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International #604
Does /int even have opinion about Montenegro?
Parliament of Sup Forums
What are you doing in your life?
Are red heads common in your country?
1. Country
Mfw I fixed Europe
Most disliked country on int?
Say something nice about the cunt below you
Your country
The language has gendered nouns
Why do japanese have black people nose?
Faces of Sup Forums
Is this the Prettiest city in northern Europe?
Ja or Nein?
This is an average polish dresscode
Africans and Muslims:
How do we stop oppression and racism towards Russia by NATO countries?
1v1 no nukes
I like Chile. Do you like Chile?
Post an expression or idiom in your language and translate its meaning
How did Italy get away with not paying reparations to Israel...
How many Muslim friends do you have?
Is there a single Western country that isn't going to be overran by pakis and black within a century?
Is really brazil this white ??
Post the beverage of your people
Brit moving to Spain to be lazy
He actually drives on the Left
Get in here lads!
Why do Japs censor their porn? Is it autism?
1. You're country
L am not a cuckold fetishist. I am just interested in the nature of rise and fall of civilizations. Through my studies...
You're Cunt
Finland is finally to starting to compete with sweden
So our goverment have website where inspection is controling groceries
Does your second language feel... emotionless to you?
Is 4 inches small? Be honest
I NEED a russian gf
What are most good philosophers German?
Sverigetråden - Antirasistiska upplagan
Lucky Fug Thread
Tfw don't know how to stop tanning massively everywhere that isn't covered
Be American
What happens in New Caledonia?
How would this girl be treated in your country?
Which country is the most developed?
Ramada in Finland
Is this acceptable in your country?
America is too spread out for passenger rail
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Music of Sup Forums
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
A nazi, a commie and an american walk into a bar
Are russians white?
Post youre cunt castles
/urban/ + /architecture/
When I found out I'll never live in Iceland with a qt lucario trap
/esp/ Hilo Español - Edición Dibujitos Cantoneses
Mom, Dad, this is my new girlfriend, Xiang Li
When's the last time you saw an Australian in your daily life? And how was it?
1. Your country
You got beef, you fucks?
What's the most beautiful mosque in the world ?
/fr/ - le Francofil - édition de la race maîtresse féline
Be american
Post rap/hip-hop from your country
Q1 2016 GDP growth rates
Hey /int. I'm new here, so i just wanna ask what do you think about Serbs and Serbia?
If Ireland disappeared, would anyone really care? They contribute nothing. Never have, and never will
/brit/ + /polska/ + /ausnz/ = are patrick
Slavic food thread
This is a 10 in Britain
How are asians able to integrate into western society but arabs cant?
International black metal
Do this and tell me if you're average or below average in your country. I need ehm data
Do you like Poland?
How do we save the white race from extinction?
Mfw Sup Forums made me borderline racist and xenophobe
Tfw Ramadan
NATO Tank Competition 2016
What are your thoughts on Austria and the Austrian people?
International qt thread
/Slav/ic languages
Do you love France?
Hello Sup Forums I'm fasting right now so post your cunt's food
Are Syrians white?
ITT: Say something nice about the country of the poster above you
Korean thread
Tell me something extremely interesting about this country
Irish will be a fully fledged language of the EU by 2022, and the drive is on to recruit translators...
It's ramadan
Daily reminder that Finns are not white but Mongols from Central Asia
What's the biggest mistake your country's ever made?
Je m'appelle Claude
Why do Euros get uncomfortable by American friendliness?
Your cunt
Europeans can go to jail for being a racist on Facebook or Twitter
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Top 3 cities of home country thread
Do you work Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Tom bänk-upplagan
So user we heard you hate us just because we're Anglos. Are you aware Anglophobia is a form of racism?
Luso - Fio lusófono
Why Korean abandoned KANJI?
2nd day of ramadan thread
China vs Japan
Are you envious/jealous
Do you guys have any relatives that never left Europe and sailed to America? I mean America is only 238 years old...
Who are the biggest bullies to your cunt on this board?
I got drafted
Arab Rape
Look through catalog
Itt: we pretend china has taken over the world
Chaddest normiest country
Do you Love Finland?
Sup Forums creates a civ
Remember brits: no eating :^)
Be european
Post a better version of a flag of your choice
TFW Australians said my penis is not so bad
Hero or villan?
I don't say that the Japan in the WWII was the absolute justice
It's only been out for a bit but really I only trust Sup Forums opinion on this. should I buy or pirate...
