Are you going to apply to work on building Linus's YT replacement, FloatPlane?

Are you going to apply to work on building Linus's YT replacement, FloatPlane?

>web sockets listed as skill

Not after Linus said that he'll keep doing these shitty clickbait thumbnails because it gets new people to watch his shit and makes a shitload of money while not giving a fuck about the original audience.

I don't support projects that have no future


What are these fuckbois up to now?

Your mother should have had the same attitude during her pregnancy.

delet this

Once they migrate to The FloatPlane, they won't have to rely on such tactics. That's the problem with Youtube: it favors and rewards what's you've described. FloatPlane won't have this problem.
Unhappy with the state of YT, especially in regards to professional content creators, they're decided to develop the definitive replacement for it.

Its gonna crash and burn because
>playing 3 dollars to watch some faggot open boxes on the internet

im sure some retards are gonna join but geez

lel faggot wants to serve ads through them cause his normie teen audience doesn't know how to block them

I thought they already put their content on some other platform a week or so early before YT? I believe it required a paid subscription. Who the fuck would actually want to watch Linus content badly enough they'd pay for it I don't know but still.


I rather hang myself.

it got shut down lel

It didn't work with Vessel and that had Amazon and a lot of big YT channels behind it. Why do they think it's gonna work now?

Already have

> NodeJS
> web sockets

fuck this shit. Why are these separate anyway?
flavorofthemonthJS is a pool of hobojizz whatever "le ebin webdevz" call their latest circlejerk "runtime environment"

oh wow.

Surely the biggest hurdle to a video hosting website is sheer storage capacity? Google spend literal billions on that?


Making sure everyone, including poojits with 100kbps internet, can play the video reliably.

No because I like


>Linus makes video after video showing he has no fucking idea what he's doing when it comes to actual enterprise hardware
>wants to create a serious video hosting platform
fucking what

because they were part of vessel and saw all the reasons it failed. they actually have some alright ideas about how to improve the model.

Nope, it's bandwidth. Storage is cheap compared to that.

he really has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to anything really. he is good at helping people make decisions about what parts to maybe buy for their home PC build. but thats it. doesn't make him a computer scientist, computer engineer, electrical engineer, or programmer.


he did manage to start a company that is able to put up 2 videos a day with high production value.

High production value is questionable but I'll concede the larger point

i mean i am not hating on the guy. it just really grinds my gears when people think that tech reviewers do/should have some deep understanding. there job is to essentially help people decide what lego kit to buy. Even if they are somewhat knowledgeable its better to actually seek some guidance from an appropriate source.

its even MORE impressive comparing his channel size, to the number of the employees he has, compared to other channels of a similar size