
I want the UK to leave.

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Voting to remain lad :^)

Why tho :(
Vote to leave! Please! For me :3

I don't think it's a good idea

EU is a good idea because it's like the US

average bait 5/10
Will definitely get people to respond

Me too. Fuck the EU with its shitty attempts at federalisation.

I want the UK to leave purely to throw a wrench in this shit machine.

did you not watch the video

This one was worse. Step it up, lad.

Think about how everyone told how dumb the scottsmen were to not leave the union.

If the Britts stay in the EU, they repeat the same mistake as the scottsmen.

It's by far much better for their culture to leave this doomed union.
If they play smart, they leave the union in a way that it finally breaks completely appart.

The EU is an American project and it should end.

It's anti-humor
he says "my american friends thinks"
and I say what he thinks what we think

bro, try to pace up

Also this!

if you can't stop the waggon to hell you have to fall into it's spookes.

I'm thankfull for the Britts to do it.

Well, it was actually "some of my american friends"
not americans in general. he's not talking about you, darling.

Merkel will have a mental breakdown if the UK leaves.
I heard she's on psychiatric pills

>I want the UK to leave.
me too, fuck Germany lad

>15% of population
>20% of GDP
>EU=Germany guise!!!111!

t. absolute moron

why is it this time for keeps?

Okay I want civil war desu

>Merkel will have a mental breakdown if the UK leaves.
>I heard she's on psychiatric pills

I don't think she is able towards any emotion. She is a viper.
She has no war blood, no feelings, no loyality.
She is for her own. looking out for victimz to silently attack.
You won't even knwo you have been poisened already.
And yet you will die.

She destroyed the whole conservative wing of her Party. She ended the carrier of everyone who ever treated her as a "small girl".

She will only go away if someone kills her!


If the Britts leave, the centrifugal powers that the Euro and the Shengen treay created will hopefully end this shitty union. And then everyone will blame her. And she would be politically dead.

We need this BREXIT.

plus the National awakening allaround Europe is just kicking in the right moment. We will end the leftist way.

the continent is exiting from Britain-Continent Union

I'm deeply EU skeptical, but even I can see that the UK leaving at this point would be madness.

Yeah? Why so?

The best thing is that with every additional member Germany had lost weight in the EU and yet everyone still says it's all about us....

Luckily Germany isn't an easy target for megalomaniac accusations....

Yet , the EU is still shit.
It should be ended. We can start a new union based on conservative values and the cultural and financial independance of every member state.


It's smarter to have a slow exit...but if they get no other chance then it must be this fast brexit .

It would be better if all EU countries decide to remouve all connection of the EU step by step over a decade.

I want Britain to leave the EU just so I can laugh at it.

Mainly because there should be something to replace it. The problem with the EU is that it's fat, useless, and it's not a union of equals. There are too many poor countries dragging the rest of us down.

>remain voters will never EVER be able to keep us in the EU

So, you don't want the UK to leave because it will fuck shit up for you personaly?

Not really. I'm thinking strategically, not tactically.


The propblem is that wealthy countries also made countries that are consideres their sphere of interest to become members of the EU.

Strategically a brexit makes sence!

It sucks at first. But you can consider the suckage a long term investment.

If they don't leave now, they won't leave the EU ever.
It really is now or never.
So just fucking do it.

Not really. I mean, it would, if there were any serious prospects for something new emerging, among the wealthy. The next likely candidates to leave are probably Sweden and Denmark (yes, we are EU skeptic here), but beyond that, I don't know. But that's still pretty far off.

last one was in 1975 why wouldnt we have any more

We're going back to the Empire. Sort your own arrangements out.

>It sucks at first.

And then in the long term, Britain still ends up trading the most with the EU anyways, and ends up having to deal with EU regulations from the outside. Boy, that sure paid off!

Well, that's doubtful. But please do plead to your queen to fire Justin Trudeau. If I recall, she can actually do that, right now.

are you happy with getting a referendum every 40 years or so?
Of what is essentially USSR-lite?

trade with brazil plx

>trade with brazil plx

USA's already the second largest buyer of Brazilian exports (after China) and the first largest exporter to Brazil (China's second).

