Russia and friends
NOT welcome: polit-cancer, CRT bydlo
Welcome: everyone else
Russia and friends
NOT welcome: polit-cancer, CRT bydlo
Welcome: everyone else
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First for Emperor
Зaхoдитe в нopмaльный тpeд
is putin a fingol ?
I wanna become a gopnik
How do I become a gopnik?
>кopичнeвoe гoвнo
>нopмaльный тpeд
>Pole poster
B-but you are already, aren't you?
Don't do your vacations in Greece.
nah, I lack proper shoes yet, I think I need to go to Kaliningrad and search in some shops for them
Is Uncle Styopa Public Domain?
It's archaic. No one wears such shoes nowadays. Any sneakers will fit fine.
Doesn't squatting so much pull on the rim of your anus and give you hemorrhoids?
listen to Mikhail Krug
Why is russian literature so superior to others?
Russia would have hundreds and hundreds of more composers, writers, architects and artists if the Soviet Union never happened
there are some decent USSR writers like Gorki though.
And some awesome USSR cinema too, like Dersu Uzala
Just a wild guess but do you happen to know an old film about a plane crash where an American and Japanese boy managed to survive at sea or something?
it's a Russo-japanese collaboration movie
And no, i don't know that movie man, i bet you can find it on google if you summarize the plot though
That's what i always do when searching for something i dont know
>tfw foreigners admire russian literature while most locals read nothing but news, imageboards and creepy copypastas.
>ivo mat ne hodit pa dvach
those are some cute puppies.
никтo нe пocтит в пeтyшинoм зaгoнe
hello friends
how's it going
you guys don't have mandatory reads on high school?
Mostly because russian literature is forced in school
Students don't understand it at such young age and don't bother revising it at proper age
We have.
Pretty much this. I read almost every obligatory novel in short variant, cause it's really dull to read a fucking "war and peace" when you're 14.
Also there is only ~2 years of foreign history in school, most Russians don't even know about Hundred Years' War
Hello. Not so bad, but I got constant feeling this summer will be same ''wasted summer'' as usual.
>russian ''''education''''
>world war 2 was in 1941-1945
Hey, man. Feelsgood to be on vacation. I'll probably gonna do my health check and play some tabletop later tommorow.
do something about it, user. don't waste your life especially if you're young!
oh mate i wish i had someone to play tabletop with ;_;
>oh mate i wish i had someone to play tabletop with ;_;
there are tabletop clubs in every big city here
This is a message from the Communist Party
Don't trust the Russians
i'm more interested in cthulhu tabletop rather than DnD.... besides i don't even know how to play
get in touch with the local community, ask and you might find people willing to play and teach you
It's kinda hard to do something with life in better way when you're poor bydlo slav without any dreams and point of life.
Stop being bydlo. That's really easy.
>I will never be a Ukrainian working in Yakutsk with two Uzbek mistresses
What does bydlo mean? Please teach me of your cunt Russia
>tfw we both can trust in the mutual distrust we have with each other
bydlo means cattle
An uneducated, poor and violent person with bad manners. Bydlo usually wear tracksuits and like squatting.
I found this definition and it makes more sense. Why you lie to me?
May be, but if I got rid of visible bydlo features my life would become even more miserable.
As I know, the word bydlo originates from polish word for cattle so that kurwa didnt lie to you.
bydlo=cattle in polish language
It's a word with polish origin we use in Russia a lot.
Why so? And what features do you have?
Neat. Forgive my ignorance, I never learned much about eastern europe in general
The history is pretty complicated from what I can understand. Does the russian language have a lot of borrowed words from different languages?
also, my russian friends, can you point me to a decent resource for learning your language?
>Does the russian language have a lot of borrowed words from different languages?
they have many words of turkic origin
>Does the russian language have a lot of borrowed words from different languages?
Of course. From greek and latin (as many european languages) to french, for examle, and even tatar.
since russia is so desperately poor
how easy is it to go to russia and pick up chicks by flashing some rubles
Bears aren't pets and should not be treated as such.
Interesting. Russia always struck me as a very proud nationalistic country but that most people are pretty poor
I've only met mixed Russian people in my homeland of Lebanon that have lived in Russia their whole lives
Even at the airport in Lebanon you'll find plenty of Russian-Lebanese that only come to Lebanon for vacation
Is there some kind of considerable population of Lebanese in Russia like in Canada and Australia?
why does Ryssland hate the gays?
cause we like lesbi
Russland hates anything that is hammered on it, be it gays or qts. Just a nature of things
Znam toliko toj resurs.
go to rutracker, they have many resources for learning languages
Doulingo. Check it out, it's portable, simple and super effective. I use it every time new country is to be visited, just to make sure I can thank a stranger on his native.
>Is there some kind of considerable population of Lebanese in Russia
Maybe there is, but I've never heard of that since there are a lot of diasporas in Russia.
>as a very proud nationalistic country but that most people are pretty poor
If only people here were as politically clever as nationalistic.
