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International #601
Battlefield thread? Post battle fields and landmarks from your country!
So be it, you shall be the Fellowship of the Sup Forums
/ita/ il filo
Convince me to go to your country by posting cool pics and maybe data
I like spain do you like
/norge tråden/
Why does Russian architecture look so ....... Asiatic?
Order of the names
Random polish youtuber hitchhiking thru Asia
Italy is shit
Why does so much weird shit happen in Florida America-san?
Nationalism is an outdated concept. The state, any social hierarchy...
Which is more poplar in your country, coffee or tea?
Hilo latino
Map thread
I fixed Europe
Tfw the UK has crushed every adversary that got in it's way
Does skin color have to do with the country's temperature?
Why do slavs complain about western "degenarcy"
What do you think about this guy?
Remind me why is racial mixing bad again?
Do French people notice your country?
Socialism-communism falls
Got some great pictures of this big tit milf getting a massega at resort if anyone wants to see them
Cheap alcohol in your cunt
Tell sister to buy some cheese in the way home
>unironically being a russianboo
If someone asked you why you are proud of your race, how would you respond?
/esp - hilo español/ - #IStandWithHateSpeech
/MeNa/ = /Maghreb + GCC + irrelevancies/
Chose wisely
Erdogan threatens Merkel and German parliament to not recognize the Armenian Genocide by Turkey
Americans and Europeans have literally no idea what this genius invention is
I've heard that there is a lot of gay men in muslim countries
Finland is beautiful during summer
Americans have literally no idea what this is
Best and Worst state?
I have finally deduced why Italian men look more attractive than Italian women...
/global greek general/
Daily reminder that the oldest musical composition is GREEK. Alongside with inventing civilization, mathematics...
If i'm gay and I come to your country will you beat me up?
Drunk Australian here, AMA
1. Your country of birth
You wake up in Poland
Euros won't be allowed on this site tomorrow
"Cell phone usage will be free soon in Russia due to affiliate programmes"...
Do you love gay australians?
Why do Russians like cats so much?
Post yfw a Lithuanian replies to your post
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your cunt
Japs, Gooks and Chinks literally have two vaginas in their face
Go to Europe expecting castles and giant mansions
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What do Italians sound like?
Nationalist kindergarten in japan, they dress up in uniforms and get "patriotic education"
Wake up
Is your country relevant enough to be in Civ?
The rest of the world thinks it's okay to use slurs against Americans like y**k or f*ttie
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...
If you disagree with this you're probably a redneck
What did he mean by this?
Hungary Thread
Why sweden
Do you take drugs or drink a lot
Do you love Poland?
How gay is your country Sup Forums?
Where can I teach English that has a good dating market for a white guy?
1. you're cunty
Would you let her poo in your loo?
Will you be fasting this Ramadan
It's a shitaly can't win ONE FUCKING BATTLE without German help episode
Let's play a game
Faces of Sup Forums
What even is Kansas?
How prevalent are traps/transgirls in your country, Sup Forums ? do you talk to them?
/east asia/
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
Why do Canadians have an American accent?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Google my name
Gulf Arab Women
ITT: write the pros and cons of the country above you
Please just nuke this country
I want to create a chocolate cartel and smuggle eggs to the US
Hilo latino
Been over a year since it happened
Are there white people in Latin America, Sup Forums...
So now that Europe has RUINED EVERYTHING on the internet, where else can do go to discuss international events,cultures...
Who's the cutest girl from your country, Sup Forums ?
Why aren't they first world?
I fixed Asia
Should I become a primary school teacher or a high school teacher?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
I hate latin American
What is gym culture like in your country?
This confuses and enrages Amerifags
Uk, germany and usa at peru's level
What country do you guys think this ugly girl is from?
Memes aside, who do you think funds ISIS?
American population: 300 million
TFW my Argentinian gf isn't replying
Ask a paki canadian anything
Uruguay is not replying to my texts
Are you planning on visiting Canada?
Sverigetråd - Nattupplaga
What is the nicest place to live in Mexico...
Catholics of Sup Forums tell me about your faith and upbringing
Would you like Europe to become Buddhist or Islamic?
Why don’t any americans race in Formula 1?
Is spanking your kids considered socially acceptable in your country?
Mexicans will defend this
Post the last word you've learned from another language
They're voting to make our country's anthem gender neutral
Your country
Whose native population will die off first?
Why are non fat white Americans so good looking? My theory is genetic diversity...