Is it true that Christians and Muslim worship the same God?
Czech Republic or Poland
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Real talk, how do genes work...
Hilo Latino /lat/
/ita/ - il filo
What's with all the gay shit on Sup Forums. Can we get the mods to do their fucking job (for free)?
What do Russians think of Japan/Japanese?
World languages ordered from most "pleasant to listen to" to "least pleasant to listen to"
Vietnam War
How true or false are the memes associated with your country?
What's it like living in Texas
1. Native language
Tfw no gf
Tfw go to tims and the cute filipinos are gone
Daily reminder that if you don't support Quebecois separatism you are as cucked as weedman related:
How did Australia and NZ keep the brit accent while Canada and the US evolved into losing it?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/hg/ - Haïti Générale
Brits can't banter or else they'll break their fast
Daily reminder that American spellings and pronunciations are the correct ones. This language belongs to us
How do you like this map?
Legs of Sup Forums
Why are muslim american bro tier ? What made them that way ?
What will your country call its first faster-than-light starship?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Would you date a girl who likes to travel?
Japanese Immigration
1. Cunt
When the int gf refuse to reply and you've had it up to here
If this boypussy came up to you, how would you respond?
Find a flaw
Are writers intellectual?
Hold me int/
What did he mean by this?
Burger states thread
/brit/ - Yanks Out Edition
Is there literally any reason to date a white girl in 2016?
>manual trannys
Cum home
1000 Mongol horse archers vs 2000 Roman legionnaires in an open steppe
Tfw your language isn't romance
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
Washington DC is not in Washington
If I'm good looking and have a decent personality will my 4 inch erect penis matter to women could I get a girlfriend?
"When are you graduating user?"
The United States is the nation which its history is short
1. Flags you like seeing most on this board
India or China
Brazil explain why adults still drink this
/nachtschicht/ OFFIZIELLER FADEN
Hilo latino lascivo en honor a los caidos en batalla .---
Are German girls actually masculine?
I like spain do you like
Do you trust your government?
It's a "double-digit IQ Sup Forums virgin thinks everybody on Sup Forums is as racist and Islamophobic as he is" thread
Neighbors have been blasting arabian music for the past 2 hours
What third world country is the best to get a woman from one that would come back to Australia with me marry me and...
Did you play this game as a kid?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Skånetråden - bästa delen av sverige edition
Looking at the thirty most populated countries (and disregarding the Peace and Literature prizes):
This summer the normies will have sex while you are in your room crying
When an American calls me buddy or bud
What is wrong with me?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Massachusetts is the best state
ITT: Pics of ur city's downtown
/balt/ + /ausnz/ = /bantz/
I'll just leave this here
Redpilled Language Thread
Tfw you'll never be a Lithuanian suicidelord
Wheer is food help hlper? he pormised to cme at evennig
Start a thread with lots of different posters contributing
Korea(n) general thread
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Is the promiscuity of Brazilian girls a meme...
Any irrelevant countries here?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
ITT: say something you like and something you hate about the country above you
What do Chileans think of Pinochet? Was his rule necessary?
Which country is better to live in, France or Spain?
Talk to an American
/fr/ - le fil francophone
"I will try to answer everyday, but sometimes I'm busy but you can keep sending me mails. I will answer them all"
Are those "fat scooter" actually a common sight in America?
Nicknames of New York City include:
Door handle or doorknob
How do you like your steak, Sup Forums?
Sverigetråden - Kärnfamiljsupplagan
What one word sums up the United States of America?
Your honest opinion on Mexican Culture
List based political parties from your country
/ita/ - il filo
West Bank and Gaza still controlled by terrorists
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Tell me about Moroccans, Sup Forums. They look so fucking similar to average mixed Brazilian that it's scary
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Tell me about black girls from your country
Claim your rightful clay
Which ones are the fiercest warriors?
When a non-native english speaker uses american spellings of words
People use my profession as an insult because of polish people
Post qt newscasters from your country
Hilo latino /lat/
How do average Nips react when autistic weeaboos traveling to Japan?
/urban/ + /architecture/
Did my first ever creep shots on the weekend. Sharing these is new for me so be gentle...
White Latin American thread
So I just learned that in the USA there's a thing called "felony murder". For example:
Why hasn't the greatest nation, America, destroyed them yet? You can do it, like you did to us back in 1945
What do Italians today think of him?
Hey Sup Forums, I need some advice
Why is this allowed?
