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International #600
Why do British men love Spanish women so much?
What would be the best way to divide Germany?
1) Ur country
I never asked to live in a desert
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /anime/
a nation founded by criminals is better than your country
Sup Forums rap battle
/greece improvement general/
Going to Japan with some friends at the end of the year, is there anything I need to know?
Non Native English Speakers
Today should be the day we free Kosovo
Not a single major classical musician has ever hailed from the nation of Germany
How much alcohol do I need to drink to kill myself? I'm on #6 and I weigh 130 lbs (white male)
I enjoy giving fake names to flags I respond to
If you've ever eaten this in your life you're not white
What is required for me to move here?
Is Greece still a collapsing shithole? I hear barely anything in the news these days...
Does Sup Forums like this man?
Germany currently getting washed away
Women would rather do this than discuss Dawkins with me. Where did it all go so wrong
Lets play a game
30 May 2016
I like Turkey
This is illegal in Europe. Why? What did guns every do to you?
What is the point of Sup Forums?
Ask a drunk, depressed 18 y.o from the canadian province of Manitoba anything
How do i move here?
Somalian girls are the most beautiful black girls. Do they fuck massively in the west? Is it possible to find one there?
Battle of France
Sup Forums games
Why are Turkish women so beautiful?
/ita/ - il filo
Really makes you think
I like South Korea since I listened to Kpop
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I love korea
What do you usually do for your birthday in your country?
I want a non-meme answer from the anons here that are unironically communist/socialist
I don't like Japan so much
How do I move here?
How are girls who look like this treated in your countries?
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France
His country allows restaurants to underpay and rely on customers to give additional money directly to them
Do you love Japan?
So I was walking downtown...
How do we fucking end the Canadian infestation on this board, friends
Is he the handsomest world leader currently?
ITT we thank whatever country we want for whatever we think is good from them
Best and worst users on Sup Forums
Tell me about São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília
If a Finn has a child with a 50% African 50% Finnish mixed woman, the child just comes out looking Finnish
ITT:Sup Forums in 2020
If Brazil is Russia and Argentina is Italy, what about the rest?
Sup Forums in 1901
Islam hate thread
/fr/ - Édition Insomnie
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Dixie thread. How y'all doin?
I fixed Asia
Spain tells UK to "share custody of Gibraltar"
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Venezuela civil war when?
Why isn't Kurdistan a country yet? It's the one of the only places in the Middle East that doesn't regularly chimp out
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wake up
Somali here. How can we keep Asians away from our prestigious women?
I looked up to see if HK apartments were cubicles and it's true...
Asian dog with his white gf
Nature thread
Which one would you rather have?
What's the worst thing that your country has done?
Tell me anything about the Laotians and Hmong and Cambodians and Burmese. Some of the lesser known Southeast Asians
You wake up and all continents are merged into pangaea
Hilo latino
I'm a black male that planning on visiting Iceland and Croatia sometime this summer. How will I fare in these countries...
Would you ever lick a girl's butthole, Sup Forums?
Your age
Sverigetråden - Nattlig 3dupplaga
Ask an Esperantist anything!
Which country's girls have the biggest boobs
I'm mixed french-korean and my cock is about 18cm 18,5cm. Stop talking about small asian dicks, it's just a legend
/ita/ - IL FILO
Which nation's people hate themselves more? The italians or the french?
Be american gorilla
ITT: Sup Forums in 1946
Post your reaction when Austria gives you a (You)
/Nachtschicht/ vormals /deutsch/
I like Brazil
You wake up in Scotland
These people were a mistake
Why are half black girls so cute?
Polish = racists
Do you know what is this?
Fuck you Sup Forums
Mfw it is a matter of time until I'm a minority in my city
Why are you forigners so good at English...
Which country would most likely betray humanity and side with the aliens in an invasion on earth?
/flag/tism - Haitian eye edition
/esp/ Hilo español - tfw no gf/bf
See white weabs
If appending nicknames to leader names (e.g. the Great, the Wise, the Conqueror, etc.) were still common...
Your cunt
A country to surpass Japan
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Roll call time. Are you a boy or a girl?
Hating on florida
So Asians will survive whites as the only race able to produce a somewhat civilized society with the IQ to carry on...
Sverigetråden - Nattlig 2dupplaga
Which countries have the nicest Sup Forums posters? Which have the rudest?