Your country
You guys are my friends, r-right?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
United Kingdom is like Russia but on an island
Refugee mass rapes keep happennig
The Nicest Nationality
Get literally bitchslapped by the Spaniards
Which US candidate will either due idiocy or actual will make this reality faster?
What is public transport like in your city?
Britain takes over your cunt
Be me
Post good movies in Spanish please
Post your nearest castle
/carib/ - Centipiedes in the shower edition
This triggers the spaniard
How come Spain and Mexico have the same people, culture and religion, but Mexico's birthrates are so much higher?
Cubans come across ocean illegally because they don't want to contribute to society
Meanwhile in America
Be an ugly shitskin
What is your opinion on this result?
/ita/ il filo
ITT: countries that spawned the most shitholes
Why are germans posters so autistic?
/urban/ + /architecture/
Why are Brits so arrogant lads...
Who /italiaboo/ here?
White Latin American thread: Reloaded edition now with 30% less shitposting
Select two WORST nations to post on Sup Forums that you would rangeban. You must specify the reason
You have to move to some Slavic country
/cum/ Canada, USA & Mexico
What is it about black women that Italian white men find so irresistible??
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Language learning thread
Who's "our guy"?
Chinese place in Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Were the ancient greeks white?
When were you when Greek started colonizing Africa in 2016?
Why are europeans so guilable?
ITT: Post qt animals from your cunt
How is the population distributed in your cunt
What do they call this in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw no Mediterranean coastline
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Would your country take finnish refugees?
What does Sup Forums drive?
It's a "non-American pretends 9/11 isn't a big deal outside of America" thread
Why do Spaniards speak with a lisp?
How is she not Sup Forums's favourite waifu yet?
A German banters an American
Remind me, who is this Again?
What does google think of your country?
I have to argue against brexit in a class debate in 3 days
Why are there so many Spaniards among high-rank French politicians?
Post the Swiss embassy from your country
/esp/ Hilo español - tfw no gf/bf
Lightly banter a European
Male Power Rating
Tfw communism is becoming popular among young americans
Dalai Lama says 'too many' refugees in Europe
Child chokes to death on kinder egg
Americans made the best guns and vehicles in WWII
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Based purely on aesthetics, what's the best national flag? Pic related
Poolish """""cuisine"""""
What do you call this animal in your native homeland?
Post your dogs Sup Forums
1. Your country 2. Do you own a gun and why
How does it feel living in a country with an actual history?
How do you say this sport in your language?
Do you have places in your country where police take you when you are too drunk in public place to sober up...
What did she mean by this?
/ita/ - il filo
June 23: Referendum held
What do you think about Turkey?
Most overused words on KC
Why are yanks just completely unable to grasp the concept of banter? Do they all suffer from aspergers?
1-your mom's cunt
What crimes has the eternal Germ committed to your country?
Any Hellenophiles on here?
Foreigners want br gfs
Is red part a good place for living ?
Who here /Americaboo/
Cut my wrist 3 months ago but failed because i cut as pussy way
Serious question: why do most cultures in the world look down gay sex? What is so bad about gay sex...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - tåhåupplagan
/mena/ general
Ok Sup Forums based on this video rank the Romance languages
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
What do you like about Canada?
This is a kazakh girl
What Sup Forums think about Georgia?
Post qt girls from your country talking
Which is the bigger meme nation, Australia or Finland?
What skin colour do people of your country have?
/rus/ - comfy edition
Central Europe is beautiful and comfy. Please don't bully. :3
/ita/ il filo
Would you define your country as relevant?
Why are they so bad at sport?
Why are female Turks prone to balding?
Considering moving to australia fuck eu and germany
Europeans will never know what the L is for
What's so bad about the idea of a United States of Europe with it's own army?
My birthday in less than a month
Why you guys hate asian race?
/luso/- Fio lusófono
Who has a worse rep in your cunt, China or Russia?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Finland is so tiny WTF
What's your opinion on letting children running on top of the graves of the soldiers fallen during the battle of verdun...
Member of Ukrainian parliament squatting on a chair while in parliament
Be American
Wake up
Average european goes to restaurant
How's the weather in your cunt right now? Provide pictures if possible
Post Cringe from your cunt
33 degrees outside
/esp - hilo español/ - Aceptar ser gay
What have u done?
Would you support Turkey joining EU if they were mostly Christian instead of Muslim?
