>Hating Jews is still this popular


Other urls found in this thread:


Humans are racist by nature and that study (if its even real) most likely counts people like me who think Israel's actions are wrong, and by proxy it's supporters'

>5% of the Netherlands is antisemitic according to this picture
>5% of the Netherlands is muslim according to statistics

Colour me surprised. We don't really care about Jews here. I just have a mild dislike of them.

Your statistics showcase a correlation between living in a 3rd world country and hating on Jews.

I grew up with Jews. My sentiments are quite the opposite. These are people that everyone should strive to be like.

I like Jews

Good humor

Result for Poland is manipulated because Jewry wants money from Poland, hence we are presented as "antisemites". We have also a lot of unclosed chapter of common history with Jewry, they know about it, that's why try to calm down their guilt with attacking us.

This map was created by ADL whose leader is Abe Foxman who was saved from nazis by Polish catholic family

Foxman's parents left him with his Polish Catholic nanny Bronislawa Kurpi in 1940 when they were ordered by Germans to enter a ghetto. Foxman was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church as Henryk Stanislaw Kurpi, and raised as a Catholic in Vilnius between 1940 and 1944 when (after several legal custody battles[citation needed]) he was returned to his parents.[7]

Moreover, Poles were and still are the best goyim in the world:

The Armia Krajowa (Polish resistance) alerted the world to the Holocaust, notably with the reports of Witold Pilecki and Jan Karski. The Polish government-in-exile and the Polish Secret State asked for American and British help to stop the Holocaust, to no avail.

Some estimates put the number of Poles involved in rescue at up to 3 million, and credit Poles with saving up to around 450,000 Jews from certain death.[2] The rescue efforts were aided by one of the largest anti-Nazi resistance movements in Europe, the Polish Underground State and its military arm, the Armia Krajowa. Supported by the Polish government-in-exile, these organizations operated special units dedicated to helping Jews

Polish citizens were hampered by the most extreme conditions in all of German-occupied Europe. Occupied Poland was the only territory where the Germans decreed that any kind of help for Jews was punishable by death for the helper and their entire family. Of the estimated 3 million non-Jewish Poles killed in World War II, up to 50,000 were executed by Nazi Germany solely as penalty for saving Jews.[2]


> Laos, India
> not third world

east asians have never really met any jews so it's more of them having no opinion, rather than liking us

same goes for east asians and many other western countries.
them fully asians don't seem to care or know anything about this part of the world.


>east asians have never really met any jews so it's more of them having no opinion, rather than liking us

We lived with Jewry for 1000 years in the same country, hence we can't really like you because we know you :D But it is not a reason to call us "antisemitic" for gods sake.

>being a good catholic
>not hating the people who killed Jesus

Watch Shoah m8, poles didn't give a fuck about the Jews in WW2, most of them wanted them gone because poor dumb poles were stuck doing manual labor in the fields and became jealous of Jewish success and intelligence.

Oh yeah, that's what Jews surely want people to think :D

I don't believe this graphic.

Poland if it weren't for WWII no one would believe you're actually a European country.

Why do Eastern Europeans hate jews so much? is it because of the poverty?

>Watch Shoah m8


> IMF categorisation

I will not even comment it. Visit Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, and then arrive to Poland, than you will realize who has more money and potential.

I really doubt Poles hate Jews that much, it'sore like a Love-Hate relationship.

the romans?

>slow vakia
>slow venia
>advanced economies

>Poland and Romania aren't there

Have you ever read a bible? romans did what jews asked for, jews liberated a fucking thieve when given oportunity

Well, it is rather obvious that Romania is not there, because you are a poor shithole


But yeah, especially baltic countiries are "advanced" as hell. Average pension in Lithuania is 230 euro, in Poland around 500. And which one of these countries like Czech Republic, Lithuania and so on can afford 120 euro monthly child benefit? None of course. It is a laughter, seriously.

Je(w)sus was a jew himself

Screw what the guilt sucking fags day, Poles were and still our are best Allies.

Yes, that what makes it even worst, they used a foreign government to kill their own kin

Fun Fact: The minimum wage in Israel is higher than both
Poland's and Romania's average wages combined.

