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International #605
Walking along beach
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/hell/ ψωμί
/ita/ - il filo
What went wrong?
Why do japs wear surgical masks indoors?
What are some words in non-english languages that have no direct English translation?
Why don't Americans have train culture?
Be western european post a negative post about Syrian refugees get censored
This is how Hannibal Barcid is portrayed in History channels new show, 'Barbarians Rising'...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Do you look like a typical guy from your country?
Le /fr/ancofil matinal
/language learning/
Americans welcome
China NO
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why finns brothers hate their true ancestry? and deny about it?
Which countries exist where the average citizens look like pic related?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What did your country do during WWII?
I'm going to bet that she'll be Norway's next prime minister in 2017 or 2021
/balk/ - Why No Thread edition ?
Why don't other MENA countries accept kemalism...
Post non cherrypicked images of the average citizen of your country
Guess heritage/ethnicity
You will never go to a cozy diner in Small Town USA...
Why don't Americans watch anime?
Ask a guy with a bigger dick than yours anything
Well Sup Forums the votes are in, and we're learning Swedish
A map so that people can learn all about CANADA
Tfw not Icelandic
Danish population: 5 million (less than half the population of Moscow)
This is why Japanese music will always be better than American music
Why can't chinks do it?
"I will try to answer everyday, but sometimes I'm busy but you can keep sending me mails. I will answer them all"
Banter white boy
What happens here?
Say nice things about Koreans
What is the most borderline illegal thing you've done?
Was Hannibal black?
Why did you chose your 2nd language Sup Forums
Proud of my heritage
France and Britain are the biggest European names
How do you feel about Esperanto Sup Forums kaj ĉu vi parolas ĝin?
Go to UK
How's the fight to legalise weed going in your country/state?
Ask a Serbian diaspora anything you niggers
What are you studying, user
Who is your country's Chris Chan?
How long do we have left before WWIII starts? What will Sup Forums's reaction be?
What happened to the Culture Pals general? Do people not care about hunting for qts anymore?
What the fuck
/deutsch/e /nachtschicht/
Why do westerners like Japanese culture so much?
Basic Human Rights
/cum/ Canada, US and Mexico
Mexican """culture"""
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Norwegian family visiting
Sverigetråden - Cannabisupplagan
Lightly banter Sup Forums
/ita/ - il filo
/balk/ - EU Edition
I'm from Serbia. Ask answers
How do we fix it Sup Forums
Is this country basically the North Korea of Europe?
Hey Sup Forums, it's time for our bi-annual "language of Sup Forums" thread
/norge tråden/
Someone has to make the list of the most relevant countries right now
Why do slavs squat?
Why arenr you in an interracial relationship user?
Hilo latino /lat/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/eo/ - esperanto thread
Norway is not part of the EU
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
These country go to war, who wins?
/nachtschicht/ ehem. /deutsch/
Slippery Slope is Real
Venezuelans of Sup Forums tell us how bad things are getting their. Is it really a shit show with rationed food...
What did she mean by this?
A question for Americans, meaning everyone from Argentina to Canada. Who is an immigrant to you? Who is White to you...
Difference between Germans and Latinos
What is your job?
Poor Thread
How do you guys feel about US soldiers marrying and banging women in your country?
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
Why are people of African descend so happy and outgoing?
US Navy Banned From Drinking in Japan
What would the world look like, Sup Forums?
What happens here
/fr/ - le Francofil - édition l'anus de tousaka
I'm a short man, but I want to date with attractive girl
Your country
Economy in ruins
1. Your cunt
Hilo latino /lat/
/ex-yu/ + /lat/
Is Eastern Europe the best place in the world?
Say nice things about Germans
Moving to Israel on a semi-permanent basis for work later this year
Could i pass as a local in your country?
What do they call these in your cunt?
What went wrong?
It is true?
How can 1 county get their shit fucked up so bad
Americans will defend this
What developing nations are you "rooting for" and why?
June 9th
Work for 10 hours everyday
/hell/ /gr/ - Νήμα Ελλήνων
I like Turkey. Do you like Turkey?
What happens here?