I'm moving to Mexico (Tamaulipas) bye bye
Sverigetråden — enkelt liv-upplagan
Europe isnt even that good 2bh
How can I learn to squat like a slav?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post men from your country
What are they known for except for being the Germans lapdog?
Why are white american women such brown dick loving sluts
What do yanks have against beans on toast?
Do you love Japan?
It's beautiful because the defining trait of english is the ability to take in foreign words
1. your country
Women Power Rating
The T.A.N countries
Fuck this country
Which countries should fear yours?
I'm writting a fantasy story and I need some Kingdom Names
Anons in the other EU countries, how often does your news talk about the BREXIT referendum...
Britain pls stay
How do we save the white race from extinction?
1. You're country
If you turn the map of india 180° it looks like a smug pepe
1. You're country
Are irish white?
1. You're country
If you truly love your country why haven't you gotten a tattoo to display your pride to the world...
White racist
/deutsch/ - Guten Morgen, Spacken
Your country
We may say we hate Japan,but the truthfully..... We all want live in Japan
America, this is for you
He drinks kvass
/East Asia/
/flag/tism thread
Why muslims never ever abandon their religion?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ = /bantz/
Good Cars from Your Country
Hilo Latino /lat/
The world loves us
The End Of Venezuela
How these people are called in your country?
Do le monke have any chance of becoming vice prez?
Serious question. I'm a Muslim...
Do you trust your armed forces Sup Forums?
Would you make babies with a turkish girl ?
Sweden has 123 males for every100 females in the 18-25 age group
Are Lego Bricks the only thing this country makes?
/urban/ + /architecture/
What did they mean by this?
Why are Japanese posters so rude?
I will kissu this qt!!!
Hey Sup Forums, Sup Forums got into the New York Times, when are we going to be recognized for OUR shitposting?
I will immigrate to Poland or Czechia
You have 10 seconds to draw your best Jew in MS Paint
Why do American girls scream like "omg yes harder" when they have benis in cunthole?
I hope white race doesn't go extinct
Is it true crime is not committed in Japan?
Why do you think it is that at the beach you do not exactly look right at it when its coming from the same place but...
/fr/ - Le francofil
Why don't Meds get sunburn?
Name a more biodiverse country
Why is food from Argentina and Brazil so good?
A 7-year-old boy is missing in a forest in northern Japan after his parents made him get out of their car as punishment...
Which country would you rather visit for a week, Sup Forums: Mexico or Iran?
Realistically why haven't we defeated ISIS with our technology how come we can't just fuck the whole middle east and...
This is agreeable
What did he mean by this?
Australia is a mad Max version of the USA. Canada is a slightly chilly great Britain
Why Australians so obsessed with matching the USA's "culture"
/nachtschicht/ - /deutsch/e AUSGABE. NUR DEUTSCHE. KEINE AUSLÄNDER
ITT: We try to be as Canadian as possible
/desi/-Pakistani Nobility Edition
Do Americans commonly eat in their cars like this?
Hilo latino /lat/
I will be in Dubai for 15 hours for Transit reasons,anything intresting to see or do there in 15 hrs?
What are some feels non-Americans will never understand?
1. Cunt
His flag is a flat tricolor, with no further detail, in either orientation
TFW job
Berlin or Paris
He's been dead for five years. What do you think of Islam's absolutest madman?
Residents of the United States of America are overweight
Sverigetråden - Tvådimensionella motståndsupplagan
What is the worst country in the world?
In Thailand, the cutest girl owns the biggest prawn. What are some cute girl table manners from your country?
Sup Forums Russian Flowchart Creation
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
American regional dialects
How do poor people in your country behave?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
There are people on Sup Forums right now who use a fan instead of air conditioning
Why is Brazilian culture so Beautiful?
Messed up sleeping
I want to do the Youth Mobility scheme in England
I want this thing. Can you donate money to me on on buying this, rich Western fags?
You wake up in NYC in 1972. What do?
Tfw migrating to other countries isn't just something you do unless you're brown and is actually extremely complicated
ITT: Say something nice about the flag above you
Turkish Political Test
I just witnessed a swede and a brit argue about who's whiter well past the bump limit
Imagine they're all singles and you have to choose one to be your wife
This is an average British man. Thoughts?
Today's 4ch Anti-Japan Ranking
Be American gorilla
Why is slovenia so suicidal
Why do white Americans hate Europeans but white Latin Americans (pic related) are Euroboos?
I remember when I was first learning about south america they told me how Brazil spoke Portuguese and not Spanish...