Know the difference
What the fuck is wrong with the French police?
Why are Somali girls so qt? Here at my school there's a group with at least a dozen of them...
I fixed the Middle East
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
ITT: Food you can't stand nor understand why anybody enjoys it
Sverigetråden - Nationaldagsupplagan
Who's the cutest girl from your country?
Wake up
Do you drive a domestic car, or a foreign car?
Why don't americans fast during ramadan ? it would help their overweight issues
American appreciation station
Why do Scottish males like to dress up like schoolgirls?
1. Your cunt
What do you know about this region?
Russian summer
Flags with religious symbols on it
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Let's have one of these
Europeans and the Wild West
"heh heh, ya know Jimbo...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Walk into America
Is Italian women being hot a meme? They are kinda mediocre I find
USA jealousy
Tell me again
/norge tråden/
Does anyone here want to visit beautiful Germany? :^)
/ita/ - Il Filo
Quick, muzzies are fasting, post delicious international foods!
Which countries value light skin most?
Why does Japan love Finland?
Did sabaton write a song about your country?
/deutsch/: Ami-Ausgabe
Let's settle this once and for all. Which has a better history and culture: Britain or France?
How does this image make you feel?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Why Eastern Europe have such bad reputation??
In 50 years, 50% of white kids will have at least one grandma which was BLACKED being young...
Who's the friendly rival and evil rival of your country? Italy's friendly rival is France and the evil rival is Austria
/hell/ - /gr/ - ΆΚΡΩΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ
Who's fasting here?
What do you think about this plant?
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
Do you shower everyday?
1. Ur cunt
What's your rightful clay, Sup Forums?
Tfw no food until midnight
Where were you when funland officially joined nato?
Why is Italy so shit?
Your cunt
/MeNa/ /Middle East & North Africa/
Learning serbian
Why are Russian girls so beautiful but Russian guys so ugly? (No offense)
ITT France will say thank you to Ukraine for catching a would be Breivik
Singles and i will get gf this summer
Let's have one of these
There is a war between green and orange. Who wins?
You may trade one (1) state or province in your country with one (1) US state with +-50% of its population...
If Russians aren't European, what are they?
Does Muslim people who are living in other religious country as immigration change their religious ?
Sverigetråden - Nationaldagsupplaga
Why does this exist
Explain western rightards to me
He doesn't think about killing himself everyday
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
There are r*cists, big*ts, xenoph*bes and mis*gynists browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
Is this true that for italians eating pasta with strawberries is haram? this is best food for sunny summer day
Which country is the easiest to banter?
Your fetish
Mfw I realize Australia exists
You wake up in Indonesia
/esp/ + /lat/ = /hisp/
God bless Italia for its women. I've only fucked Italian women in my life. I literally feed on Italian women
There was a time where people couldn't have cold beverages
Lmfao fat american :D
Hows the weather looking in your area?
Why do Europeans drop their pants at the urinals?
ITT: we list the nationality of women we've had intercourse with
Post cars made in you cunt
How often do you shower, Sup Forums?
I love Jewish people :3
Hunger Games: Sup Forums Edition
Ramadan Thread, Day 1:Journey Starts Edition
If someone who never heard Japanese asked you how it sounds, how would you describe it?
Int face thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I liek rusia do
When this shit will stop? Please, is there any hope for the first world West?
Go tinder
How do I make american girls cum?
/deutsch/ am Vormittag
How often you visit 2ch?
Mfw mummy and daddy will die one day
/canaus/: a new alliance is formed edition
Sup Forums creates a civilisation
How come American pop culture is so based?
Real Nigga Hours
Foreigners are beaten practically everyday now in Poland, but they still keep coming here...
You wake up in your present location in the year 1700. What do?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Is Islam a religion of peace? Do you like muslims in your country?
/ita/ - IL FILO
Food thread
Which language is the most difficult to learn or the most intellectually complex?
Why are black people so physically superior to whites?
Is it just me? Or do French women that aren't light haired and light eyed look like Arabs/North African women...
Why do Americans always talk about their constitution but completely ignore the religious freedom amendment for Muslim...
Today is my birthday, Sup Forums
Why is the world completely indifferent about America carrying out mass surveillance on them...
Do you live in a old/historical place Sup Forums?
Does your country have any guy that has influenced the world more than Napoleon?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Le fil de la /fr/ancofolie
QUICK! What is the first word that comes to your mind
TFW the more I've been on this website the more mentally ill I get
[General Asian Friendship Thread]
Can you buy Kinder Eggs in your country?
