones

In the western world iPhone dominates. This is undeniable. Yeah, if you're talking global market of all phones shipped of all models and makes, Android devices are more common. Thing is I don't really care what 3rd worlders are using, and they make up the vast majority of the Android userbase with sub $150 phones.

Objectively false.

last i checked the only place where iphones were really up there was japan, for some reason, and even then it was about 50/50


>last i checked the only place where iphones were really up there was japan

>most popular smartphone in the USA
>very popular in western Europe
>only used widely in Japan

You really haven't been outside have you?

>objectively false

Please don't aid in making that word as meaningless as 'literally'. Have some responsibility. It is subjectively false, not objectively. There is no objective way of looking at what products people like using.

>I do not tinker with my phone
what are you doing on Sup Forums?
>hating on chinese cartoons
what are you doing on anime imageboard website?
>tinkering is for computers
your phone is a small computer though, it uses ARM, just like raspberry pi and some laptops
>reception of nudes
yeah sure user, every girl with a brain would have crazy lust for a guy whose job is shilling on chinese drawings forum, well done, but you can do all that things with samsung flagships too

That looks like a puffy, giant computer vagina.

well can you back your claim up?

I used it properly, I never meant "products people like using". There are several objective metrics (ex: software availability, range of customization, number of features) at which the Android ecosystem wins, so it is objectively false that Android is inferior. There are metrics at which it loses, so you can say " it's inferior at X and Y".

And yeah, I get triggered as fuck at "literally" nowadays. Especially stupid shit where the figurative interpretation doesn't even exist like "it's literally horrible".

the thing about "hipsters", shill, is they do things ironically, just to be 'different" and "quirky".

when my Android died, I had a realization of how fucking absorbed I was by it. I realized i got off the bus with a sore neck from being on my phone all the time. I realized I was always pulling it out to watch stuff or even just browse Sup Forums fuck. I got an oldschool Motorolla Razr, (thus fulfilling my late highschool wish of having one)

and i still have it. not to be ironic, or contrarian, it just fulfills my needs. I can make and take calls, make and take texts, and thats all i really need.

I can still browse google if i really need to, but otherwise, do i really need to? those sorts of things are not important and can wait till I get home.

my flipphone fulfils my needs nicely, and even then, i actually don't really need it as much these days, since the friends I communicated with most often, moved out of state and we keep up on Steam/Discord over videogames instead. Most days, i go to work and leave my cell at home. i just dont need it.

"buh-buh muh emergency..."

how many times have you actually needed to make an emergency phone call?

Hard Mode: how many times have you potentially needed to where a phone wasn't available nearby?

not the guy you're replying to but it's well known that android market share is far better in poorer countries because of the prevalence of cheap android phones (where there's not really a cheap ios phone) which is why eastern europe can skew the results for europe as a whole

of the western european countries that do prefer ios they only prefer it by a few % at most, I think in the UK it's about 55% for instance, ios devices are always a safe bet for a high end flagship mobile but android is hit and miss and you really have to be more knowledgeable than normies if you do want a high end flagship android phone that isn't just samsung; basically I don't think it's unfair to say ios is dominating in western countries given that £20 android phones can skew the results so massively

The most fpbp of all time

>I don't think it's unfair to say ios is dominating in western countries
>I don't think it's unfair to say a smaller number is larger than a larger number
This is the sort of mental gymnastics that appletards go through.