What is he trying to solve?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ = /bantz/
Why are Americans so dramatic?
What do Japs and Ameriburgers think about Obama's visit to Hiroshima?
Say something in a language other than English
Have you read El Quixote?
Does your national flag have a name or nickname?
Why is France always protesting?
He doesn't like Black women
British """""""""food""""""""""
Tell me taiwan is not a shithole since all rich people go to Britain and USA
How do you abbreviate your translation of United States of America?
Tfw yuropoors will never into nationalism
Why do Canadians tolerate this?
/ita/ - il filo
Booger eating
This is the most British girl I've ever seen. Thank God my ancestors mixed with blacks
Heh, who cares if America is only 60% white? We're still a white nation!
What is the "rich kid" city/town/province/state/area of your country?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Sup Forums posts by country
What happens here?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1972
Forgive English, I am Afghan
What do people in your country think of religion?
Musique Française
How did Costa Rica, Argentina and Puerto Rico become so white?
I need the help of Greeks
When Russia finally decides to attack Finland again, should we just let them have it?
Will kurdistan ever have the free?
Sverigetråden - Köttupplagan
Why are women so pathetically weak?
What does Sup Forums think of street art and graffiti? Post an example of street art or graffiti from your country
*discussions about finland*
Tell me what I need to know about France
Post your hometown
What is considered 10/10 in your country?
German humor
Brits will defend this
Memorial Day
Direct Democracy
How is it even fair to asian girls to exist? They are better in every aspect to white girls
1. Your country
One chance at life
~30 deg C, 80% humidity
/brit/ + USSR
Do you agree with banksy?
Mfw Cornwall think they deserve to be their own country
Las malvinas son argentinas
Why do Americans call the thousands kinds of cheese just "Cheese"?
I fell for the "Dubai is awesome" meme, lads
Daham Al Hasan has been given approval to bring over 12 more kids and another two wives
What is the best country in the world? IMO, it is America
So cute
Poland will surpass Poortugal in GDP per capita by 2018
Is it true that Southern Brazil is very white and nearly 1st world?
Be an exchange student in Burgerland
What country has the cutest black girls?
How widespread is this meme and other finn memes in Finland?
So... user what do you do in your free time?
/esp/ - Hilo español - ¿Waifu? Le falta ser 2D y no ser de Cuñadanos
Bad Teeth
Start two world wars that leaves more than 100,000,000 people dead
It's "a canadian wants to prove his worthiness to Sup Forums" episode
Should Germany pay Poland reparations for World War 2?
Why is Switzerland so fucking boring?
Tfw we were forced to memorize the pledge of allegiance
How does this occur?
/ita/ - il filo
What is the Mexico of Europe and why is it Poland?
Willkommen bei /deutsch/ - Stammtisch
Your honest, unironical opinion on Israel
In under 50 years this country will be gone probably
What's your favorite games?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
58% of British teens think Sherlock Holmes was real
What is your opinion on the arrest of this Australian guy for racist comments?
/global greek general/
ITT: murrika
Tea consumption in europe
Is Chile proof that brown people are capable of civilization?
Fuck you self-hating eastern european fags
Post em
The more north you go, the shittier the food gets
Its gonna be comfy
Japan is better than Korea
Sverigetråden - eeh ööh upplaga
Willkommen bei /deutsch/ am nachmittag - Stammtisch
Why do they hate each other so much?
How do you get your dick sucked on in your country?
Why Finns are so obsessed with saunas?
Roll for you next round respawn position
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France
Do you love your country, Sup Forums? I just came back to Stockholm from London and god damn, I feel so at home...
Should white Americans pay reparations to black Americans?
How to deal with leftists
Anyone else a little annoyed by Americans and their 'FREEDOM' meme...
South brazilian here. I'm trading white wife for japanese or korean wife
Do you have your domestic imageboard? Is it worse or better than Sup Forums?
/baltausnz/ - /faggotry/
What is the price of prostitutes in your country?
We stand together
Sorry user, I only date Anglos
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/asean/- Wageslave edition
Was this a mistake?
Why do you come to Sup Forums?
Europa. r8
This is the most famous person from sweden
Food thread
Latino genes?
Willkommen zu /deutsch/
What went wrong?
How's Tinder in your country?
Dear worldwide friends
If Korean War restarts, what do you do?
Why do asians eat dog?
Why is this allowed?
This is a 10/10 in Britain
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...