Foreigners are beaten practically everyday now in Poland, but they still keep coming here...

Foreigners are beaten practically everyday now in Poland, but they still keep coming here. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Are they suicidal?

For example these muslim female students in Łódź complain that they are constantly beaten, spitted on, insulted and pointed with fingers, but they stay in Poland anyway instead of moving to other EU country

I have no respect for such leeches who don't understand that they are not wanted here and i think that police shouldnt protect them.

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tell them to go to germoney

why do you bydlos hit women?

Deal with it slavshits. Poland is muslim soon

average polish city

people have been investing in eastern poland since then

But Poland has a certain number of Vietnamese people.
Are they also attacked?

I will be sure to by a gun next time I visit there.

We're not aggressive towards East Asians.

Based Poland

Nobody is going to let you in to Poland with weapon, murrican ape:))))))

I read about occasionall chink attacks too

Never heard of it. Got some viets in my city, never seen them get harrased or anything. The only problems we had was with saudi students knifing some people who told them to tone it down and people retaliating to saudis stabbing.

Never said I would bring it in there, I will just buy it from the black isn't that hard to do in a underdeveloped country.

But why didn't you invest?

>being proud that your countrymen behaves like literal savages
Bravo Poland

Enjoy extinction Pierre

99% of us isn't unless it's aimed towards non-tatar muslims which are often just purely evil and, hell, if that makes them leave then I'm going to offfend, harass and behave aggressive towards them all the time.

What about Indians? My dad visited Poland last month and really praised Poland

No. Besides mistaking them for muslims but most Indians do have a different look.

Polish excuse is that muslims ruined western europe and therefore poles must beat and humiliate hardworking non-refugee muslims?


It's just bydło. I dont get why we get so much flak for what our does to brown people when western Muslim bydło does the same to white people.

we're all human beings

racism is stupid

Beat them everyday and don't stop! Poland will be last white country!
Muslims only come to take over internally, so fight them!

>hardworking non-refugee muslims
With all due respect to the ones that actually do that, they're the monority.

And yes, sure, beating someone up is extreme but what do you propose instead? Words mean nothing to muslims because we're infidel scum for them.

I mean, there's a UAE user here. He's a coold guy. I got nothing against him and he'd prolly be a normal dude if he lived in Poland. But sadly he IS the minority. I say sadly because the muslim cultural circle has some quite nice things that I'd like their food, belly dancing, music, but the package that often comes with it isn't worth it.

>hardworking non-refugee muslims
top bait, Ivan Hussainowitz Ahamed

It's not only muslims. Asians, Indians, Africans. There are millions who would migrate to Europe. So I would only allow Europeans to migrate here and get the Rest out.

yo poland is it every foreigner or just darker skin ones.

i'm vietnamese but pretty westernized and get a long pretty well with all the polish lads in canada.

wouldn't want to avoid your country cuz of lynch mobs y'know.

>we're all human beings
Except for Africans and Muslims.

And most of Asia and Latin America.

>i'm vietnamese
there are a lot of viets in poland. no one cares nor attackes them. They mainly deal in simple commerce or weed/drug trafficking


woo saved.

yo germany import us vietnamese to use against your arab problem.

ones born here instantly abandon our parents culture, and we pretty much just stick to drug crimes or at least financial crimes for higher end guys and can eradicate rival gangs pretty easily.

>Lynch mobs
Jesus Christ, our foreign ministers should be the ones lynched for letting this happen

>our foreign ministers should be the ones lynched for letting this happen

He's right though. If wester media shit out nonsense like "lynch mobs". Our foreign administration officers should react.

So use a brain first, then comment, dear jarek.

okay sounds good. i like white girls so will that cause me to be lynched at clubs or anything?

not a creepy rapist, and i really enjoy most women's personalities so i'm pretty respectful.

we are not afraid of anyone. if western kikes think that they can use russian kike-ruled subumans against us, then whole planet will burn, we will all die in ww3.. it is better to be dead than to live in destroyed nation

Just stay in Canada

how is education in poland

>i like white girls so will that cause me to be lynched at clubs or anything?
you will be ok. i wouldnt count on much of an attraction from grills, tho.

Fine. Not funded enough but fine. Like in every Euro country some scientists go to US because US funds research the most and the don't have a requirement of teaching students there.

Here if you work at a Uni you need to have classes with students as well.

>He's right though. If wester media shit out nonsense like "lynch mobs". Our foreign administration officers should react.
If he did anything to amend it, it would simple be like going with the PC flow. Any Pole should not give a single fuck about what others say about Poland. I treat bad press in western media as good PR firewall against those despicable brown ppl.

its alright, not to sound like a conceited fuck but i don't really have trouble with girls liking me though canada/us might be different.

>tfw i have legitimately friendzoned most female friends because i must be drunk to make a move

>Any Pole should not give a single fuck about what others say about Poland.
That's one of the dumbest things ever.

