
Airforce edition

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Which of the Hungarian Dances are truly the best?

magyar cigany

>3 posts
>none is from a /v4/ country

Shut up and answer my question

I don't know the anwser to your question.
I learned a few folk dances in school but I hated them because the teacher gave me the ugly girl on purpose!
(that girl was in love with me)

I was thinking more in line of brahms...

Just listen to them all and decide for yourself.
I remember liking the 5th.

I personally love the third because I learned to play it on the violin a few years back, but I think all of them are good



why tho




it's raining

any plans for today fempek ?

helping my mom clean out the old house, you?

ayy lmao

working, then gonna eat some fish and end up doing research and some practice in my home lab for the rest of the day

>have to go to work
>Blood and Wine is already out
whats the move here lads

>Czech has IPA c and upside down f
phonetics is so hard

nah i just need to review some things for work

Go to work lad, you can play after work and on the weekend

i am awake

read this to remain awake

Read this to remain awake

i went in, but i told them i can't stay all day
playing it guy atm because what else should an established scholar like myself be doing at work

But isn't that story supposedly not very interesting? Nevertheless it is on my reading list.

who's this fatty and why is everyone so mad at him over some political banter?

for all you non-huns:
the guys serves as some kind of cultural secretary of the state. he was invited to an Ottoman era historical fair and he delivered such a speech there that the T*rk ambassador who was also invited left

>get a new gaming rig
>have no desire to play anything

loneliness causes retardation

>loneliness causes retardation
can confirm that

Did you read your daily passage of scip?

Becasue he is wrong
>Idrisz Baba egy olyan vallási vezető volt, aki a keresztény magyarság eltiprását hirdette, aki vallási alapon akarta felszámolni a kereszténységet

Basically he said, idrisz baba (turk during the ottoman invasion) wanted to end christianity in hungary. But that's just plain not true. The turks didn't force anyone to become muslim bc they could take extra tax from any infidel.

Also it was a millitary and cultural festival, there was no need to bring politics into a fucking opening speech.


we found a shitload of dolls

are you going to scalp the rest as well?

did you play with them as a kid ?

we did it reddit
i got an E from the exam

lets not try and picture the ottomans as the embodiement of tolerance
the incentive to become a muslim was there, the point was, the Porta benefited from whatever religion they choosed, one way or another


>are you going to scalp the rest as well?
You shouldn't joke about cancer m80

No but we used to have a room with dolls that my dad bought when he was abroad

The are the only station that does actual reports on their own, not just forwarding whatever EU-approved bullshit they've been handed.

But he is right.
Ottomans let you remain Christian officially to collect that sweet kharaj, but they still killed priests and demolished churches.

Of course I wouldn't bring this up on a cultural fair under normal circumstances, but if T*rk diplomats want to swing their dicks around in Europe, it doesn't hurt to show them that they can't expect courtesy everywhere while they're acting like raging cunts. From what I know, there's little to lose by degrating our relationship with them, as it was mostly limited to a rather-one sided cultural mission initiated by Turkey.
If it was a deliberate move from our dear gov.t, I'd say good for them.

>that does actual reports on their own
No, their journalists were ordered by the company to report on refugee crisis negatively.

That's propaganda, not news.

thanks, the teacher was fucking awful, so glad i am done with him

>lets not try and picture the ottomans as the embodiement of tolerance
Agree, but in his speech he implied that they had destroying hungarian culture and christianity as a goal. While what they probably wanted is money and territory

Is E passing?

All media outlets have internal guidelines about the tone of their reports regarding hot events. Even the 'gonzo' ones.
Most of the time these are based on financial considerations, they spin news in a way that'll likely please their core viewership and not the other way around.

I've seen many reports from them, most showing things how they are. You can watch it in their archive even, it's not like it's some foreign language you don't understand.

Meanwhile, ČT is doing nothing but shoving that crap down people's throats, making it look like the best thing to ever happen. And making them pay for it.

Do you actually have these stupid ABCDEF grades instead of 12345?

(pekné trojky)
>Is E passing?

>Do you actually have these stupid ABCDEF grades instead of 12345?
don't all unis use A B C D E FX? welp colour me surprised

Dunno really, friends always talked about percentage.

Pic related is how they were reporting on refugee crisis before and after said directive.

I know Prima. It's tabloid trash, gutter journalism.

This was a decision made by top three people. Without any discussion with the staff.

Here's the link to the video, but their site is down atm. Guess it's overloaded or under ddos attack


we too have percentage based
and 12345 can't be used instead of abcdefx because people would be confused af

what the fuck

how is it possible to positively report on the illegal immigrant crisis ?

> B-1.5
> C-2
> D-2.5
> E-3
> FX-fail

By not reporting on them as if they were some anonymous horde flooding Europe that is out to rape, murder and islamize us.

They were ordered to refer to refugee crisis with the language associated with natural disasters.

So what's your resolution then?

Our national TV funded by the state does that all the time.

Usual shit - lies about cultural enrichment, raising GDP, claiming that Europe needs this to stop population decline... pretty much like when you open an ironic Sup Forums post, only they present it as facts.


got some mad skillz there, maciej

>So what's your resolution then?
Journalists should be free to report on refugee crisis objectively according to their own integrity and conscience, and without instructions and pressures from above

>on the weekend
topkek I dropped from uni to play Blood and Wine

Star Trek makes me sad

The fact that anyone still watches that nerd shit makes me sad.

