What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Old thread:
Lisp is the most powerful programming language.
nth for C, still the very best language
frig off homos
lisp squad report in!
Is that the guy who invented Minecraft?
A neural network to distinguish loli images from the junk that Sup Forums spams
I've finally got a nice pdf version of the Idris book, if anyone's interested: rgho.st
Is Idris comfy?
Can't say yet, it looks like Haskell but more autistic.
C was a ______
Why would I use Idris over Haskell?
Dependent types.
nth for how is your day going /dpt/
functional programming is a meme
Have an anime picture as a sign of my gratitude
great in 1972 but is dated.
language replaced by rust.
I feel comfy after switch back to a light color scheme.
there are more real life jobs in Idris.
he, he, he.
big mistake
Idris is basically a virgin waifu form of Haskell
Function overloading is not supported
a short-sighted and unwise decision whose devastating effects we very well may never fully recover from
you'd do a better job, making NN that recognizes IR porn on Sup Forums
is still a ________
god's mistake
I prefer MILFs so I'll stay with Haskell.
Make an NN that recognizes qt black women on Sup Forums and pings me.
That would be fun.
Reminder to start your day with a couple of algorithm exercises and a glass of water.
Africa was a ____
Why is it when people bring up features missing from C, they bring up the most retarded and useless ones?
Namespaces and function overloading are particularly popular ones for some reason. You fucking idiots should learn what an ABI and a symbol is, and then shut the hell up. I'm quite a fan of C, and I'll admit that there are things missing and has its share of legacy warts, but fucking bring up actually worth giving a shit about.
Even then, C actually DOES support function overloading through _Generic, but you have to rename the symbol something else.
Mentally ill MILFs you mean.
Of course user.
>bring up actually
bring up something actually*
>defending C in 2017
I'm so sorry you had to see this /dpt/
Typical code monkey.
>tfw Jai gets released and we get a C and C++ replacement with the introspective power of LISP with a focus on speed
If you're not quoting anyone, please stop typing in a retarded fashion.
>a C and C++ replacement
Its a side-step at the most.
The syntax is ass and its gonna need a complete overhaul from all the shit i saw on his streams.
>Who are you quoting?
>>Who are you double quoting?
Win32 programming is slowly destroying my soul.
It would be extremely autistic.
Come on a POSIX os user.
I made the mistake of making a GUI application.
I've tried raw X before, it was even more painful.
So why don't you just use Qt?
You can use VS + C# on the NT os. It's the best and it will work on GNU/Linux with mono.
POSIX isnt much better 2bh.
Replace the verbosity and insane design choices for pure tedium
>Its a side-step at the most.
Nah, the metaprogramming abilities are great and there is a real clamor among graphic and game devs for something better than dealing painfully with custom metaprogramming tools for C or dealing with C++ """features""".
Doesn't hurt that he understands the importance of a strong core library either with all his hatred of STB/STL/Boost.
>The syntax is ass
He says the syntax is only temporary and will get a complete overhaul before release pretty much every time it's brought up.
It ain't Lisp, so it's shit.
>I don't like when quotes are misused
quoting you btw
Well, the initial version of the application did use Qt. It also bundeled a Ruby interpreter and linked Qt statically.
great continent when it was colonized.
Lisp Hispters would say Lisp was shit as well if it became a popular language.
>Not planned
>Jai will not have:
> Smart pointers
> Templates or template metaprogramming
> Constructors and destructors
> Subtype polymorphism
> Exceptions
> References
> A virtual machine (at least, not usually—see below)
> A preprocessor (at least, not one resembling C’s—see below)
> Header files
I remain sceptical of the language, but I will admit that Jonathan Blow has his head in the right place.
implying Jai will ever be popular
>unironically giving (you)s to this WAYQ with an autistic twist gimmick
/dpt/ stop.
It's like baiting Sup Forums with their bad taste in music.
>What are you quogramming?
>GNU/Linux with mono
Please don't. It's like injecting yourself with cancer.
>> A preprocessor
ancient poo.
>header files
>a feature, not a blight
Read the first line, idiot.
Like to where you're quoting this from?
The first result on google for "Jai programming language".
Now can you please kill yourself.
For : All the quotation abusers
Whom thee quoteth?
>Who are you quoting?
Can you specifically reference the statements in question, for clarity?
I see, thanks for the link!
By the way, do you know who the other posters were quoting?
>Smart pointers
Well yeah, it won't have the bugs-relabeled-features that make them a necessity in the first place.
>Templates or template metaprogramming
Case in point.
Hell he even showed recently that his easy-to-use metaprogramming functionality gives you more than RAII ever did.
He shows off a couple of bits here: youtube.com
>Constructors and destructors
If you want to bundle allocation and assignment like a Sepples Pajeet you can do so manually.
Great. Exceptions are not something you want in performance critical software.
>Header files
Pretty sure he doesn't use header files in the C sense.
>I remain sceptical of the language, but I will admit that Jonathan Blow has his head in the right place.
That's a fine position to take. I'm no language evangelist myself, just hyped that he seems to value the things I value and may make fun programming viable again.
>>Who are you quoting?
>Whose quotes are you quoting?
What data structure is a quoting
proceed to
These are the statements I'm referring to:
Express your day so far, or life, or current feelings, as a type signature
Undeniably a set.
>>>Please tell me, whom'st are you quoting?
'(who are you quoting)
I actually think that all of those features missing from Jai are a good thing. I realise that my post didn't make that clear.
Blow actually seems to understand C, and seems to realise that simplicity is best.
>features missing
>good thing
Any good websites/youtube channels to start studying a programming language? Python preferred but any would be fine. I already know C.
Ah right. Yeah I can see now re-reading your post that you meant the opposite.
Most of those "features" are either bad ideas, badly implemented ideas or exist only to solve issues that exist only due to earlier bad ideas.
It's like complaining that Smalltalk, OCaml or somesuch is bad because it doesn't have C++'s retarded OO ideas.
Yes. Features missing _is_ a good thing. C prides themselves on lack of features and it's part of the reason it's so popular. Blow seems to understand that.
Just piling more unnecessary crap into a language isn't going to make it better.
Neo-luddism at its finest.
>writing small program to pick random songs form my music folder
>some songs have same name (Untitled for example)
>want to rename song to Untitled 1, Untitled 2 in that case
Does anyone have any idea how to cleanly solve this? I've been trying for like 30 minutes, but my not programmer brain can't handle it. Here's my general approach:
max_size = 1000
all_songs = get_songs_from_folder()
current_size = 0
while current_size < max_size:
random_song = get_random(all_songs)
current_size = current_size + size_of(random_song)
# overwriting can happen here
copy(random_song, new_songs_directory)
My not so pretty solution involved checking if there is already a song with the same name in the directory, and if it is, name it "Untitled 2" with a global counter. Eventually I'd end up with
>Untitled 1
>Sample 2
>Test 3
>Test 4
Because my counter is global. Any advice?
I'll take a bucket of 12 herbs and spices, and two large fries.
If you guys aren't going to help, can you direct me to somewhere that can just explain to me who exactly you are quoting?
>What are you talking about, user?
>Fucking luddites who don't want pectoral fins-adapted bike seats, all bikes should be made so fish can use them.