Sup Forums checkout my thinkpad. its a docmc stuffins x61 rice

Sup Forums checkout my thinkpad. its a docmc stuffins x61 rice.

>windows for legacy pcs
>doc mcstuffins

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heres the otherside

What kind of faggotry is this???
The X61 would look interesting without the sticker puke tho...

Looks great

its plastidipped i can just take it apart and re-plastidip it whenever.

Oh fuck, that's actually cool! Does it work with an aluminium chassis too?

probably. i wouldnt use plastidip next time it fucks with the tolerences. if your gonna do it you gotta commit and get actual spray paint.

i made a youtube video too.

I'm too old for this place.

how old is too old?

ur a tranny

hot tranny

im a (male)

also qtweb didnt do video so faggot browser

also should i buy a battery. i feel like this computer is too autistic to use in my university.

chrome/ium doesnt support xp anymore :(

can you show me your boipussi.

Doesn't matter, I would bang you like any other chick.

>shitty white paint job
>nigger cartoon stickers

He is a white sissy that likes bbc and bad thinkpads.

did it in a r9k thread once.

no love for windows for legacy systems. sad thing is that flp is really fast, but MicroShaft doesnt really host any support for it anymore. It is as difficult as debian at least for basic shit

they were the cheapest at walmart
im a half korean bifag

U Just Can Resist Im Peruano ;)

>im a half korean bifag
Please be my lover.

Ya'know that episode of doc mc'stuffins where the snowman toy has a ship of theseus crisis about getting his stuffing replaced.
That's a good one.

im gonna go to sleep, but ill watch it if u put a ep. and season

Somewhat passable but the voice ruins it

I think it's Season 3, Episode 4B

finally that symester of theater arts paid off i didnt even have to look up ship of theseus.

Jesus it looks like you used acrylic paint

I enjoy your videos user

How expensive is it to do something like this? What materials are needed? I'd like to have a blue Thinkpad T400.

i used about one so like 6 bucks. dont use plastidip though unless you want everything to be a pain to snap togethet
thx :D

other thinkpad

do you think regular spray paints would work?

you would need something that sticks to plastic. im sure it would work out if you just plastidip the back of the screen. though. you dont have to sand for plastidip it just peels off too.

day of the rope cant come soon enough

>this whole thread

I appreciate this

What the fuck

Nu males fuck off

The white looks pretty cool on the thinkpad

is that painted with fucking tippex

its painted with plastidip just bought a crt monitor for 5 bucks.

Cool bike.
Stop buying useless shit though, especially shit like that, which is cracked and busted

i kinda like it. but we have to address this. why the stickers?

oh hey it's you! you're pretty qt

would ride this with you

fine desu
The white plastidip didnt quite turn out how i liked. Figured before i peel all the plastidip off id add stickers and just bought really cheap ones from walmart.
might still keep the plastidip on the lcd.

also be careful not to burn your leg.

Might keep it like this, I feel like people would think I was special needs though.

what bike is that. I want one....

Use auto interior plastic paint from you local auto store or online. Case modders have been doing that since the 1990s at least. It was the way to un-beige ur beige box.

I unironically watched this whole thing. It's just such a weird and esoteric Sup Forums geared video that I couldn't help but subscribe.

dr650 there fun :D
ill give that a shot maybe a test run on something else though.
static int intSubscribers:
public int incrementSubscribers()
return subscribers;

fuck return intSubscribers;

assumed it was a drz or something. Cool bike!

Autism is one hell of a drug


Why do his tits and abs look like a face