I don't know why we'd want to invest in Brazil further, your country seems way more interested in punching itself in the dick over and over more than anything else.

i'm not talking with you. i'm talking with the uk. trade with us plx

trade with us

but we already do.
i want to strenghten brazil-UK relationship

Me too


lol but China and us together account for over a quarter of your imports and your exports, the UK can't compete with that. Even the Dutch outspend the Brits in Brazil.

Britain has one of the world's top economies, but on its own abroad both us and China have it beat. That's why I love all this Brexit stuff, if the countries in the EU actually ever got their shit together then Europe would easily beat us with their money, but it turns out they're all retarded and some of them I guess actually want to play second fiddle.

And what good is having a big ass economy if you have to sell out your democracy and identity?
If you have to give away your sovereignty?
Drop your pants to a bunch of unelected bureocrats so they can do as they please?
Fuck the EU.

>And what good is having a big ass economy if you have to sell out your democracy and identity?

A bigass economy is the bigass army of the 21st century. If you don't have a big economy, you can't push others around and probably will get pushed around by others instead.

>Drop your pants to a bunch of unelected bureocrats so they can do as they please?
Even you guys already let the rich do as they please, letting a group of people run roughshod over everyone else shouldn't be a shocking new concept.

>A bigass economy is the bigass army of the 21st century. If you don't have a big economy, you can't push others around and probably will get pushed around by others instead.
I very much doubt that the UK will be pushed around if they leave the EU. They will be the ones doing the pushing.

>Even you guys already let the rich do as they please
Oh, ffs. Are you really going to bring Brazil's problems into this? Yeah, Brazil's shit.
And it should give you a clue of how to not run a country.

>letting a group of people run roughshod over everyone else shouldn't be a shocking new concept.
What the fuck?
Do you see no problem with letting the unelected career politicians run your country?
Is this it?
Because the UK has a chance. They can stop that from happening.

too bad the polls are saying a slight majority want to remain. i'm unsure if we're fucked or not.

>blaming your politicians being retarded on the US

really UK has an immigration problem, they need it.

for me brits are bro tier like italians or portuguese

>letting peasants make important decisions

man when is this democracy meme going to end

Voting to leave as I don't have high estrogen levels

>I very much doubt that the UK will be pushed around if they leave the EU. They will be the ones doing the pushing.

What, you think that if they leave the EU that the Queen will morph into the second coming of Lord Kitchener?

They're already kissing Chinese ass and they're selling off their steelworks to India. Leaving the EU is going to reduce UK's trade with the rest of Europe at least a bit, and that's either got to be compensated for by trading more with other people who have money (i.e. they'll have to trade even more with China) or by weathering the economic downturn while forlornly staring at those "Keep Calm" posters.

>Do you see no problem with letting the unelected career politicians run your country?
I think that line of rhetoric is hyperbole.

Mind you, yeah, hyperbole is an exaggeration of the truth, and I do recognize that the EU has overruled some national governments on some matters- Greece is the most obvious and egregious case.

Even then, it's not like it's a repeat of the wartime occupation. Syriza got fucked over on its anti-austerity stance (anybody that fucked up with debt is going to be in a weak position when trying to negotiate with the groups holding the debt, be it a person, a company or a country), but the government still clearly has its own agenda and sets its own goals and does its own thing.

>What, you think that if they leave the EU that the Queen will morph into the second coming of Lord Kitchener?
No. But I don't think they will become the bottom bitch either.
My point is that you don't get to sink the UK. You don't push it around. If you do, they will hit you back.

>I think that line of rhetoric is hyperbole.
What about this:
>letting a group of people run roughshod over everyone else shouldn't be a shocking new concept.
You get to use the hyperboles but I don't?

yes, please.

>My point is that you don't get to sink the UK. You don't push it around. If you do, they will hit you back.
I don't see that reflected in anything of Britain's recent actions. The Falklands War happened a generation ago and a century previous at this point; modern-day Britain doesn't even have any active carriers in the Royal Navy, although I understand there's some that will be launched Soon™.

And, as I've already been saying, economic power's the test, and Britain's been just sort of muddling along there at the best of times. British economic influence overseas does not seem to be terribly strong compared to the international competition- for example, the Euro and the Chinese Yuan are used more in Indian trade than the Pound is, at this point.

