Tell me again

Tell me again,
why they didn't took the oportunity of earning money without working? They negleted the future.
They could've let the machines do all the work and live their lives.

Because they are not lazy fucks, that's precisely why they can afford to vote on such things

refugees and immigrants must rush for there.i also would if i was.

we don't have the laws and infrastructure to support such a lifestyle and society. Yet

t. Swiss in France

Hello fellow Swiss in France

This is why shitholes like Brazil and Spain will never progress, we are a bunch of lazy fucks.
We would vote for basic income and ruin and collapse in a year.

Because they are not retarded lazy niggers, promises like those are unworkable even for economies such as Swiss one. If you put a basic income for everyone, why would people work and endeavor?

Also, inmigrant tsunami

Not sure but wasn't this only for people with Swiss citizenship? Which isn't that easy to obtain

Also people would still work because it's in their mentality and the basic income sum was barely enough to live in Switzerland

Because they're sensible and understand that too much welfare is unhealthy for national prosperity.

Niggers are not Swiss

If everyone gets a flat amout of money from the state every month, the "lazyness" argument doesn't work anymore, because people don't lose the benefit when they get a job. It's a pretty good idea.

Wow that's so funny Germany

Same reason why they are rich. They are smart.

What machines? We aren't even close to full automation.

Psshht Tyrone


They rejected the opportunity because they believe, sincerely and unironically, in capitalist "meritocracy". I find it pretty funny.

because they aren't retarded and realize that basic income is an awful idea for any economy on the planet right now

>more income for the population is bad!
>let's give everything to the rich and wait for something good to happen!

More income =/= that income is well spent. You can have people in a basic income who spend all their allotted money on bullshit and still go hungry and homeless.

Despite our democracy, conservative party invest a lot in advertisement against some social ideas.

stop stealing our €€€s, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

so is making it disappear in Banks a better use of it ?
I tought the liberal idea was pricesely that money was well spent when it was used for, well, buying stuff

Majority of Swiss are turbosheep I guess.

>so is making it disappear in Banks a better use of it ?
For many people yes as that bank pays interest overtime

>literally believes banks create value out of thin air.

Stop being a nigger

Hello my fellow 4channers, my name is Abu Handbanana, and as you can notice from the flag above, yes, I am Brazilian, but no, I am not the steriotypical Brazilian, I am a different kind of Brazilian, I am different. How? Do you ask? You could supposedly say I am a civilized kind of Brazilian, a superior one, akin to you my fellow civilized first world 4channers; as you know already, Brazilians are uncivilized folks that are only good at throwing their excrements at one another, screeching loudly, demanding goods and stealing earnings from the hard working people of the world. I, for instance, do not partake with such people, I mean you can certainly see that I am different kind of Brazilian, I mean look at my persona, you can certainly spot several differences in my presentation. As such, as you have read thus far, I speak perfectly English, akin to you my fellow civilized folks, I am dressed properly to my exhibition to the civilized first world, as you can notice in my picture attached to this manifesto; also I am devout believer of reason over emotion, different from the animalistic people that unfortunately share this land with myself; and finally the most important piece of evidence that proves that I am a differentiated kind of inhabitant of this inferior country and also a similar being to you my god chosen people is the undeniable and objective fact, the basis of every single claim that I've made thus far, is the lawful, dogmatic and genuine fact that I am indeed NOT A MONKEY

This is why Brazil will never be a first world country