We may say we hate Japan,but the truthfully..... We all want live in Japan

We may say we hate Japan,but the truthfully..... We all want live in Japan

We just do not want a Japs to live there with us.... OK?

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>t.jobless hikkikomori

I don't understand why South Korea and Japan aren't willing to let bygones be bygones.
Japan did it with us at least.

The past is the past.


We think Korean guys are more manly and musclar desu.

you guys just feel sorry for the two atomic bombs aren't you?


Oh boy

It's complicated.
I think everyone outside of racists regrets that we dropped them, it's just to varying degrees depending on if one believes the bombs were justified.

But with all japs gone how it will be any different from Corea?

Asian fights are pretty much the best thing ever.

>But with all japs gone how it will be any different from Corea?
>radioactive contamination

Korea and Japan share the same social problems.

few birth rates, too long work time, deflating...

Our autism genes are getting better thanks to radiation.

Even the Japanese don't want to live in Japan. It is a shit


get a job hopefully you will get another kim

it is more annoying when you bring your retarded feud over here in the usa.

The japs started to get angry and started to contact all our schools because our history books talked about how tojos went apeshit on the civs in china, and your government wanted to put a giant statue of your prostitutes in Washington dc.

aaaah... could you like, shut up?

>Korea and Japan share the same social problems.few birth rates, too long work time, deflating...
to be fair abe is doing better than park at least she's literally meme

"If you want something so bad, the universe will help you out"

>we want to live in Japan
fuck. even I try living in the US when I have such a capacity to speak English that I live off there even if I don't like foreigners because Japan is no longer a successful country. fuck off with your loser mind.

you should get over this.

>Americans believe we back then had no democracy

We don't care about your history.

You were an empire you dumb nip


What's weird?

lol like present Russia is called Putin Empire

> in b4 netouyo

a zainichi stalker never complain about shit threads made by Koreans

Because you give us a freaking agent orange!

I've been to Korea, and Japan. And it's the same shit. underage girls advertising the newest phone or purse. Followed by pop groups playing on every radio station. Although I find Korean food a bit better.

My Grandfather died recently from cancer caused by Agent Orange

It goes both ways, though I'm sorry it still is a problem in Vietnam

In all honesty. It was really the French's fault, and a few idiots with suits. But we

Same, but not cancer. i don't know how he died.
I blame Lyndon B. Johnson. That Agent Orange is worst than Nuke!


Well, 60 year. time change so fast. now china getting issue with vietnam's sea. what next? war?

your gene instinct

t. dog food lover kimerican

Hopefully not

Chemical warfare is just as bad as nuclear, there's a reason why the US has policy where any chemical attack will be responded to with nuclear weapons

>Korean food a bit better.
lol kimchi fan please

Dose of Radiation in micro Sv per hour

Tokyo 0.034 (May. 17, 2016)
Seoul 0.114 (May. 18, 2016)

you have been exposed by 3 times higher radiation, also suffered from much more Thyroid cancers.

why don't they realize this fact? it's pretty famous over here.

By who

Putins official tital is president.