What does Sup Forums sound like?
/ita/ - il filo
1. Cunt
Do you like brazil? i like brazil
Is London the "de facto" capital of Europe?
Apologize to him
Enjoy our monies, poorfags :(
Prove me wrong
US troop visit
/fr/ - le Francofil - édition décoration d'intérieur
Why don't Europoors refrigerate their eggs, milk, butter, etc.? What do they refrigerate?
1. Your country
I'm so lonely
Are you enjoying your austerity,Finland?
I got a call from the cops...
What I learnt from going on Sup Forums is ____________
I did it
Why do Turks think they're mongols?
What would happen if all New World countries send their dangerous criminals and assassins to Nunavut?
Why does everyone like France so much?
Sup Forums poll
What makes Spanish women so beautiful?
Why is that guy not in the Hague yet? He is pure war criminal
Hey user, why do you know so much about countries?
/carib/ - ROTI edition
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I hate being a Kurd shitskin. I don't know what i should do lads. I hate Turkey and its oppressive government...
Faces of Sup Forums
What went wrong
Objective food tiers per country
Why are British sluts so desirable?
How can I rationalize being a commie with being a US nationalist?
Go to Southern Europe
Bydlo jet goes kersplat - Russia grounds entire Su-27 fleet
Alot of people say america lost Vietnam:
What did he mean by this?
Are brazilians white after all?
Britain is STILL not a republic
Why haven't we had a snapchat thread? Please add me...
Fucking kill me lads
Why is Europe overpopulated, ?
What are some things people in your country do to relax and unwind?
Daily Southeast Asia thread or /asean/ general
/asean/- Tattooed /asean/ girls edition
/esp - hilo español/
/ita/ - il filo
Eastern Europe Power Rankings
Can you distinguish them?
Hungarian Women
Who have known someone who has committed suicide?
Is Erdogan really very religious or does he only pretend being that for Muslim votes?
What are the gayest cities from your country
Today ISIS destroyed a 2500 year old temple in Iraq
ITT sister cities
Ask a Korean guy dating Turkish girl anything
Does Japan really have the cute girls?
Daily reminder that France isn't latin
You wake up in italy
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Why is Europe so un-fucking-original with their flags?
9 June
How big or small is your penis Sup Forums?
Is Spain literally African?
Does America really have the sluttiest girls?
I really don't get why Sup Forums hate turkey especially europeans their food is wonderful also their land is much more...
Explain to me "ghettos" in the West
You know the drill
When did the West stop trying?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your daughter will be blacked and there is nothing you can do against it, you racist white pigs, hahaha
How can we create more agricultural zones?
I heard you're interested in Filipino culture, user! Is it true?
Germany has never won a world war
New Zealand > Ausfailia
Do you like Poland? :3
ITT: We come up with te most Chinese name
Are school uniforms common in your country?
Salut. J'ai 23 ans...
Finally we all agree
1. Your flag
American political advertisements
Please, stop making fun of our culture
1. Country
We can all agree on this?
When ur Argie gf doesn't reply and you just had it with everyone in your life turning their back on you
How badly did the cultural revolution ruin Chinese customs and decency?
How do first worlders get here?
Irreligion in Europe
I got drafted to the Finnish military
/fr/ - fil de la francophonie
I literally feel fucking sick of it
Chile and Canada most peaceful countries of America
What is Sup Forums's solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
What countries produce top quality meat...
A friendly reminder for all of my fellow Americans to fear and distrust your local Chicanos
Third worlders hate us, first worlders wanna be us
China will grow larger
Miss me yet?
Why are canadians so autistic...
ITT: we talk about the greatest empire in history
This gentleman approaches you in the street and exclaims "YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE!"
President Trump ladies & gentleman
Wake up
Post your favorite battle
Daily Southeast Asia thread or /asean/ general
How is miscegenation thought of in your country?
What happens here?
Honest opinion on Mexico?
Is it normal that a regular army unit is tougher than the US special forces?
If you don't live in one of Americas top 11 most powerful states you are NOT a true American according to the int flag...
Why haven't you made it your life mission to move to and live in the best possible country you can?