There are multiple cute girls from Argentina on Sup Forums
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
British men crave Spanish women, in Britain having a Spanish gf is a sign of high statis
Fucking Spanish
Can you believe that they included Italy and the US into this game, both doing nearly fuck all...
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
Why does everyone hate our candy?
Hey brazilians. I just want to know the rest of the story about the gang rape
Are you worried about population growth?
Welcome to /brit/
/rus/ + /ukr/ + /bel/ + /kaz/ + /polska/ + /balt/ + /balk/
Faces of Sup Forums thread
/ita/ - il filo
Everyone's saying "if Trump wins, i'll go to Canada!"
You will never be Jewish
/urban/ + /architecture/
Smokers thread go!
Hands of Sup Forums
It is true that Ecuador is Switzerland of South America???
Sverigetråden - Partiledardebattupplagan
Post the building in which your cunt's leader lives. Our president lives in the White House
What's this part of the country like?
Le /Fr/ancofil - EditiHONHONHON
Post your cunt's main government house, and it's name
All forms of bestiality - legal
In America, all our cigarettes come in packs of 20. Never more never less across every brand we have...
/Nederdraad/ Nederlandstalige / Vlaamstalige editie
Do you plan to have children?
Be French
Why does Turkey have so many slav rape babies?
/flag/tism - fast threads edition
1. Your country
Is there any language learning easier than Japanese?
How are trans girls treated in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japs, look at these westerners trash-talking you in the comment section here
1.Your cunt
This is the pinnacle of Latin American humor
Which language would you recommend to learn?
What are the the terms used for other countries in your language ?
Don't Eastern Europeans miss their socialism/free stuff?
Latins or Nords Sup Forums?
What makes southern Italians so much more alpha than their northern counterparts?
I hate all the Canadians on Sup Forums
What is your favourite country in Europe? who ever has most votes wins
Are these stereotypes accurate?
I came on this board expecting people from foreign countries speaking about their culture in their own language
Mohammed (PBUH) said that Constantinople will one day be under Islamic influence, the greatest...
What if spanish civil war got frozen and the country got 2 different west/east states like Germany?
Being a nerd in southern europe
ITT: We translate idioms which don´t exist in English from our native languages into English
Why are Nordic people so arrogant?
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
What's it like living in a rare flag cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do germans speak formal german on the street...
What happens here?
Can you see Ireland from Britain?
Wtf i hate Israel now
Americans in charge of parenting
1. cunt
What do Europeans do on Sundays when all the shops are closed?
Prove you're NOT white
Are east Germany still different from the west ?
Do Brits and Americans also feel that French is relatively easy to decipher French text without even knowing French?
Le /Fr/ancofil - Edition putain lâchez-nous avec la politique
What's Sven a nickname for in Belgium?
/flag/tism - it's happening edition
/asean/- Wagecucks asleep edition
Picrelated threatens to mutilate you if you wont go out with her. Wat do?
Daily reminder that if you are a beta virgin male your parents should travel to a poor country to find a virgin pure...
Indians Being Racist to Africans
/deutsch/ ALJOSCHER ist daschossn worden Ausgabe
So I found my old onion atlas that I wanna share of there's an interest here. I'm gonna post countries you request
How tall are you?
Just do it
Sup Forums gommunist thread
Japan is the best country
Do you like American girls? You can have them if you want
Multiculturalism and race mixing is inevitable and the future
Sverigetråden - Sötpajsupplagan
How similar is Portugese and Spanish?
Which girl should we, Sup Forumsolerants, choose to idolize and worship?
I'm bored. Ask a Turkish ex-muslim living in Germany anything
Wasted potential: The continent
Average European town
Ur country
/global greek general/ /ggg/
Germany and France are the worst enemy
Tfw you will never live in east London
/isr/ celebrate genetic diversity within Jews edition
/cum/ - Fedoraposting edition
Do u know Fukushima? Plz tell me its name recognition
French-Italian unification thread
Why don't American school students wear school uniforms?
Stop mixing us up with the Eastern scum
After fooling around with new kgf:
Describe this in two words
/fr/ - Édition du sursaut citoyen
Why are Polish people so backwards?
What do Japan and Great Britain have in common?
Your cunt
France is the most successful and powerful latin country
Is it true in Europe it's not gay if two naked men sleep together in the same bed?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Resurrection WHEN?
Thailand population: 70 million
They think calling us Zionists is insulting
Which Language sounds better to you?
/deutsch/ - kein Fußbreit den Nazis-Ausgabe
Why do Northern European, American, Australian and even SLAVIC women all want the Mediterranean D?