>rape, murder and islamize us.
its all happening

>a singleplayer game
You might want to reconsider your life choices, friend.

sure, and then we will all hold hands and fart rainbows
do you seriously think that journalists do anything else aside what they are ordered to do?

even fucking state tv (at least ours) follows a narrative dictated above, if you look for our PM's leaked emails, you will find some nice dirt about it

the difference is that one of these is payed by private money and the other one by taxes

*from above

It's the only watchable show on TV right now.
And it's not like I can get up from bed.

>he plays multiplayer in 2016

lmao what are you playing now? League of AD Mid Bias? Defense of the Stalingrad? Counter Strike: Cheater Offensive? Waifuwatch with build in wallhack because it's literal baby's first FPS? MP is fucking garbage now maybe new Battlefield will save it but I doubt it.


new battlefield trailer looks quite dope тбх

There is no proof that other media did something similar and your ''tactic'' is pure whataboutism.

Sure, there can be some implied limits and editorial line, but who else has been explicitly told how to report?

You're advocating censorship and propaganda in order to fight ''PC culture'' and save ''freedom of speech'',

>It doesn't mattter when good guys do it!

They are lying scum and this can be all sorts of things, but journalism

I wasn't bashing singleplayer games.

I was only pointing out that dropping from university for sake of a singleplayer game is stupid.

I would understand if he was an MMO addict - stuff keeps going on whether you play or not, making you stay online at all times to not miss anything and to keep up with the others.

Anyway, I don't play any of the games you've mentioned - don't make it look as if those were the only games available.

So im at job and there is wifi but cunts dont want to say password. I have access to pc with connection to router. Will they find out if i 192.168 it?

>Will they find out if i 192.168 it?

>magyarization in practice

show your tattoos slavs

Texas is rightfully ours after all.

>There is no proof that other media did something similar and your ''tactic'' is pure whataboutism.
propaganda tailored for children broadcasted on national tv and adult version in planning

free advertising of "NGO" on national tv

no comment

but nope, absolutely no bias here

>You're advocating censorship and propaganda in order to fight ''PC culture'' and save ''freedom of speech'',
what are you babbling about? where did I say that

I said that there's a difference if "propaganda" or whatever you want to call it is spread by a media outlet in a private ownership and state-owned one

Hungarians are slavs themselves.

But our language is not slavic

nem értem, tolmácsot kérek




>Šéfka zpravodajství televize Prima Jitka Obzinová na poradě uvedla, že k uprchlické krizi budou muset média zaujmout určitý postoj, a "pokud jde o naši televizi, tak ho zaujmout chce". "Takže v té obecné rovině musím říct – bude potřeba to akceptovat," upozornila Obzinová.
>"Jsme tady všichni zaměstnaní, máme zaměstnavatele, který má nějaký postoj. Jestliže ho akceptuji já, akceptuje ho vedoucí vydání, tak vy prostě poslechnete příkazů vedoucího vydání. Pokud to tak není, tak vlastně neakceptujete fakt, že jste tady zaměstnaní, a pak nemá cenu, abyste tady byli zaměstnaní," doplnila.

Were ČT reporters threatened with sacking if they didn't report positively on refugees? Because those at Prima were.

How can you compare some cartoon (was the author instructed that it should be pro-refugee?) and state co-funding for NGO that is funded from the Nowegian funds by 80% with that?

If that wasn't blatant propaganda, then I don't know what is.

they are not refugees, just illegal immigrants

try to write anti illegal immigrant in librul media, same fate will await you

And I'm not against bias per se. People, even journalists, should be entitled to their opinions. Prima reporters didn't have a choice

anarchy when

Czechs and Slovaks escaping 1968 invasion were refugees and their situation was incomparable that that of current Syrians.

They didn't all stay in West Germany and Austria.

>not very interesting
more like not very good
I am Sup Forums as much as the next guy, but the book is too boring, to simplistic, an waaay too long...

>current Syrians.
how many % of the current illegal immigrants are syrians ?

refugee status is defined by law, the ones coming here are just illegal immigrants

>work for a company
>private company
>my boss tells me to do something
>it goes against my moral values
>nevertheless, I'm the employee and I have a choice now

option 1: do it even though I don't want to
option 2: hand in resignation

no one is forced to watch news and no one is forced to believe it

>How can you compare some cartoon (was the author instructed that it should be pro-refugee?) and state co-funding for NGO that is funded from the Nowegian funds by 80% with that?
you literally said there is no proof of other media doing something similar and when you get proven wrong you just shift goalposts, see >was the author instructed that it should be pro-refugee?
>refugee crisis
>cartoon about helping refugees gets published
sure, pure coincidence

>Czechs and Slovaks escaping 1968 invasion were refugees
unlike these people
>definition of "refugee" to apply to any person who (in Article 1.A.2)
"owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it."

not to mention the percentage of the actual "Syrians"

>he plays videogames
>he watches movies
>he listens to music

>he doesn't enjoy life

I am asking again, is there any proof that ČT forced their employees to report on this issue in a positive tone?

There isn't? And I am shifting goal posts?

It's not like the Syrians are legit refugees either. They're not from Aleppo or Raqqa.
All the ones are met said they're from safe areas around Damascus. Of course they may have been lying about it for some reason, but if you're lying to get in, then fuck you you're not getting in.
And let's not even mention the
with the suspiciously North African accents.