Congratulations, madame president!
A blue and white flag usually means __________
Your cuntrix
Sup Forums what are you listening to?
Do Asian women in your cunt prefer White or asian men?
Suomi on paras
Why are white women so jealous of asian qts despite being so immensely liberal?
Does anyone else ever want to delete all the people they know and just move to a new city and start a new life and...
Does your country have any food exclusive to it?
Americans can't but alcohol until they are 21 and only if they live in a county that hasn't banned alcohol sales
Americans have to dilute their coffee with hot water
My family name dies with me
Fuck Adults
What do the japanese think about the chinese?
A third worlder says he wants to emigrate to the U.S
Post countries and people you like :))
What's on your mind right now, Sup Forums ?
Debt crisis
Would Sup Forums support the EU if the EU would liberate the Russians from Putin?
Most destructive warship built by your country. Pic related
These countries will never EVER speak a second language
Why are Asians so physically weak and small?
That one kid who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag
What is your country's equivalent of the American dream?
Hello Friends and Comrades
How do we save Canada?
What do they do with criminals in your country?
How are Trans girls like this treated in your country, exactly?
Oh, you've got green eyes
Sup Forums HUNGER GAMES 2016
Why don't we allow this in Western airlines anymore?
This is the best place in the world to live. Try and prove me wrong
/nachtschicht/ und bald wieder /deutsch/
A russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar
Risk 1935
Sup Forums user rankings
How can we stop Muslim women from seducing white men and converting them to Islam?
ITT we post national secrets from our country
Lightly banter a Syrian
Lightly banter an american
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
Let's do this again
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The Australian-Canadian War
What's your worst fetish, Sup Forums ?
Is your country's character good?
Will speaking French be of any use in German speaking Switzerland?
1. country
Tfw Welsh gf with such a thick accent I can hardly understand her half the time
What's your dreamgirl like, Sup Forums?
Wtf i hate usa now
/esp/ + /lat/ == /hisp/
特亜 (Special Asian Countries)
The nation of Germany has never been victorious in a war
/urban/ + /architecture/
Nachtschicht ehemals /deutsch/
Are you scared to come to America?
Penises/Vaginas of Sup Forums
No memes
Hilo latino para la familia latina y cristiana
What is this Sup Forums? It was my great grandfather's who foyght for Germany in WW2. Should I sell it?
Boobs or ass, Sup Forums?
This is what Japs believe they look like
/balk/ + /cum/ = /balcum/
/ita/ il filo
Used to think learning another language was pointless but I think I'm going to give it a go anyhow...
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
His country is unable to integrate immigrants into their culture
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
So swiss just voted against basic income of 2200€ for every citizen...
Post some antique buildings of your country Sup Forums
Did you know that the /fr/ general had a meet up?
Do you browse Reddit Sup Forums?
How do we fix El Salvador?
Why is Sup Forums so full of leftists now?
Is this the most pathetic country ever?
Nachtschicht ehemals /deutsch/
What white nonsense is this
Why do they hate "terrone" so much?
Do lat folks actually hate Argentina and Colombia or is that just a meme
How Americanised is your country?
/ro/ Fir Românesc
/miehmsprech/, ehemals /deutsch/
Faces of Sup Forums
Do you have something to say about my country, int?
French appreciation thread
These countries go to war tomorrow. Which side wins? Conventional weapons only
What even happens here? why does every portuganon on here seem to exhibit almost slav-level chronic depression?
Be american
/PLC/ - Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth General
Sup Sup Forums
What does "REEEEEEEEEEE" mean and what language is i t
/BEST/ (Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Tunisia)
Hands of Sup Forums
Why do Europeans fear ISIS so much although Greece could destroy them and Germany together in one day?
Lightly banter an american
Thanks you mr poseidon :^)
Why does Sup Forums generally support Hindus over Muslims?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - Motorcykelupplagan
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
How do we kick the Germanic scum out of South Tyrol? Only 27.5% of the population speaks Romance languages...
If America becomes gommie aka Hillary/Bernie, what is our hope now? Asia?
Do you love nationalists girls or not?
What are Mormon people like in real life?
Is she the biggest cuck ever?
/fr/ - Le francofil
/ita/ - il filo
Is there an afterlife, Sup Forums?
Which union is cooler?
Do sluts exist in your country?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...