Poland is basically Catholic Russia
/esp - hilo español/ - Aceptar ser gay
Why did we get chinky eyes?
/flag/tism - v2 edition
Hello UK, I don't mean to banter, but WHY?
/Slav/ic languages
What other boards does Sup Forums go on?
Pedestrians are looking japanese performance art
Japan has no resources and no places but they making money, Why?
Do you smoke, Sup Forums?
Do you love Finland?
How can the rest of the world even compete?
Is world of warcraft popular in your country?
Finally get a gf
Is this accurate?
Le italians are white
I'm half polish half turkish
Is your family pro-refugees?
Language game -- Guess the languages
Lightly banter France
Europeans can't own guns
Why does Germany want to reinforce its dependence on Russian oil and undermine position of its eastern European allies...
/ita/ - IL FILO
What do you think of speciality of your language?
Is this place hell on earth?
That one edgy kid who refused to say the pledge
Can a Greek help me out?
Be American
OShit what do I do?
Who do you think will be attacked next?
Do you like Australia? :3
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France
European Federation when?
Why are second worlders the biggest xenophobes?
Why are Americans so fat?
I love korea do you still love south korea?
Do Chinese girls have stinky toes?
1st generation immigrant cuban here. ask me anything
Who woukd have won 1 vs 1
How come Brazilian game characters are always from favelas?
Sup Forums why won't you admit that Anglo girls are cute?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
How do you into Finnish?
Be me
You are now blinking manually
Poland, you literally made the best RPG since Gothic 2
You guys are my only friends
Why do all russians get married? There isn't a single unmarried man in the whole ex-ussr territories
Korea, Japan, Taiwan
Why do Americans clap when a movie is finished?
Indians are the most pooerful race in the world
ITT we guess each others' ethnicities
Hey Ameriquacks
/muslim/ /ummah/
Sverigetråden - Nattlig 2dupplaga
Sup Forumsernational Foods
Wake up
Hilo daringuero
We all have parts of our country we're ashamed of, but Yanks, which is the worst state and why?
Kazakhstan thread #2
Is this true that americans girls say in bed "oh god, oh my god, fuck yeah" ?
Your country
/deutsch/ :DDDD
Is it just me or is China getting memed on way more than before...
Opinion on christian arabs?
Your country
/carib/ :Hurricane season is almost here edition
Going to Walmart, need anything Sup Forums?
Question for the Russkies on Sup Forums
Go to Indian restaurant
Post "American education" stories
What happens here?
How did this happen?
Which country creates the shittiest media/entertainment?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What gets put on bread in your country?
We can all agree, as a planet, that this is the best Candy Bar in the world
What do Arabs think of us niggers?
Why exactly are there Russian neonazis and skinheads?
Would Sup Forums date an average, plain Jane American girl?
ITT: Say something nice about the flag above you
Good Europe - Shit Europe
Your position on rape
What are the penalties for drunk driving in your country?
I don't think you goyim understand just how imbecilic and backwardly primitive the tradition of kosher food is...
This is 10/10 in croatia
Do you love France?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/guay/ Hilo guay
Post your cunt's embassy in the country of the poster above
Huh hu
America should annex Mexico
What would Sup Forums look like during World War 3?
/ita/ - il filo
Heritage thread
Duolingo Thread
I fixed the western hemisphere
Nuevo temaa
Which country is the most /fa/?
Which side are you on boys?
Mzungu in Uganda checking in, any real africans here?
Why are Turkish women so beautiful?
This is Rockall
Is rest of the world even trying?
I have filtered all the arab/muslim countries flags...
/Nachtschicht/ früher mal /deutsch/
Tfw USA is more powerful than France
Imagine a world without islam
/esp/ Hilo español
Question to the Chinese posters. Have you experienced any racism from black people ever since this video went viral?
Tfw the purest Anglo-Saxon blood flows through my veins
I really fucking hate Mexiposters
Tfw women across the world desire and fantasise over British men
Hipster language thread
Japan best be watching themselves
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What were the best things about the Soviet Union?
There's a huge chance you have already talked to your future wife on Sup Forums without knowing it
I ate Iberian ham from Spain, I cried so it was good
Guys... im worried the UK may leave the EU
Non-Americans, what are your views on the Dixie flag and what are your countrymen's typical views?
/BEST/ (Brazil, England, Switzerland and The USA)
Is it true Brazilian girls won't judge me for my looks (weird babyface, balding, weak jawline) but only for my wallet?