>You get to use the hyperboles but I don't?
That was bad form on my part, and I'll refrain in the future.

I'm sure they can get their economy back on its feet.

By leaving one of the biggest common markets on earth.

They will find a way.

>the UK should stay in a non-democratic union that they pay way more into than they get out.
>Only psychotic nutjobs would want to leave!

That does not sound like the best sales pitch for leaving the EU I have heard.

They had the same or better trade deals before the EU existed.

>remain wins
>Merkel rubs her hands and pressed the United States of Europe button
>it's a shitshow for 20 years
>civil war breaks out
>Europe reverts back to pre WW2 with Germany spilt up between Poland and France

The fact that the EU tried to keep their plans to build an army under wraps until after Brexit polling shows just how sus they are as people.

What deals did Maastricht nullify? Or are we talking about before the UK joined the EEC in '73?

The UK had healthy agreements with all the important EU countries before the EU was created and they could do it again. Germany already plans to. Norway has all the benefits of trading with the EU without being in the EU.

Alrighty, Satan.


When's the referendum?

>Norway has all the benefits of trading with the EU without being in the EU.
And likewise is de facto subject to EU regulations anyways, since whatever they import from there has to adhere to the rules and whatever they export to there likewise has to pass muster. So economically it's like being in the EU, except without having even a pretense of a vote.

It's also worth noting along with all that, Norway has an agreement with the /EU/, not France, Germany, Poland, etc. If Britain brexited then they'd be negotiating with the EU as a whole, not individual countries like olden days, and that single EU they'd be negotiating with is the one they would've just spat in the eye of.

23rd June

Norway's situation is NOT the same. They don't adhere to all EU regulations. They pick and choose those which benefit them the most. Not only that, but they don't have to pay EU taxes that go to other failed countries.

>Not only that, but they don't have to pay EU taxes that go to other failed countries.

>tfw suicidal NEET wasteman
>nothing to live for
>really want a brexit
>have decided I'm going to top myself if we vote to stay

Don't kill yourself, man. What the hell?

Refer to the first two points, I might just do it anyway

Don't do it.
Go out for a walk, man. Exercise makes you feel better.
Also, do you have insomnia? Lack of sleep can make you feel ike trash.

>We're all retarded

Translation; we're all nations with long, diverse histories that have fought each other since the break up of the Roman Empire. We don't even speak a common language.

Federalism cannot and will never work here. Give up you retarded shill.

It's a fucking choice though, man. They don't have to if they don't want to. They need to leave the EU to do what they want, they just do it. If the UK wants to make a choice, they don't have the fucking right.

*They don't need to leave the EU to do what they want
I'm sure it made enough sense anyway

If we stay I hope there's riots, would love to kick some leftist wankers head into the pavement.

Guys, I need some real advice. Ideologically speaking I really want close ties with (developed) Europe. I really like France, Germany, Italy, The low countries, Scandanavia and The Iberian nations. I (maybe wishfully) think that there are real cultural ties created for millennia of interaction. Yet currently I can't see Europe working out too well. I don't have much of an idea which way I wanna vote. Ideologically speaking, do you guys believe in a very closely knit Europe or not?

Also, would skeptics prefer it if only developed nations could be in the EU?

How can you, they're beyond fucked and their government doesn't care. It's fucking anarchy in Germany, this was today;

>we're all nations with long, diverse histories that have fought each other since the break up of the Roman Empire.
It's not some innate thing, though, if you were ground up into a fine powder no one would be able to find one atom of the British nation in you.

Not to go "national identity is all just in your head, maaan"- there's no way all that can just disappear in a flash of thinking or whatever- but I mean, shoot, do you really still have a beef with the German people for WWII, or do you begrudge the Irish for the bombings, or what?

>We don't even speak a common language.
That's certainly a concern, but there's effectively working lingua francas out there already. English itself does a good job in many areas- the plethora of flags seen in Sup Forums can attest to its widespread use- and iirc pretty much everybody else in the Western Hemisphere has better schooling that us and so probably has learned or can learn a second language, right?