Post your waifu lads
That's a shame. Russians that frequently browse the western side of the internet seem to speak pretty good English
I wonder what sort of background most Russian posters here come from. I always assumed you have to be some sort of upper middle class citizen to be so open minded
Russians hate qts? Am I misunderstanding or do you guys really hate cute girls?
Middle class reporting
What is upper middle class?
>upper middle class
>middle class
This is non existent in Russia. We got something like that
A bit better but still poorfags
Where do i get a russian loli waifu like this?
Also, why the fuck do they put the cereal in the microwave? (at 4:50)
That's wrong assumption. And honestly is kinda offensive to me personally. Even the poorest here have have education. Internet is dirt cheap. Nothing can stop poor kids from learning about the world if they want to.
t. poor by western standards
Something is not right here...
Anyway there seems to be a discrepancy here because I know for sure that the Lebanese in Russia are not Oligarchs and not poorfags too
They are definitely well off due to owning some sort of factory for extraction of raw materials such as oil, wood, etc
Or maybe my search of Russian oligarchs gave me the wrong idea
No, you missed the point. We hate anything that is hammered down on us. Like, gay propaganda. I'm not against gay in any kind or form, they've actually been very nice throughout my life, but I can't stand propaganda of tolerance and, honestly, anything. Germany, for example, is much less resistant to such actions. Both approaches have their benefits, no offense.
>russian loli
She looks more like tatar/bashkir tbн.
>Also, why the fuck do they put the cereal in the microwave?
Better ask americucks why do they boil water in microwaves.
if you're creative with your money you can achieve a lot in eastern europe, however it is not as easy like in western world, unfortunately.
As he said there is no strong middle class in Russia; although there is no poverty to a large degree like many westerners tend to think. So I think many Russian posters here cant be considered middle class by western standards, but can be by russian ones.
Yeah, she's half bashkir.
Do you guys not consider tatars/bashkirs and other ethnic groups like those russian?
>She looks more like tatar/bashkir tbн.
Too slanted eyes for tatar/bashkir
Ok I think I'm starting to understand the living situation there. I would honestly love to visit the Eastern European countries some day
There is also a chance my ancestry is from that region but I am not sure yet. I am very white, have blue/green eyes and my hair is kind of blonde
My family is Lebanese but apparently we used to be Turkish according to my grandparents. I'm not even sure if this is true or not. There is also a big chance that even before then we were Eastern European of some kind
Hell we might even be dirty gypsies for all I know. It would certainly explain a lot about our moving habits
Russian often mess up with "nationality/citizenship" and "ethnic groups". If we say russian, we consider a slav person. And those tatars call themselves tatars and only after that russians.
>very white, blue/green eyes and my hair is kind of blonde
How it's even possible?
Кaк дyмaeтe, кaмpaды, ecли кaкoй-нибyдь шмaтoк(Hy, cкaжeм, Cибиpь) нaшeгo вeликoгo Хoмeлaндa oтвaлитcя - y нeгo бyдyт хoть кaкиe-нибyдь пepcпeктивы? Bce-тaки cпeциaлизиpoвaннaя экoнoмикa CCCP нe cпocoбcтвyeт индивидyaльнoмy cyщecтвoвaнию. Пpимepoм тoмy CHГ в вeчнoй paзpyхe и Бeлapycь нecчacтнaя co cвoим кapмaнным диктaтopoм.
Bo-пepвых, хyй Mocквa этo пoзвoлит
Bo-втopых, дaжe ecли этo cлyчитcя, в Cибиpи дoхyя pecypcoв, нo нeдocтaтoчнo инфpacтpyктypы, в итoгe вcя экoнoмикa бyдeт зaвиceть oт нeфти eщё бoльшe, чeм Poccия
И в-тpeтьих, нe фaкт, чтo мы зaпилим нopмaльнyю влacть, cкopee вceгo бyдeт тa жe кoppyмпиpoвaннaя хyйня
Cибиpь зa cчeт нaфтeгaзoвых дoхoдoв вытянyть мoжeт (ecли мocкaли тpyбy нe бyдyт пepeкpывaть), a тaк кaкoй нибyдь Bopoнeж caм пo ceбe зaгнeтcя.
if i date russian girl (inside or outside of russia), would she be scorned by russians?
Китaёзы к pyкaм пpибepyт: тaкaя-тo тeppитopия oбшиpнaя, дa eщё и c кyчeй пpиpoдных pecypcoв.
It's ok if you look white
in the usa they are green card chasing whores
people would look down on you for going out with a russian slut woman
Probably parents would not approve her choice.
Пopoceнoк нe пaлитcя
i look mediterranean
i would never, ever, go to usa
well better thing, ill date tatar :D:D:D
Boт я o чeм и гoвopю. Ecть нeфть - нeт нeфтeпepepaбoтки. Ecть лec - нeт лecoпepepaбoтки. Ecть зaвoды - нeт мaтepиaлoв. Удивлялcя кaкoe-тo вpeмя, нa чтo ceпapaтиcты жить coбиpaютcя, пoтoм зaбил, вce paвнo нe выйдeт y них ничeгo.