Hero or villan?


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yugoslavia was always a flawed concept

That's the Russian spelling.

Only person who could keep a retarded concept like Yugo together

He was a real human bean

And a real hero

thanks bro.

After reading a bit of the Wikipedia page I would say he isnt really a hero or villain but rather something in between. He stood up against Stalin and did what he thought was right for his country not licking The sovjet Unions boots. Still he was a dictator who repressed other political parties and basically did whatever the fuck he wanted.

you seem to have formed quite an opinion based on reading one Wikipedia article over 10 minutes

common dictator, has pretty good diplomatic wits

but generally still bad for western balkans, really bad

it was stupid to hold it together

oh, and remember the economy, kind of a big deal

>muh oppression of parties
Who were they? Either nationalists or some other fuckers, who don't deserve power.

read this

i see a lot of serbians liking him

Nah, I dont really claim to have much knowledge on the subject. Just saying what my thoughts were after reading a bit.

Werent all other parties banned? Only League of Communists of Yugoslavia was allowed. By saying they were either nationalists or some other fuckers is overgeneralizing.

>half Croat
>illiterate locksmith
What do you think?

Recently I watched a film of slavoj zizek in uni and his English was as terrible as Jap(me)

It's mainly his complete lack of proper pronunciation. It doesn't help that he has the worst lisp possible.

A hero


he was the Greatest Croatian that lived on this planet. Ironically, some croats hate him.

there's nothing like a Serb singing croatian music of Croatian man.

You will forever be our cucks.
Long live TITO

Ironically, Tito hated Croats as well.

The girl in the picture is Albanian.

She was the last person who ran some marathon or something to give tito some flame or something.

4/10 bait, would respond again.

The "girl" in the picture is Jovanka Broz you dull fuck ahahaha is this bait or something?

bait ?

stay cucked serbiću

This coming from a Croat

top kek

>be croat
hungarians come
open your mouth wide and accept their dick.

austrians come
open your mouth wide and accept their dick

Serbs come
Open your mouth wide and accept their dick

Germans come
open your mouth wide and accept their dick

Your entire history is being cucked by somebody else just coming into your country and you accepting to suck their dick

top kek