Your position on rape

Guys, what do you think about rape?
Let me elaborate.
Suppose a girl is raped by some ~33 or so men.
That's bad, right?
But what if the girl is part of the drug cartels?
What's up with that?

Wherever I am, I must also rape. I see girl? I rape that. I see guy? I rape that also.

You don't want to mess with the drug cartels tho.
They'll bathe you in pig blood and then burn you alive.
ISIS ain't got nothing on the cartels


>not raping at least 4 people each day
lmao cucks

She didn't ask to be rapped my man.

>Not eating out her cum filled vag after everyone is done


It´s like the situation when a criminal gets killed
Its so hard to care for people that make so many other people suffer

rape is bad

I'm serious, tho. If the person who got raped turns out to be a terrible person, possibly responsible for several deaths, does that make it better? what do you think?
i wanna hear it from the folks from the 1st world

yeah... i mean... i'm not shedding any tears.

>But what if the girl is part of the drug cartels?
Then shoot her and be done with it. Rape is indefensible because it reduces both parties to the level of animals. The rapist, who willingly lowers themselves, can never climb back up.

Anybody with such low standards that they'd willingly stick their dick in a cartel slut is clearly subhuman to start with.

I'd love to rape and beat some girls, it's my greatest fetish. I don't know if I would actually do it in real life tho.

I have no compassion for criminal scum.

Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.

>If the person who got raped turns out to be a terrible person, possibly responsible for several deaths, does that make it better?
if it's a male rape, yes
for example what will happen to all those 33 bastards once they get caught

>Suppose a girl is raped by some ~33 or so men.
>That's bad, right?

No. Why would it be bad if a man were sucked dry by 33 women?

Besides there is no proof that women dislike rape.

>But what if the girl is part of the drug cartels?

>not raping at least 4 people each day

>rape is bad

Rape is a thought crime.

give me sources on this and I will agree with you, otherwise it was a very savage crime.

>But what if the girl is part of the drug cartels?

My guess would be she probably ended up in cartel via sex slavery and human trafficking and eventually just got Stockholm syndrome for her captors and just kept living her life like it's the new norm.

I don't feel like people get involved with drug cartels just because they want to.

It's only bad if a girl from the upper-class society was raped. Other Brazilians are ok to be raped.

Now these 33 men may have catched some STDs

The brazilian version of the 33

awesome pic but can someone shoop it to make it cara delevignes face and head

>girl gets raped by 33 favela dindus
>"White" middle class men are blamed by SJWs and media

You can't make this shit up

>O material grotesco foi entregue aos investigadores, que até este sábado, 28, ainda não haviam solicitado qualquer prisão preventiva referente ao caso. Fotos vinculando a garota ao tráfico foram espalhadas nas redes sociais. À polícia, ela negou que conhecesse qualquer um dos envolvidos, o que acabou com a primeira tese, de que seria o então namorado dela a organizar o crime acreditando em uma traição da garota. Outro homem, que gravou e divulgou o vídeo disse que o sexo foi consentido e aconteceu com três "caras" e não 33. Ele revelou ainda que a frase dita no vídeo, de que ela ficou grávida por mais de 30 é uma letra de funk conhecida.

Choo choo mf
Same goes for the guys

how about you post the motherfucking video, fagget? there's gotta be a backup some fucking where

I'm totally agains rape and my thougt on this is: this is one of the worse crimes a person can do.

But, in this case, my thought is. There is no rape! The girl is one of them. The girl knew and planned everything since the begging, but somehow she lost control, and the guys "messed" her. As the photos leaks, she told everyone it was a rape because of her image.

How can you sleep in the snakepit and thought you can't be bitten?

This girl get what she got because she was dumb enough to think nothing can happen to her!

Fuck her

It's still bad

bad + bad never is good or neutral, it's more bad


t. someone who would be upper class if he ever got a job in Brazil

rape = the job of god

i do it all the time

ISIS also does that but they use molten metals instead of pig blood