Everyone's saying "if Trump wins, i'll go to Canada!"

>everyone's saying "if Trump wins, i'll go to Canada!"
>no one's saying "if Trump wins, i'll go top Mexico!"


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oh they'll go to Mexico, but not out of choice

What's with maracas, I never heard a mexican song using them, and apparently they always draw us with these

cuz ur cuntry sux dix rofl


still, we're not leafs

why do you want amerifats dying in your streets?

Wait, that's not your thing? Wikipedia only says that it's latin american and caribean thing.

is that how you deal with crippling depression?

good lad, glad i could help

No, maracas are more like a caribean islands thing as you say, traditional music use more guitars, accordions, trumpets, violin, guitarron, harps, etc

Well, a nopal is technically a leaf.

What about ponchos and sombreros?
What about ridiculous boots?
At least tell me people still wear those bullet straps in a big X across their chest.

I don't believe you.

Americans spent 50 years turning a whole bunch of stuff, especially eastern Europe, into their buffer zone.. weird how they never simply just turned their southern countries in buffer zones, or hell turn their entire country into a buffer zone and everyone just moving to Canada.

First two are true, the boots aren't trending anymore and nowadays only kids wear bullets straps.


>no one's saying "if Trump wins, i'll go top Mexico!"

I'd have a lot more respect for them if they said that. There are plenty of opportunities in some developing countries (not sure about Mexico specifically, but I'm just speaking generally). But instead they say they'll move to some other developed Western country.

it's always some other white first world country

kind of ironic. i would move to mexico. tacos, liquor and sun. sounds great

Yeah, kids do wear carrilleras in festivals when we celebrate the mexican revolution of 1910, about the ridiculous boots they are called trivaleras boots and they were born in like 2007 in a little town called Matehuala in center Mexico, nobody out of that forgotten place use them. The ponchos and sombreros are like carrilleras something that went out of fashion in the 1920's, they look pretty cool tho.


I would melt in the sun. Spain almost killed me.

I guess people would rather die in the sunshine than die in the snow.

I would but 2 lazy 2 learn spanish

>Trump wins
>More illegals go through the immigration process
>Mexicans soon outnumber whites by 2018

>Hillary wins
>Literally nothing changes

Stormfags just can't win

Too hard to get around the wall

Shit taste desu

americans moving here because of the president is a meme. both sides spout that shit every election if their party is going to lose, and the amount of americans here hardly changes.

The entire world wants to move to Brazil, not Mexico.