Your average wage before tax is more or less 2x higher than ours, so it is not such a big achievement to be honest if we conclude that all your Jews weren't killed by nazis, your country wasn't destroyed in WW2 and you didn't have 45 years of communism that didn't make you poorer than Bulgaria.

Shekel and złoty have the same value


How in the fuck is Norway so neutral, jew is literally a curse word here, everyone calls each other jew for bantz
>pretty strict on giving juden entry throughout history
>no holocaust denial laws

you forgot:
>norway willingly joining hitler in wwii even though he hasn't attacked you yet

I dont know man, on paper we joined the Brits. But then again, Brits. Never trust them.

That's a vlog of Polish girl living in Israel. She is a goy but lives currently in Israel because of company-contract. She decided to spend this time more productively and discover a lot of aspects of Israel.

She meets a lot of Polish Jews there, who are old but still speak perfect fluent Polish


She talks to a woman whose mother was a personal piano-player of dr Mengele


She talks to Israeli celebrities:


She talks to Schindler List survivor's daughter


And she says that salaries in Israel are averagely 2x higher than in Poland but prices for literally everything are 2-3x higher as well, so standard of life in Poland and Israel is very similar



Why is Norway so deceptive?

Poland had antisemitic riots in 1946, m8.

Why do you think Sup Forums loves you so much?

First, what does that have to do with what I said??

Secondly , wife material!

how many Israeli men do you fucked that Polish girl?

oy vey, fly to hell joikaboll

You see how Jewish people are good at spreading propaganda?

Kielce pogrom that happened in 1946 was organized by soviet secret service (UB). Jakub Berman was a leader of this organisation at the time. His brother was Adolf Berman, a zionist activing living in Israel whose task was to organize emigration of Jews who survived Holocaust back to Israel. The problem was that most of our Jews who survived Holocaust didn't want to move to Israel back then. So brothers Berman decided to create pogrom with using soviet secret service soldiers and blame Poles for it. They gained double by doing it: Poland was presented in soviet propaganda in the West as "antisemitic" country that is unable to rule itself, that's why should stay under soviet occupation. Jews in Poland were bombared by soviet propaganda about "Poles killing Holocaust survivors" to scare them enough to move to Israel.

That's one of chapters of history that i talked about. Davids are afraid that we could ever make the truth come out, so they attack Poland to discredit our position. You Westerners are only ignorant victims of this propaganda-fight, so i don't blame you

What is an "anti-Semetic view"? I'm going to guess being critical of Israel counts.

>how many Israeli men do you fucked that Polish girl?

You should better ask how many Israeli boys were fucked by this Polish girl. Our girls love brown guys, unfortunately they don't have a lot of them in the country.


not having a Jewish prime minister

that's why New Zealand is okay

I don't know about this map I never heard ppl openly hate on Israel let alone do so in such numbers.
The last time I heard about you was from a cab driver saying how you were behind all banks and how you helped us rebuild modern Greece.

I read how this "antisemitism measuring" poll was made. They asked questions like: "Do you think that Jews have a strong influence in the USA?". Of course most Poles answered "yes", because it seemed obvious for them. And "yes" answer was considered by ADL as "antisemitic". That's how it looked more or less

>I'm going to guess being critical of Israel counts
I suppose its being critical on Jews living not in Israel, but at your neirbourhood, what is counts.

>rebuild modern greece

when did this happen? greece is still africa-tier

Reminder that hating Israel is not anti-semitism

You should read more about pogrom in Kielce

It could always be worse.
Just look at our neighbors


Good point desu


This. Plenty of U.S. Jews hate Israel

Yeah, sure, let's blame Western antisemitism entirely on muslims :D Fucking hypocrites.

>Why do you think Sup Forums loves you so much?

Sup Forums loves Russians and fanatically hates Poles, because it considers us an enemy of Russia

I think I've found the questions.

*Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/the countries they live in].

* Jews have too much power in international financial markets.

* Jews have too much control over global affairs.

* Jews think they are better than other people.

* Jews have too much control over the global media.

* Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars.

* Jews have too much power in the business world.

* Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind.

* People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave.

* Jews have too much control over the United States government.

* Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.