Countries are brands nowdays, they need good PR. I have no idea who the fuck would consider your opinion valid in XXI century.

t. Surge Polonia PR spec

>Countries are brands nowdays, they need good PR.
Yeah, China has a brand of an undemocratic shithole, but investors suck little chinese dick. Why? Because ppl give a shit about opinion unless there is money, you moron. Your outlook is an example of everything what is wrong with the western world - ie thinking how it looks and not how it works.

your loss amigo.

btw yo how are your universities, thinking of applying there. germans seem like very intense people, the one's i've met.

i'm getting turned off by grad schools here cuz most grad students i know are basically eating cardboard since the universities are too stingy.

Being a sick to people to give Poland a bad rep. Genius

No. China has a brand of a quickly developing powerhouse. Besides we're not China, the amount of money you can make is limited here wherehas in China it's few times bigger.
We're a bike, China is a huge fucking truck.

Comparing us to China is so fucking retarded that I don't even image how you can post your bullshit with a straight face.

how much is it yearly

ment for

he's a rusemaster. I've been watching him cleverly ruse you and wonder.... are you entertaining his ruse as a counter-ruse? Is this thread just trolls trolling trolls?

desu there are people who think like this here

>Comparing us to China is so fucking retarded that I don't even image how you can post your bullshit with a straight face.
oh, so there is no general rule about PR? So we need to behave , but others can give a shit? Thats slave mentality. No one gets anything because he is nice. We said no 'refugees' and guess what, nothing happened (maybe except some jews trying to smear us in their newspapers)

Nice job being a leech to the Eu though.

>99% of us isn't unless it's aimed towards non-tatar muslims which are often just purely evil and, hell,
What did he mean by this?

Depends on the uni and what you're studying.

We have a lot of arabs, indians and swedes on our medical studies for foreigners. Pic related.

like genuine full blown nazis? i thought they were trolls.

The big can more. It's more then obvious and stop jumping from topic to topic, we were talking about country brands and good/bad country PR not refugees.

Yeah my brother's friend studies there and told me its chill and cheap

I googled and it says its 2k euros a year, though not sure about online, I wanna hear from someone there

>Beating women
Wow, you sure showed them tough guy.

One more picture.

>we were talking about country brands and good/bad country PR not refugees.
refugees problem is the best example of whats wrong. Former party accepted small quota only because PR. They gave shit about what poles think. They wanted to be a sports who are so prowestern that are willing to joing event the most retarded actions. Current gov gives a shit and thats why they cancelled that.

I think it's more then 2k. 3k or 4k. Prices went up few years ago.

>I googled and it says its 2k euros a year,
med? doubt that . more like 7 usd and it even might be for half of a year

Yeah it;s for a semester so there are 2 of them in each year.

Not med, just in general

>Not med, just in general
2k e might be ok. med is fucking expensive tho

It's around 3-3,5k per semester so 6-7 k a year.

Ignore him lad. There's no changing that autists mind.

You can have a successful country with good PR, (like mines) without falling into all of the propaganda crap he's spewing.

It seems like there's no middle ground for Europe and it needs to fall into one or another tho desu.

>needing good PR
It's like you havent noticed what's happened to every country ever with good PR.

Also, makes me wonder if Sweden has good PR or bad PR. Something is making the refugees flock to it after all.

>good PR

literally the biggest news i hear about australia in our papers are rivers catching on fire or a new election with a shitty PM or julia gillard trashing abbott from my feminist friends spamming facebook.

I guess there are different subcategories of PR nowdays.

For example military PR that shows your country as strong even though you got little to no capabilities. Industrial PR, tourist PR and humanitarian PR in which Sweden is, probably, the king and thus makes the immigrants flock to it.

Not necessarily humanitarian, prosperity in itself is enough. Look at the US and the "American dream".

Yeah but they share the prosperity, that's the point. And that is why it's humanitarian.
There are countries as rich as Swden with social benefits, but they don't share those with non-citizens so they're not targeted by immigrants.

Forgot to add:

But yeah, prosperity might be enough, but nowdays it dosn't seem to be the case.

Oh fuck off leaf.

If i went to poland and learnt some basic Polish would I be beaten?

are you white?

>Poland seems like a nice place, let's move there
>let's go to Łódź

>USA seems like a nice place, let's move there
>let's go to Detroit

What about the fog?
This is the same street in the 70's.

What's wrong with Lodz?

Where did it all go wrong?

This is Lodz (Or what it used to look like)

>What's wrong with Lodz?
its polish detroit + jews

What happened to it?

yeah i know
one int pole always accuses us japanese for no reason
that implies whats going on poland

>What happened to it?
based on one industry (textile) which died + to close to a big rich city - warsaw that sucked the life out of it.

Pls no

>Where did it all go wrong?
Neglect from 40 years communist rule and shut down industry in general?
>Where did it all go wrong?
It started with WW2.

What is the most dangerous place to live in Poland?

I heard it's something like Kraw.. ?



Judging by crime statistics Upper Silesia

Well it's rightfully true.

Sosnowiec or Krakow. The most racist city is Bialystok thou

>implying that's not caused by Czechs