
/desi/: singal boys edition

tune: youtube.com/watch?v=9HwrMGpFaik

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Any of you watch Goodness Gracious Me? I think its pretty funny

How do pakis feel about the fact that their ancestors were basically given two options: convert to Islam or die. Why do pakis love islam so much?

Now that Modi ji (pbuh) has won the NE, can I finally get north east gf?

No sorry, I won't watch filth that ridicules my culture and customs.

How dare they stereotype the Indian culture? Self-hating at its finest.

I am glad that shows like that don't get made anymore

Because they are literal cucks. Changing your religion to a pedophilic one under pressure is weak as fuck. Fucking beta muslims



Choose any one

because Allah wills it

yeah used to watcdh it back in the day
discus pm fr singal boys at his home

Really? I like the corny jokes. I like seeing my culture on telly even if it is being poked fun at

Desi chicks are quite easy desu it's the society and family that makes it so hard to have a meaningful relationship

Well you should know that its called white privilege. Sure you may laugh at it but have you thought about what others might feel?

It basically nit picks the worst apsects of Indian culture so the foreigners only have that as a reference when they meet an Indian person.

Habe you thought about what kind of insecurities that might instill in an Indian?

Please don't be problematic

Who is this lunda danda?

I have no clue. Got it from some old thread


Tfw no north east chick will ever stalk you, singing cheap pop songs and probably schlking to you on the nite

I'm not white dumbass. Most of the people who watch it are desi anyway, white people aren't interested in this shit

Please find more for me thx bhai.

Sure, being able to change your race at will is also a white privilege.

Literally all whites I know watch GGM. They always make fun of me based on that show.

Sorry you got bullied by the whites why do you even hang out with them anyway. You live in Canada, isn't it basically cold Punjab?

>Cold Punjab

I wish, theres only rednecks where I live. Do you live in Edison, NJ?

No. I live in Maryland. There's no desis in my city ;_;

I for real want to move to Southall later in my life

Why Southhall?

Its nothing like the movies nigga. Its full of dirty Pakis.

I wanna move to Costa Rica or something.

I've been there, I have family near there, and I'm a dirty Paki

also I want to find qt Punjabi wife

>>I wish

You'd just have brown rednecks instead of white ones.

>I want to find qt Punjabi wife

Go to Birmingham or London.

Whats stopping you?

I'll agree desu. UK seems to have a better "selection" than NA.

Hey man, you should join the skype group. How are things?

Anyone here watch NBA?

>semester ends
>realize I became attached to a Latina friend
>start to hate myself for it

Maya is poison friends. Stay strong and don't forget dharma.

But yeah, currently spending my summer getting fit and looking for a part time job.


What's the name? Do I need an account?

"Just so you guys know, my ancestors are Turkish and Iranian. I might even have some Arab blood from my father's side."

Not hating, but they must be Muhajirs or Dalits.

That's the joke. Pakistanis claim to be "Middle Eastern" even if they look like Abos

I don't think it's the Dalits that make those claims, it's probably the Rajputs, Khatris, etc.

You'd be surprised at just how delusional people can be

>Go to Birmingham or London.

London is nice but I dont like Brum

But there's a big Paki Panjabi community there.

Pakistanis are better than Middle Easterners anyway. Everybody should want to be a paki

I know but still Brum is kind of shit. So is Leicester. Manchester seems nice tho


Is this movie any good?

For once I agree with you. And apparently you're desi as well...

I actually do have I*anian blood in me from centuries ago (I think) but I don't really give a fuck about it.
Only losers care about that.

>I actually do have I*anian blood in me from centuries ago (I think) but I don't really give a fuck about it.
lol, no you don't


Nice man, I am also trying to lower bodyfat.


Whats your endgame in terms of "love"? Arranged marriage?

Looks like sensationalist Oscar-bait. I'd avoid it

Thank you, I am glad someone who is white agrees with me finally.

Wow, an Indian thread without Pajeet defending shitting in the street? I'm very impressed, good work on the reeducation program everybody

>reading youtube comments for the trailer
>there's an Indian claiming the Vedas discovered integration and differentiation


>sensationalist Oscar-bait

Yeah, that's the perfect way of putting it.

