i have to move terabyte of pirated books which may contain shit like bomb making, pirated content and underage cartoon girls over us border.
what's the best way to do this?
i have to move terabyte of pirated books which may contain shit like bomb making, pirated content and underage cartoon girls over us border.
what's the best way to do this?
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use KYS
Reported to the fbi
microSD card, put it in ur phone. Nobody will care.
>buy seedbox
>upload to seedbox
>download from seedbox when in / out of us
really nigger was it that hard to think up?
inb4 you start gabbing off about the seedbox will be tied to you, use prepaid visas. a lot of them accept it now.
also anarchists cookbook is on every tracker ever. yuou can redownload the shit when you get to wherever youre going easily.
nah, it seems i can't even bring music. will do the transfer through torrent.
Make a new folder, call it work stuff and just put it all in there. Nobody will ever suspect...
LOL? How is that even possible? It this the land of freedom? Dafuq.
well supposedly carrying pirated music you're not just in possession of it, you're transferring it over border.
and i'll be seeking asylum so really can't take any chances.
is this real? Why are they want to check your data on border when international data transfers are not controlled?
Translation: I'm about to get caught for downloading you know what and now I'm fleeing the country
>Carrying Pirated
I get it user. Still I think I'd go with the phone route. But whatever.
yea right, and then they'll make a case of it in court, that i work as a saboteur or some shit.
i would guess that border control have to keep appearances to get their paycheck. like, you know, nsa, or the national guard, or nuclear triad, or any other useless institution.
nah, i'm fleeing to usa but i have a lot of useless shit that i meticulously downloaded and organised over the years, and am not ok with throwing out.
>the phone route
nigger, there's 400 gb of books alone. if i try to upload all that into a phone it'll fucking explode.
Get 2x 256Gb iphones. Easy. Dönt be a poorfag.
Get 2tb hdd
Create 8 partitions, make raid6
Memorize partition table
Put your data on it
Wipe partition table
Create single NTFS partition
actually something similar would work. make an encrypted partition, copy the header to a server, then download the header to decrypt everything later
Which shithole do you live in
I'm not an expert but unformatted/encrypted hdd seems a little more suspicious than an empty ntfs partition. Even better if there are some trash files there.
>i'm fleeing to usa
Why would any sane person do that?
i have absolutely no idea how to go about that, have you considered getting the plates out if the HDD, putting them in an antistatic bag and passing it off as something else? just throwing shit around here, probably a shit idea
get microSD and hide it in your foreskin
>upload to cloud
>format disk
>cross border
>download from cloud
Sup Forums has gotten too stupid to even give fun troll answers to such a stupid question. Sad!
Upload on ftp and let the whole world mirror it.
>upload a terabyte
kek, that'd take me about 180 days
(not op)
Encrypt each book into one long piece of encrypted text, and then print them out.
Then scan them in and OCR it to decrypt.
because russia. you people don't even know how bad it is here. it's legit worse than africa- at least in africa you're born with a big dick. probably only north korea's worse than here.
what cloud permits you to have niggabytes of information?
the worst part is i'm not even trolling. i have to flee to america and all i have to my name are some anime pictures.
unreliable and low density
Or whatever text recognition algorithm
Get a 100Mbit up (probably 1Gbit marketed if residential) connection and it doesn't take long at all.
not possible where i live
Encrypt it, put it on a hard drive and send it in the post. So long as the packaging is decent it'll survive no problem.
I guess you carry a HDD then. Or make a stop in a place that has fast internet first.
tarsnap if you can use an autistic os?
hey, here again, what if you brought your hard drive with a different set of platters and mailed the actual platters to your new home in america? it'd take real careful packing
'Murricans were retarded enough to let politicians approve a law that strips people in the border from their constitutional rights and give the border patrol basically the power to detain, search and deport people using whatever bullshit excuse they want; because the politicians starred screaming "TERRORISM" and "DRUGS". This is how they make cavity searches when they "suspect" the person is carrying drugs.
I swear one of those politicians could easily go to a town and ask to own all the lands in it to "stop TERRORISM" and people would not only give them to him, they would also suck his dick for saving them.