Germany is moving their manufacturing jobs to Mexico AND beginning to take in Mexican workers
Would you be tall in Latin America?
Is your country a good place to live?
"I will try to answer everyday, but sometimes I'm busy but you can keep sending me mails. I will answer them all"
What is the most irrelevant and boring region of your cuntry?
Are Australians the dregs of the White race?
If Mestizos are just a combination of Spaniards and Indians...
What was the saddest day of your country's history?
American cuisine
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /urmum/
Mexicans are for ___________
Are bosnians brotier?
Is this picture accurate?
"I will try to answer everyday, but sometimes I'm busy but you can keep sending me mails. I will answer them all"
Is this true?
Watching porn
Stupid country
Australia: We built a country but nobody came
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Lads night out in Syria edition
I like spain do you like
HILO latino
Countries after WW2
American educ-
Wew lad
/ita/ - il filo
Memes aside, is this country good or not? Also, why is their flag so creepy looking?
Women in politics
Mexican's are all manlets
Which cuntry has the most interesting history and why is it Polan
/nachtschicht/ - PRO PKK/Kurds AUSGABE
S. America belongs to Brazil
/hell/ νυμα ελληνων
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Good night my love
Mandarin has 4 times the number of native speakers as English
Guys please, no memes I just want to ask something that bothers my mind since I was a kid:
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Sverigetråden - tåhåupplagan
Times you trusted the brits and got screwed
Is America good at war
What's modern Greek culture is like?
Why does Britain have a culture of drinking so much?
What are some pathetic things you do, /r9k/?
Why are you racist user?
Is your country's general as cringy as the Italian one?
How is the street food in your country?
1. You're country
Post your diaspora numeros
Hi Sup Forums. I am 18 yr old student moved to America from Egypt. What do people here think of Egypt?
Clothing/Styles of Sup Forums
What was the last thing you learned from Sup Forums?
Cute American with sleeping problems
ITT Russian things
Going to Paris in September, been learning French for 2 years in preparation
Why is Holland sinking? How do we save them?
France on strike
Europeans are right-handed
1. Your country
/ita/ - il filo
What are the main cultural differences between Canadians and Americans?
You may only post ITT if you have proudly display your heritage
Are you mentally prepared to that you are going to die virgin and alone?
Hilo latino
Countries you have been in
Indian art and culture thread
So user we heard you hate us just because we're Anglo, are you aware Anglophobia is a form of racism?
If you had one wish, what would it be?
Slovakia should be merged with Czech Rep or with Hungary?
Sup Forums, be honest with me
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
White Latin American Thread: This thread is for all the things related to white people living in Latin America...
Has anyone here ever been to a rub and tug massage spa? I'm getting desperate for sex
/schweiz/ ehemals /deutsch/
Go to brazil
Thank you france for defending the american dream
I like Denmark. Do you like Denmark?
I am fuckin tired of retarded shit westerners think about Russia. Ask me doubtful information about it and I would ask
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
What do you think about Albania and its inhabitants?
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
Love/hate thread
Why are Italian women so beautiful? And why are Italian men so badass?
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
This might seem like a basic kitchen, but in some third-world countries such as america it is unheard of
American Culture Thread
/urban/ + /architecture/
ITT: Countries who, at some point in their history, made a significant to humanity
India Love thread anyone?
First World
Sverigetråden - Prideupplagan
Crusade thread
Lightly banter Iraq
Why is Viking heritage and history more celebrated in England and Ireland than in France, the Netherlands, or Russia?
What do you do when you're tired of life?
Countries who speak a ugly language
Could you give me tips to study abroad in England
Canadians use leafs to cover their dicks
Be American
Why are armenians so god tier in bantering turks?
You will never be Japanese
Was Sup Forums a mistake?
This is what Russia makes of muslims. It's Kazan', the city of tatars and russkies...
Why are Scandinavian chicks so hot?
Hi guys
You ride a bus in your country
Why are they doing this?
I just heard an American say "we need to Lynch all niggers and spics"
Does Sup Forums recognize the cultural differences between America's different regions...