>Whats your endgame in terms of "love"? Arranged marriage?

Not sure. Either arranged or a platonic relationship that somehow turns into marriage when the right time comes; preferably with a woman of my own race and religion.

>lol, no you don't

I have silver and light green eyes that have been recurring in my family since we could document it (my grand-dads era tho desu). My families pretty tall even by euro standards. I'm not going to talk about being light-skinned because that's for a lot of people.

I don't mean for me to sound like I'm bragging. I'm not. But I do get pretty annoyed when I see other desis argue their 'whiteness'. It's cringy as fuck and I'd say you ugly fuckers are beautiful the way you are.

And probably not I*anian blood but something else.

Here you go for the skype group


How are you going to find this life partner?

Excuse me? I am pretty white in that I get people asking me if I am a Scandinavian constantly.

>Excuse me? I am pretty white in that I get people asking me if I am a Scandinavian constantly.

But if you're mocking me, I never said I even looked scandinavian you fucking turd.

No, ancestors came from Afghanistan according to legends.

But yeah, I am a very white person, just like you friend.

I know you pakis are pretty retarded, but can you read his name? It say "gujjew", meaning he is gujarati.

>But yeah, I am a very white person, just like you friend.
>implying I look white

I won't say that I'm not good looking but I have desi features mixed with my other features because I'm desi as fuck user.

>But yeah, I am a very white person, just like you friend.
Kek. No you're not. Neither am I.

What's a Gujjarati? I grew up in the US and never learned this stuff.

Pls excuse stupid question. I'm kind of young as well.

yep you pakis are retarded

go fuck some goats with your iranian """""ancestors"""""

Ever notice how little Paki boys love Spiderman

But I am white though, can't deny truth. You may not want to admit if but me and you, we are not so different, you and I.

Google is down the hall and to the left


Stay mad m8.



>How are you going to find this life partner?

No idea, I'm not even looking. Also, it's a bit difficult to find young, religious, and virgin women these days. Not sure if the platonic relationship route is even viable.

Honestly I'll probably live out my life as a celibate if I can't get an arranged marriage either.

Yeah its true, not many good women left.

What do your parents say?

Pakiboi got no response so he resorts to memeing

>What do your parents say?

Nothing yet. We don't talk about these sort of things.

What are you waiting for? You've got a good job and you're prime marrying age.

Meh, kinda scared to settle down so not really trying.

Told my parents recently that I am not marrying any girls from India, not gonna bring someone here.

>scared to settle down

I don't understand this meme. I would've married at 18 if I had a proper job and was able to sustain a family. What are you even living for right now? Don't you want a family to live for?

>tfw modern men are cucked

life is suffering.

I am living for myself right now. I have plans that might get hampered by having a family.

Having kids and stuff is great no doubt but they also act as an anchor in your life.

>life is suffering.

this is true but it doesn't change my statement

Why does /desi/ descend into chaos whenever colour/ancestry comes up? just nigger manlets being insecure?

Because the Indian Sub-Continent is a big place.
Not everyone gets along.

I don't know man. I was wondering the same thing
>Pakiboi got no response so he resorts to memeing
>replying seriously to foreign cancuck posters
If I wanted to deal with hardcore autism i'd go to my local special ed school thank you very much.

No racial slurs please. We are just trying to understand eachother here, sometimes it gets a bit messy

Wish that was the case, then there would've been less POOs

Families can be pretty flexible, they can become an impetus for you as well. You shouldn't think about them as hindrances or anchors unless you want them to serve that purpose.

Anyways, good luck with whatever living for yourself entails I guess.

Gonna get off the computer for now. See ya.

yea fine but its >the current year, colour matters less and less

Whatup bitches

Join lodu

Abe shouchalay ki aulad. Kya haal hein?

my fucking sides

Post your benis

this is /desi/. that looks white. I'm lightskin and my peepee isnt even that fair

Nice cabinets. What's the finish? Chestnut?

Are you kidding me? You can see the wood grains. It looks very rough and unfinished. Hope he didn't pay much for it

az khanda zoft kardam

Kek, how did you know it was me

image.jpg and the carpet

>the carpet

My sides