Last year, for instance, they detained a woman for over 12 hours, performed various cavity searches and then forced her to go through a colonoscopy (that she had to pay) because they were totally sure she was smuggling drugs. She wasn't. The guys that did all that didn't lose their jobs or anything because "they were doing their job".
In sort, don't go to the US if you value your personal freedom. Retards are turning the country into a fascist police state and they don't even notice it.
>what cloud permits you to have niggabytes of information?
There was some chink cloud that gave you 10 TB if you download their android app or something.
i'm in australia, "fast internet" is something you can only find in a business environment within limited areas, especially upload, nothing here is syncronous, upload is always several times slower than download
Just send the hard drive intact. If you buy a new one and send it in the packaging it came it it'll look new.
Get enough 200 GB microSDHC chips (looks like 5 or 6 will cover you). Format as encrypted NTFS volumes. Compress all your shit into ~44GB encrypted archives (after formatting, 200 GB SDHC chips will accommodate 4 of these each and be just shy of exactly 100% full).
Now, you can hide 6 of these chips up your ass pretty easily, and they will avoid nearly all detection means. Unless, you know, you give border security reason to conduct an actual anal probe on you.
However, you don't have to get quite that drastic about it. You seem like a smart fellow. Hiding 6 micro SDHC chips should be fairly trivial. Assuming you can trust your checked luggage to arrive, that's probably your safest bet. Security would have to take it apart down to ripping the seems out to find those chips.
Of course, if you can only get 128 GB chips, you'll need 8 or 9 of those and alter the compressed/encrypted volumes accordingly (128 GB formats to ~111 GB usable space under NTFS, so each volume could be 55 GB and fit two per chip, etc.).
If you want to really get crazy, format the chips in some more exotic filesystem like ext3 or ext4. You can bundle your files in .ter then the .ter into .gz then the .gz into .rar, encrypting at each stage. Turn each chip into a trucrypt volume and dump your .rar archives into those.
Worst case, someone will find them and try to open them, and it would take an extremely suspicious & technically aware individual to realize there's anything on them instead of thinking they just need to be formatted. You might lose those copies, but your originals will still be safe back home and you won't be getting cornholed in a Colombian prison for 20 years.
that's honestly a way better idea. be sure to bring the dummy drive along in place of the old one with some assorted personal files scattered about
it is what the founding fathers would have wanted, after all this is all OK with the supreme court.
>terabyte of pirated books
So... what went so wrong? Text files in a zip archive are not that big, is every book a pdf or djvu scan?
yep, i'll share my great library and also upload it to 3 chink cloud services.
I have to ask the question...
Do you need all of that?
Do you please upload your 2hu folder while moving the data.
Not the loli shit tho
upload to dropbox. share link here.
>create a big archive
>memorize the bit sequence
>cross border
>type in bits
hope the thought police does not monitor all your brain activity
>Send to a friend your encrypted archive (by mail/ postal package).
>Have him upload the entire thing to a privare seedbox.
A fucking terabyte? Are they all in ultra high quality PDF?
Epub ffs. Can't do much about your loli manga but that shit all exists online.
I have to cross some pretty anal borders once a year. Essentials are uploaded to a server in an encrypted volume and the laptop is encrypted and then nuked. Which is slightly less time consuming than doing some fucking 7 pass wipe.
Nobody ever lifts an eyebrow but better to be safe than sorry.
>Send to a friend
Do you have anybody you can trust with this?
Even outside Putinland, like Europe?
Like everyone else said
Encrypted File container
add Files
Upload Container to secure server (seed box will work)
Download Via SFTP.
It's not like your trying to move drugs across the border
I love Satorin!
Move it all to an sd card and ship it to your new address with an amazon labeled box. Nobody will care enough to open it.
Honestly, you won't need "bomb making, pirated content and underage cartoon girls" while stepping into your new life. Just abondon anime, give up on making bombs and stop fapping to cp. You might redownload your pirated content if you crave for them but thats literally it. Just crush your HDD a hammer and leave your past life behind. Its not worth the risk if you seek asylum.
>give up on making bombs and stop fapping to cp.
that sounds boring as fuck