Were the ancient greeks white?

Were the ancient greeks white?

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No. The concept of "white" did not exist during ancient Greek times and the Greeks themselves considered themselves to be more similar to Northeast African and Persian societies as opposed to associating with Western Europe or what is now Russia/the Baltics since those places were shitholes then and not culturally related.

we invented the word white and europe faggot niggers

Achilles is described to be blonde haired with blue eyes. If Ancient Greeks were olive skinned like the half-Turks that currently live in Greece they wouldn't have used barbarian traits for their most beloved fictional hero.
So yes, they were white.

the ancient greeks were some of the most brilliant minds in history.

why is modern day greece so awful? is it the turkish admixture from the ottoman days?

>tfw the smartest people in history were greek brown manlets

Is she white Sup Forums ? I'm having my doubts after seeing this thread, she's got dem blue eyes thank God. Doesn't look like the Turks did too much damage on her genetic tree.

are you retarded m8?
1 there are still greeks that are blonde and had blue eyes
2 having blue eyes and blonde hair was rare that's why people that had these traits were so special

>t*rkish admixture
according to oxford greeks have no t*rkish admixture
t*rks have greek admixture though

isn't it sad that mudslimes and gorillas have to pollute everything they breathe their camel-fucking or aids-infested air near

The idea the Greeks of modern times were descendants of Pericles or Socrates and not a Turkish-molded mixture of Slavs, Byzantines and Albanians is a meme.

The race of the Hellenes has been wiped out in Europe. Physical beauty, intellectual brilliance, innate harmony and simplicity, art, competition, city, village, the splendour of column and temple — indeed, even the name has disappeared from the surface of the Greek continent…. Not the slightest drop of undiluted Hellenic blood flows in the veins of the Christian population of present-day Greece.

and your source is?
do you actually believe that Greeks just disappeared ?
are you that retarded?

your opinion never matters mudchink


who the hell would have sex with albanians? have you seen them?
also is pretty ludicrous to think that the guys that massacred the latins would go on to mix with even more subhumans than the westerners.
Greek pride worldwide!

It's true though.

How else would you explain Greece's departure from the most brilliant minds in the world to what it is today?

Greece has produced virtually nothing of value in centuries. Your country literally is a burst bubble; a shadow of its former self.

It's like the native population were entirely replaced with 80 IQ niggers

A Star is Born was the best one desuyo.

I'm a Greek though

I agree
especially with Albanians
the only people who changed their religion after the ottoman empire

Shut up you monkey , Greeks are more than ten times better then you

>From ancient times all different ethnicities have been mixed with other ones more or less. The population of Greece has too. But the old Greek populations have never been exterminated, so its safe to say that present day Greeks are at a very high percentage descendants of the ancient Greeks.

>Other contributions to the Greek genome come from Celts (raided Greece and some settled there), Slavs, and Goths (German tribe). People might think Turks had contributed too, but its the other way around. Todays Turks are mostly Greek in origin or "Anatolian" (non'Greek people who lived in Asia minor since ancient times).

>People might think Turks had contributed too, but its the other way around. Todays Turks are mostly Greek in origin or "Anatolian" (non'Greek people who lived in Asia minor since ancient times).


Ancient Greeks were white but whether you believe they were white or not, everyone agrees that modern Greeks are shit and they have no relations to ancient Greeks.

Modern Greeks obsess over the past accomplishments of ancient Greeks because modern Greeks don't have a present and future. Greks are exactly like American Blacks with the Egyptians.


I am white

Modern Greece has virtually no connection with the Hellenes of the ancient world. Any serious scholar will tell you this is true. Modern Greece was founded in 1824, and the population largely consisted of transplanted Albanian and slavs as well as christian refugees from the old Ottoman empire. Considering that the Athenian city state was in its prime roughly 2300 years ago, and began its fall after Alexander the Great invaded in 325 BC. The very word "Greek" is a misnomer in that it was never used as a self description by the peoples who occupied that pennisula during their era. Modern Greeks got their name during the mid-nineteenth century, mostly from European writers and intellectuals who wished to ressurect the glories of Ancient Athens and its Golden Age.

Sorry but this is the truth and no amount of wishing can change the fact that in terms of culture, history, language and DNA, the modern Greek state has nothing to do with the old.

>an article
how about an actual dna admixture test you retard?

you just posted an opinion you subhuman filth

that's why mongols like you never achieved anything in this world other than shitposting on fucking Sup Forums


they were probably the same thing as the modern greeks

we need some autosomal data, i'd guess they would cluster with modern peleponnese

Mycenaean people a best.
Anything after the bronze age are subhuman half-breeds.

I don´t know, but i am greek

i will leave this

and this

i wonder if in 500 years the descendants of the niggers that ruined France will be all like "yes i am 100% french and white and a pure descendant of napoleon absolutely no algerian admixture here i swear"

Anyone who looks at history, science and random Greek people will come to the conclusion that modern Greeks are nothing like ancient Greeks.

>3% of the World’s Greatest Scientists Are Greek; Most Live Abroad
14-17 million greeks in a planet with 7,4 billion humans

>3% of the World’s Greatest Scientists Are Greek
ok heinrich popodopolous

Yes Greek race is the archetype of the Aryan White Master Race!
Greece was and is always White!

Meanwhile, when actual skin pigment is counted, here are the results: journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0048294

An addendum to this fact of life is that you're a subhuman cockroach-ish piece of human filth, confirmed to be as dumb as a sack of bricks by PISA testing, you turkish subhuman.

>Greatest Scientists

You misspelled bender.