I would answer:

1 - yes
2 - no
3 - no
4 - yes
5 - no
6 - no
7 - no
8 - yes
9 - yes
10 - yes
11 - yes

It would surely made me antisemite :D


>* Jews have too much control over the United States government.

It is not even a controversial thesis, but a carefully documented conclusion

>people still think some people are more equal than others

mad cuz bad

Yes we hate you.

For spreading lies about us.

Also, Israel is shitting on us on every possible ocassion.

You even demand money for Holocaust, from us...

fun fact: every time you go out in the streets, there is a high percentage that some arab will stab you or that some bomb will explode

The crime rate in Israel, inclusive of terrorist attacks, is lower than the USA's.

Most Japanese people believe Jews are like the most intelligent people in the world... that's pretty much it.

Jews are smart but they are also annoying. If you had a chance to live with them in the same country, you would have more knowledge to judge them.

They do hold a statistically higher representation in congress in regards to percentage of population. Don't know if it is a conspiracy though. Just money.

Feel the Bern

Frank Zappa even wrote a song about them!


Is France so blue because of the refugees or do you guys just hate the jews?

That map isn't accurate at all. There's no way 40% of Bulgaria hates Jews, most of Bulgaria is actually quite proud that we are the only nation in WW2 who saved their Jews.

I call this bullshit.

It is natural for Jews to take over power in countries where they reside. That's why Poland had special political protection mechanisms and laws that ensured two things: privileges and high position for high class of Jews and at the same time law-protected resistance of highest level of political decision-makers from their prominent social role. It worked pretty well in Commonwealth, Jews knew their limits and didn't try to cross them. If you decide to have a lot of Jews in the country, you must implement such protection mechanisms. USA never even tried to do it, that's why Davids are so disproportionately influential in your country.

I don't even care. I just wish circumcision wasn't normalized here. It's body mutilation and it is unethical.

It's probably like the hatred between Japan and Korea, without actually being involved you wouldn't understand that's why it's just a joke on Sup Forums.

When are you guys going to get over that, by the way? It's been 75 years.

>canadian kike spotted

you owe my family big reparations

you owe a lot of families around the world reparations

fucking demonic yid.

>I don't even care.

Maybe it is good. You are winning so far, but your Middle-East-adventures weakened you economically to the critical level. Israeli lobby had a serious role in launching these "adventures". You were overfocused on Middle East and at the same time China developed basis for superiority in Pacific that is incomparably more important for the global trade that you control so far, but nobody knows how long yet.

Go away, imbecile, you are ridiculing my country now.

Because of Soral.

suck my gentile dick you disgusting poolok kike

get the fuck out of MY COUNTRY

Retarded people shouldn't have access to Internet imo

I'll kill you fucking kike

I assume antisemitism has lasted way longer than 75 years... well it's complicated and personally I don't hate Koreans so I'd rather not talk about it.

Mother Mary will cut your hand before you manage to rise it against me :D

I can remember only two oligarchs among tens who are not Jews. Also all liberal media is predominantely Jewish so even if they speak reason (which they sadly do once in a light year) nobody'd listen. Many of them are openly anti-Russian, it's a vicious circle.

Like sid, I can subtract at least 10 % then.

back into the over cocksucker

French jews are moving to the UK because they feel unsafe in France. That'll tell you something,

I am sorry you have to see this. Poland still has a lot of volksdeutsche inside

Nobody likes you nation hijacking terrorist fuckers.

Not the same guy, but you sound like a guilty German. Get the fuck out of my country.

That's just sad. It's really that bad?

>Get the fuck out of my country.

Everybody is doing it to lately, only catholic priests, the retired and imbeciles with 80 IQ don't do it :D

Why are the Pols fighting? Don't you guys have enough problems?

Maybe go grab a few beers and play The Witcher 3 or something.

>Unironically prefering Palestine over Israel

Nobody is fighting, i am only laughing at some peasant paupers from ONR ;)

So do it now. We don't need beta cucks who apologize everyone for everything what Germans did.

Where did i apologize to anybody, you fucking mental cripple? I only feel disgusted when some obvious retard barely speaking any language, posts here photos of killed Polish citizens of Jewish faith and says that it is cool. Go fuck yourself, piece of shit.

It's a good game though. Good job, Poland.