Why is Sup Forums so intolerant?
1. youre cunt
Welcome to /brit/
Iranians get buttmad if you call them arabs
What is this called in your language?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Slav thread
Post candy from your country
Who allowed this to happen?
All you need is love, love
/fr/ - Le francofil
ITT: you can only post in this topic if you have a city on this list
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Is she the most attractive politician on Earth?
15 female
Do people talk about political issues in your country...
India is LITERALLY the best country in the WORLD
The new song of PNL, the french rappers who revolutionized the rap music in the world , is out
What happens here?
Why do men have to drink alcohol that tastes like shit while women are allowed to drink things that actually taste good...
There's a large chance Sudanon actually got arrested for homosexuality (based on false accusations by cuntdemons) and...
You may only post ITT if you're NOT white
Europeans kiss other men on the cheek as a greeting
I know there's a lot of memes concerning nazis and gassing but these guys are seriously badass
Hilo anti franceses hilo anti chetos
Are there people who actually travel to a country just to fornicate with that country's women?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Why does everyone hate us so much
In which country i can force sex upon woman without consequences?
You are forced to live the rest of your life in one of these
Born with an actual disability
Tfw no Faroese gf
Brazil is BIG
What do you call these things?
It's Saturday
What's the official stereotype food of each country?
This is my opinion on various European nations
Putin says Romania, Poland may now be in Russia's cross-hairs
/An Ġaeilge/
Vocarooby Dooby Doo Thread
/global greek general/ /ggg/
Who are the best and worst women in Europe?
Whats the fucking point of anything, Sup Forums....???
This country is supposed to be poor
British documentary
Is it socially acceptable to support trump in america?
Any countries where homosexuality isn't considered degeneracy?
Were the people you met from European countries white ?
Sverigetråden - Stilla sommarkvällsupplagan
Why do you love Russia?
Brits will defend this
American girls are hot
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Why is everyone on Sup Forums so angry all the time?
Why is Italy so corrupt...
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
How's French girls like?
These are Swedens biggest neonazigroupd now. And they are considered as a joke. They are 300 neonazis...
Tell me the main difference between Finns and Estonians
/österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Dream country
/v4/ fuck the politics edition
Show me a better musical instrument than the taragot
I fucking hate kanji
Tfw no north korean pizza shop gf
Multiculturalism is bad
Which country hates Israel the most currently?
Russian science
What is happening in France?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you own a firearm?
WTF Canada?
Reminder that this country is even more evil than Russia...
Tfw the "meme" about americans being LITERALLY retarded is actually true
Nationalism if for idiots, ultra nationalists are almost always detrimental to their countries
English Help Thread
/keltisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
10.000$ for licking the hand of a Greek
Itt pathetic shit your countryman do
Without googling, name a famous canadian who isn't drake, avril lavigne or trudeau
Arabs claiming Persian scientists and Islamic golden age as their own
So since Portuguese and Spaniards are heavily infected with Arab blood...
Why is Switzerland so racist?
Does Sup Forums appear like a grammatical mess to anglos...
Sverigetråden - tåhåupplagan
What do people in your cuntry think about Hillary Clinton?
Why don't Americans just export American girls to deal with their trade deficit?
Which country has the hottest women?
What's the best way to make friends with white people in your country?
Best city you've ever visited?
/cum/ - Comfy edition
How is Anime viewed in your country?
/balk/ - Saturday Is Worst Day Edition
Your region/province/land/town/street/house
It doesnt matter if Trump/Hillary wins. Both will support Kosovo independence. Trump maybe harder
Sup Forums is Sup Forums's retarded little brother who suffers from a mild form of cancer
Have you had sex with anyone who is famous?
Here goes the Kazakhstan thread
Hello Sup Forums
/esp/-Hilo español
Germany YES!!
Is it easy for foreigners to live in Hungary?
Why do United Statesians hate the police so much?
/fr/ - Fil francophone et francophile
Only uncommon flags and up can post ITT
Palestinian Ta’alin Abu Hanna celebrates winning the Miss Trans Israel pageant
"Met some Nepalese people in Shibuya."
Ive seen some footage holy shiiiiiiiiiieeeeeet
In this thread talking by-english, trying use grammar and established expressions own native language...
Why do Asians hate their own race?
Should You Shave Your Pubes?
New Zealand thread
Which country is more white?
Are You Happy?
日本語が公用語になったら世界は平和になる パート2
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...