Your gf wants to learn programming and asks you about the cutest programming langauge, what do you say?
Cutest programming language?
javascript because the community is awsome and trans accepting.
Python because, memes aside, all the cute girls that are interested in programming never go deeper than that.
Actually girls love shiny things that's why the love ruby
I love java.
I love how JS-tan and AS-tan actually look like they're a pair of exhausted siblings.
Ruby is definitely the top qt3.14
Wish she wouldn't have her fucking meal in the picture. Why do women do this?
No Matlab? Shame, it's pretty useful
Python because it's easy as shit
Because matlab is a hairy dood
It's the engineer's spirit animal kek
I load up Scratch.
Product placement
Ruby is qt kawaii
C is objectively the best.
Because everything women do is signalling of some sort.
PHP because it runs on anything
Every single girls on my class did not understand Matlab a single bit
Amazing, really
Ruby is literally the only language you need
Web development? Check
Scripting for sysadmins (read: NEETS)? Check
Desktop development? Check
Mobile development? See Ruboto, RubyMotion
and you're signalling that you're a complete dumbass
is that your view? looks comfy desu senpai
No, sadly. Just a comfy pic.
Maybe someday.
>desu senpai
go back to twitter and take your abbreviations with you.
>he doesn't ironically just type the words that the filter replaces nig-nog language with
go white knight on reddit please
They get paid sponsorship for product placement.
Assembly x86
I want to fuck C++ while C lets me suck her tiddies, knowing that she is deprecated and used goods.
"more women in stem pls"
I want C++ to tie me up and sit on my face, and then Ruby to force me to worship her feet. And then C++'s feet.
> C
> objectively
'(common lisp)
Swift and Kotlin.
Both are surprisingly fun.
Where is MATLAB!!
Python or Ruby would probably win for the cutest languages
C, C++, and Ruby win for my choice of anime waifus, though
Shm nigga senpai
Did you really just objectify those poor women?
being a VS model, being able to eat
>pick one
sending positive message to girls "i eat lots", "im healthy"
>birth date: unknown
Just off yourself.
>tfw use Javascript and PHP at work
>tfw want the ActionScript qt gf though
Fucking kek
How can a programming language be 'cute'?
Fucking weebs i swear...
Weird, I'm not seeing Assembly
Nope, 68k Assembly is the besties
> tfw no clumsy PHP qt
She wants everybody to know that she eats healthy.
>ywn have a girl give you a clumsy hj while she tries to write a script with the other hand
ahhh the java duke, I've got a box full of duke plushie's somewhere.
What would that language from SICP look like?
was that racket or lisp?
what a bunch of qts
Are you fucking kidding me? The language that is used in SICP is scheme, specifically the MIT Scheme implememtation. Racket is a scheme, but is not MIT Scheme. Scheme is a family of languages.
How are people this ignorent to keep making the same fucking mistake. Lisp is a family of languages, whose members include Scheme, Common Lisp, Clojure, and probably even more. Scheme is another family of languages, whose members include Chicken Scheme, Racket, MIT Scheme, Guile, and many others.
Do you see how fucking stupid your question is now? You might as well have asked "Which on is it, an apple or a fruit?"
A tree or a plant? A car or a vehicle? A rock song or music? A barn or a building? A femer or a bone?
Fuck this thread, I'm going to kill myself.
pfft ahahaha
Scheme and Clojure aren't actually dialects of Lisp but at least you tried.
Women require nutrients from food in order to live.
But I can't post the language-tan for it because Sup Forums is no longer Sup Forumsuro.
>implying the first is true and the second is a good thing
This is the comfiest god damn picture I've ever seen
>reddit open
Is it even possible to be comfy with that much autism?
life goal
>people can look into your apt
>the noise from the street is amplified by all the surrounding houses and funneled straight at you
>cleaning that place must be hell
haha that elephant is so cute. squishy little baby
She is Scheme (R7RS).
I want to fuck Perl
you're a beta male
You could say that to any random poster on Sup Forums and be right 99% of the time...
Is C++-san Java-chan's okaasan?
Is that an insult?
I mean there's the semblance of some kind of joke here but it kind of falls flat on its face
This is some truly patrician shit, right here.
Scheme, hands down. Ruby would be nice to teach her too though
common lisp
the parenthesis make it cute
very curvy
also the ' (quoes)
Speaking of that, why no Objective-C?
Also Ada a cute.
Scheme absolutely is a Lisp.
I tell her to get back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
what did she do to hurt u user :(
Code it faggot.
>fat clumsy PHP
so accurate
Go play in the park.
Probably a good gf.
Watch it, she's going to pick your pocket.
She'll break your shit.
She won't put out.
Looks high as fuck.
This is the girl you marry.
>visual basic
Awww...I just want to hug her and take her to prom.
Unlike C#, I think she'll eventually put out.
Looks like trouble.
Go play with Java at the park.
Too moody.
The pussies
>No Lua-tan
It's shit
C# is tiny!!!
I can't tell if JavaScript is male or female in that image.
Stallman says Lisp is the most powerful language there is.
He's not wrong, too bad it died
i want to have sex with c++!!!!!
>c is a milf
yes. Yes. YES!
oh hey matlab
There needs to be an updated chart with the new languages. Haskell-chan is cute. CUTE.
Activerecord has become more inconsistent recently. It also still lets you try to do things that obviously don't work together and doesn't throw errors when you do.
Last I checked, rails still depends on jquery.
And rails has the slowest APIs around.
If all you need is to make shitty scripts for your shitty server that serves very little traffic for shitty little sites that could probably have been made in wordpress, then yes, ruby is all you need.
math major detected
I don't know about Web, mobile or desktop but Ruby is pretty comfy for Sysadmin tasks. Much more clenaer than Perl and easier to deal with commands than Python.
I want her to step on me so fucking hard, I want her to tie me up and take those boots off and make me smother under those sweaty smelly feet