I am a Greek

Ancient Greeks were BLACK.

What do you mean?

greeks are the same shit with us, minus kurds and turkic genes

fuck off turkroach stop trying to be like us


Haplogroups are essentially useless due to founder effects, autossomal DNA is where it's at.

For example Galicians would supposedly be darker than other Spaniards when considering haplogroups but when you consider autossomal DNA their blue eyes and blonde hair percentages are explained.

Ancient Greece was composed of many ethnic identities but a common speculation in past history writing seems to have been that the Dorians(Spartans were Dorians), were of a north/central/eastern European phenotype.

Or you could be Greeks that decided that fucking kurds and asians was a good idea

No fucking way, perhaps the upper classes only and that's stretching it.

>autossomal DNA
okay, greeks are closely related to albanians, because they are basically albanians, and somewhat related to us
they are however, not hellenic at all
they are just a bunch of alboturks pretending to be hellenic

why the upper classes? where do you base that?

t. ismet maymunoglu from eastern turkey

where is the hellenic type on your chart if we are not hellenic?

its gone dude
its over lost forever
and ever
and ever

I said perhaps the upper classes only and that's stretching it. There's no way the whole of Sparta was Nordic.

>Dat scattering for Italy

But why are you saying the upper Spartan classes might be Nordic? Where do you base that?

I'm saying that while it's highly unlikely it's within the realm of possibility, sue me.

There is in the realm of possibility only the lower Spartan classes to be Nordic.

This was a very informative post, thanks.

This is literally impossible, while the Ancient Greeks did view foreigners with blue eyes and blond hair as barbarians, they viewed light-coloured Greeks as demi-Gods.

I never understood why desu

because we the light-eyed Greeks are the literal Master Race

I'd rather live in a country populated by dark-eyed Swiss than by light-eyed Greeks, or even light-eyed Portuguese for that matter

Old Greeks literally wrought our Civ, tho.

If we go by the present day greeks and work backwards, we can assume they were in fact not white but instead greek.

The people who brought the Greek language to Greece were Indo-Europeans. They arrived about 2000 BC but the land was already inhabited by the Pelasgians. In the following millenia, the Indo-European Greeks were the bearers of culture, responsible for the great works of philosophy, science and literature. However, the native Pelasgians were still there, they assimilated into the Greek society, spoke the language and formed the lower strata of society. As time went on, the population of the assimilated Pelasgians grew and grew, while the Indo-European real Greek had lower birth rates and were continually decimated by warfare which was a duty for free citizens. Thus the productive element of society was thinned out, and what remained was steadily weakend by racial mixing with the Pelasgians. This process was accompanied by a slow but steady decline of the culture of Greece. Today, Greeks are only partly descendants of the real Greeks, the tribes who migrated there 4000 years ago but mostly of the earlier Pelasgian population who was unfortunately never able to repeat the great deeds of the Indo-European Greeks. Case closed.

>all the shit people itt

That's only because they were close to Egypt
And Egypt only had advanced civilization because they were the most fertile place near the Mesopotamia

subhuman gook

I-i'm actually Romanian.
Plz no bully

according to this pic Scandinavia, Iberia, Britain and Ireland are not IE?

what are you doing over there dude?

That pic only shows the first waves of IE expansion. IE-peoples went later into those places

i'm actually in mainland china working


Yes, this is true. Egypt was the first civ.

Has the "I am greek" turk finally been banned for breaking the rules with every post?

Turks are angels compared to subhumans like Romanians you stupid portumoor. Romanians and Bulgarians are like a better version of Gypsies.

daily moorthreads from now on

I always wanted to understand : why Turkish people want so much to be Greek?



How's German welfare working out for you, my Turkish friend?

Because nothing about Turkey is Turkic except the language.

It's not that they want to be Greek. It's that they want to be anything else and Greeks are the closest to them. Wouldn't you want to be something else too if you were a t*rk?

I'm Spanish btw.

We don't recieve it but all the new ROMAnians live from that money and they don't stop breeding.

because we've been an integral part of morphing this world into what it is today, and turks... welll turks helped in holding us back enough for west Europe to become better, so they want some recognition goddamit it's been 1000 years, western europe should recognize the turks as being the main factor west europe became so great.

gods mistake

It's funny how you'll ALWAYS see a Turk posting that we're related to him but NEVER that arabs, kurds, actual turks, or other people are related to him.
I just laugh at the whole thing, it's kinda sad, but yet very funny.

Fun fact the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black

Probably brown

Because arabs and kurds were their dogs.

>because we've been an integral part of morphing this world into what it is today

Between now and the birth of Greece in mid 1800's what did Greeks do to morph the world into what it is today.

The ancient Greeks were olive skinned just as modern greeks are today. It's only due to anglos playing Greeks in modern adaptations and Sup Forumss racial idiocy that Ancient Greeks were considered to have lighter skin.

Look at any Fresco and you'll see that's the case

Wakey wakey, my hardworking ger"man" friend. I need another loan to buy a new, extra soft mattress so don't be late for your job, okay?

I am a Greek

I mean you've got to put it into perspective, the race that despised everyone, that described turks as vile insects, that was a whole other different world, religion, color, culture is actually the lost brothers of its deadliest enemy. Moreover that even if we were in an empire with Latins for more than 2000 years, 400 years were enough for us to become turkish. Turks are fucking crazy the least.

just a simple thank you would be nice every now and then instead of completely shitting on us without a reason, hadn't it been for us we'd all be speaking alahu today and use candles to see in the dark.

Thank you Greece.
You're welcome America(?)