Why is Sup Forums so full of leftists now?

Two years ago I discovered this place, at first I didn't understand how it worked, but as soon as I got to understand I've realized how much depth it had. I mean "being White" didn't solely mean skin color but a cultural and racial factor that leads to development, also Sup Forums has shown me also tons of economical, scientific data proving the truthness of all these factors. And that's why you guys back then have conviced me why my country is a shithole with no future and why I should use my god gifted european heritage to pave a way to the first world. But after years of browsing Sup Forums recently some group of users started to try to prove otherwise, some leftists have started to deceive you and try to pass the image that Brazil is a good country with a respectable culture and respectable people, therefore worth fighing for, don't believe such lies my fellow Sup Forums dwellers, you guys hold the values that leads to development that are against multiculturalism, immigration, communism and general leftism. DON'T YOU FALL FOR THE BRAZIL MEME, THESE GUYS WANT ONLY THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VALUES THAT MADE THE WHITE RACE THE HOLDER OF CIVILIZED WORLD

An invasion from a certain shithole website. I have noticed it too.

Argentina will forever be

We still hate niggers.


There is nothing wrong with leftism.



The the problem is that since Sup Forums is fairly right-wing, posting as a lefty is done ironically for the sake of shitposting. Then reddit fags show up and mistake the ironic shitposting as legitposting and develop the assumption that it's actually a leftist board

I think there is some substantial middle ground between being leftist and not being a Sup Forums cuck. I don't really know enough about socioeconomic or political backgrounds of your country's population, maybe you're right or maybe you're wrong. If you want to discuss that, you can go to Sup Forums or R*ddit or Tumblr. Sup Forums is supposed to be relaxed, I'm here to have interesting conversations with people thousands of miles away from me, and to learn things about their culture that I'm interested in learning. I just want to post some frog memes, have some banter, learn some things, talk to some people. I'm not trying to start a political movement on this board.


A self hating Brazilian with anime. How original.

>and to learn things about their culture

>falling for bait that obvious

>I mean "being White" didn't solely mean skin color but a cultural and racial factor that leads to development
thats literally only in brazil and a stupid "developing" logic comes from ghetto, you house nigga ass muh god gifted heritard slum monkey



I see this type of thinking amongst "white" Mexicans too


To be fair he started out pretty well but I lost him towards the end.

outside sjws, i agree


Sup Forums still has a center-right lean that is pretty even divided between anti and pro globalization, there were always leftists its just that a steady stream of reddit immigrants grew the number of leftists but the overall average political position is still right

more 戦乱 pls