When this shit will stop? Please, is there any hope for the first world West?

When this shit will stop? Please, is there any hope for the first world West?

>b-but user why do you care

Because we import all leftist agenda from first world countries and make it worse


Well, the problem will soon be over, when whites become ethnic minority in Britain.

What if they're Polish? That's both white and from an ethnic background.

I wonder how they'd deal with a Lydia Slavowiecz.

>Figures reported this year show that 13.4 per cent of the BBC's workforce are from Black, Asian and other ethnic minorities.

>That is more than the 13.1 per cent figure nationally from the 2011 Census which showed the proportion of the UK population from Black, Asian and other ethnic minorities.

Don't worry monkeybro, Europe's nearing its collapse. This intensifying faggotry are the last death throes of a dying cultural sphere

Not a problem for a Finn.

And I toguth the Spanish empire crumbled lin a very pathethic form vs America, but you brits are doing it be yourselfs Kek.

We're %87 now and receive hardly any rapefugees, the rest of the west will be brown before us

fuck europe, thank god i'll be out of this shithole soon

It's called BBC for a reason


What about Australia :^)

You're technically not west mate in a geographical sense. But I like your immigration law, top job on that.

Don't know if it is just memes though but are you starting to be invaded by chinks? I guess they're not as bad as shitskins but is it true?

They wanted some ethnic minorities on their script writing team. Don't see why everyone is getting so triggered tbqh.
>but muh meritocracy
We don't live in a perfect meritocracy.

BBC doesnt want whites
but whites are dying to get the BBC .

If you select candidates on anything but merit, your standards will go down.

This is Banana Republic tier, I thought I was reading some shit for a third world country like Brazil or South Africa.

Just memes m8

Reminder that nepotism still exists and is rife in all societies. Getting this arse-pained over meritocracy is naive.

The job is writing scripts for a TV show, it's not like they need the greatest mind in the country to work on it. If it was for a job that required actual knowledge, skill or experience then it would be something to complain about.

>they just wanted some ethnic minorities in their script writing teams
>they just wanted some ethnic minorities in their london mayoral elections
>they just wanted some ethnic minorities in their white execution squads

Why is it every time some stupid shit happens in the USA or the UK they blame it on "the west".

>them darkies ar takin' ova m8! Brokun Britun innit?!

>Implying stupid shit like this doesn't happen mainland...

Germanys done similar cucked shit so has Sweden, I bet even tye Netherlands has.

Because other countries are irrelevant.

rasheed detected

It would be illegal here. Positive discrimination is only allowed if both applicants are equally qualified, so you can't select on anything else but your lack of minorities.

Finally feeling the karma of colonization

Well it's supposed to be illegal here too.

The next steps: Quotas for transgender and pansexual people.

But whites are an ethnic minority

what's funny is white guilt cucks are being phased out now and replaced by actual minorities who will never stop this