jannys gonna get ya edition
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I look forward to you posting the next thread early, using the same pic but reversed, like every other day
The collapse of the Soviet Union was a mistake lads....
Did a poo
need a bimbo gf
bimbos are shit
I think you are cute :3
yanki puto
Drew a thing lads what do you think???
Woo I'd give her the other 63/64ths of Irish if you know what I mean.
this desu
when are you going to add "HATE IT" to the kevboard?
What a bunch of racists
so tired...
>you came to the wrong country pajeet
great post peruviANUS
Nice dubs dude.
hey, tell that canacuck to fuck off
>People spend over 10 dollars for an autism indicator
prefer the scottish flag
If you were thinking of having a fry up, please think about your carbon footprint.
>prefer the scottish flag
why are british girls so sexy?????
well you know they're like cigarettes
only misguided fools waste their money on them and the people that manufacture and sell them don't care that what they're profiting from is wrong and horrible
prefer the New Zealand flag
Mum went out clubbing last night. Got in about an hour ago. I can hear her stumbling about downstairs. Still, at least she didn't bring a guy back with her.
Think I'll wait until she goes to bed before I leave my room.
Prefer the Welsh Flag
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads lads
Wish she'd just start acting her age desu.
currently wearing a rubber frog mask
really makes you think...
Maybe start acting yours and stop being such a little kid just because your mum has a social life and a fondness for anonymous unprotected sex
That was meant for the post above you. Wow I looked like a massive twat lmao
Prefer the Tasmanian flag
I'm 17 so it's legal for me to fuck a 2 year old lads
bimbos are superior
Wew janny's coming for you now
this, products bimbo taste pretty good
fuck the janny and fuck the police
I don't give a fuck
Half bimbo on my mum's side
isn't it technically illegal for anyone under 16 to have sex at all?
Prefer the Cornish flag
not really. if two "consenting" 12 year olds are caught fucking, they aren't going to get in legal trouble.
Rozzers will be on your step soon lad.
Prefer the Falklands flag
janny's coming for you m8
Yes but only the lad will ever be prosecuted
Cornish is shite mate, here's the best flag.
what accent is this?
Sounds drunk whatever it is
the danishANUS
el mexicANUS
eat your oats you fuck
my sisters friend just saw my jerking off. She's 16. I didn't realize I had my window open so it created a draft and opened my door and I had my headphones on so I didn't notice. Jesus fucking christ
don't have any milk
Dammit I'm trying to watch this and now all I can think is the narrator is slumped in a chair with a bottle of beer.
>having your monitor faced towards the door
The blue one looks cooler, not sure i think its wessex
big deal, she probably catches her brother wanking all the time
alri brad?
might as well off myself than eat oats with water
tired, depressed, wage cucked
billionaire faggot
hope your commie gobberment takes all your bennies away you lazy nigger
I figured out a cool way to make fake milk. Take one cup of water, mix in a little bit of flour (like a teaspoon) and a table spoon of sugar, and mix it all up
smoke a candle chap
i don't get bennies at all you trailer park dwelling fat fuck
or just drink fucking milk hahahaha
Wessex is red, do you mean Durham? There's lots of blue ones.
All this talk of porridge has reminded me that I need to get milk for breakfast.
What time do you lads reckon the paki shop will be pen?
doing a swim
didn't know paki shops closed at all
Usually 6:00 with most shops desu
But blacks can't swim.
all chinks looks the same
Do you guys have Coco wheats hot cereal in the UK?