I'm half Polish and want to visit Poland before the EU completely ruins it

I'm half Polish and want to visit Poland before the EU completely ruins it.
I love Russia and hate the US so where in Poland would I most fit in?

>Half polish
Suddenly everything makes sense

>and hate the US

>before the EU ruins it
Doesn't Poland drain the other EU countries for funds, while chipping in almost no money themselves?

Mowis polsky?

>I'm half Polish
>I love Russia and hate the US

get the fuck out

>half polish
>loves Russia
try not to say that if you go to Poland

>hates the US
clever guy

a co to, górski żyd usiłuje zakomunikować co nieco w języku sarmackich nadludzi

polacy to nie sarmatci

usuń to.


>love Russia
>half polish

Yeah, you're not fitting anywhere.

>hate the US

Ahh, the leafy hat still mad it is a leaf, and a hat.


a cóż to za wyborny ból dupy, pora się przyzwyczaić panie i panowie - Polska animkami stoi, animki są częścią polskiej kultury

kto się od nich wzbrania ten nie ma prawa nazywać się Polakiem

>a part of Polish culture

pierwszym polskim weebem był niejaki Bronisław Piłsudski, rodzony brat Marszałka

godnie reprezentuję tradycję naszych wielkich przodków w swojej miłości do Japonii i wszystkiego co japońskie, wkluczywszy w to animki

Dear god, the Japs really got to them. They didn't even need to invade Russia to infiltrate East Europe, they just had to have the infection "weebism" take over.

Such is the grim dark future for Europe.

Welp, off to go gun-jerk my AR-15 reading /k/


fucking kek, end yourself, you manchild

>I love Russia and hate the US so where in Poland would I most fit in?
>I love Russia
>where in Poland would I most fit in?
Is this bait?

in the original video he's talking about the inability of modern anime artists to design believable human bodies

if you were a real weeb like me you'd know that

>if you were a real weeb like me
I thought it was obvious that I'm not, now be a good weeb and make the harakiri

>completely ruins it.
several centuries too late family

>I love Russia and hate the US
t. Zhang Li Guo
>so where in Poland would I most fit in?

Yes, but when you think about it, Germany didnt had so much influance on Poland even when Hitler decided to bring in tanks.