What went wrong?
What country is the girlfriend of your dreams from?
Sup Forumsfood
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ fil de la francophonie
Ask me things
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Americans think -1 celcius is cold
/deutsch/ PKK und Kurden Sympathisanten-Ausgabe
Okay ,gather up team
Mfw americans make fun of other countries for having ethnic minorities
His country eats bread
Thank you Japan for anime girl
So, this was posted on a wall in my classroom. What are your thoughts on it?
Then and Now
/hell/ - /gr/ - ΆΚΡΩΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ
1. Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are soldiers in your country douchebags?
So they say you don't like the French... Is that true, user?
ISIS announced they will blow up the pyramids
/deutsch/ Stammtisch
Mexicaans kartel editie
Damn, really makes you think, doesn't it?
Vancouver or paris
/ישראל/ wha.... edition
Sverigetråden - Gävle upplagan
If I go to moominland, can I meet moomin? Plus Santa?
1. Your cunt
ITT: the bravest thing you've ever done
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /urmum/
On non-flag board
Sad Russians?
Are stay at home Mums common in your country?
European people
EURO 2016
ITT: Your cunts little bro/bitch
So, which religion will end up dominating the world?
Is your country safe?Do you feel peace?
I have so many of these fucking things (along with 2 cents, 5 cents...), what do you guys do with them?
What is the point of Sup Forums if everyone just goes to their designated /country/ thread?
Let's do this
Stole our tea culture
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My """""country""""" is only 155 years old
What's the most powerful European country and why is it the Netherlands?
How do Australians react when they watch a movie from the Northern hemisphere and its snowing at Christmas in he film?
Two most powerful Turk leaders in history
You will never be Finnish
Whats the comfiest / most chill European capital?
How do we fix this shit?
Getting real tired of the gay aussies on this board giving the rest of us a bad name
Hello sir! My name is James and I've come to ask for the blessing to have your daughters hand in marriage!
Realistically, would they even have been able to fare on their own?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think "German Engineering"?
Reminder to be nice to Finns
Quick lads, explain why your flag DOESN'T have a dragon on it
Are women aware that there whorish tendency's are what's destroying the civilised world
Which European language is Japanese sounds similar to?
M&m's are now BANNED in Sweden
Stop scrolling
Would you date an Irish girl?
Why haven't they united to take over the world?
Daily reminder that these six countries are the only countries in Europe worth living in...
Your neighbourhood
Wake up
Why Poland hate Russia?
/balk/ Illyrian theme
How can other flags' music even compare?
When will Germany reclaim its lost lands?
You wake in up a country where 97% of the citizens are Poles
Being Korea is most coolest and advanced image of Asia
EU Referendum
1. Your cunt
What is your ideal woman looking like?
Why do you all hate England so much?
I love Japan
/hell/ /gr/ - Νήμα Ελλήνων
How will white people be punished for their crimes against humanity?
Foreign policy debate
I'm glad I don't have to hear accents when reading posts cause that would really piss me the fuck off if I had to hear...
Korean War
More disgusting and filthy than turkroach
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Does kebab belong to pizza?
You love your wife she is like a 9/10 but she is pregnant and the baby is going to come out with down syndrome she...
/ita/ - il filo
Go to bed every day and hope I don't wake up
Where are you from?
A city in your country must be nuked
What the fuck is wrong with young white men?
Go outside
Once upon a time the Japanese people were a proud and powerful people...What went wrong?
Is this acceptable in your country?
Be American
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Say it in your language
Does Trump actually have a chance at the Presidency? I'm worried that the meme won't end. I'm already tired of it
Yfw you realize brazilians put ketchup on their pizza
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
"I will try to answer everyday, but sometimes I'm busy but you can keep sending me mails. I will answer them all"
Is your country safe?
ITT Irish people give advice to Palestinians on how to achieve independence and re-take their lands
Is there any sort of rivalry between portugal and spain?
/east asia/
1. Flag
Australia, are we friends?
Music of Sup Forums
1. your country
ITT: We post the front page of our daily newspaper
If you could choose one person from your country (living or dead) to be cloned into an army, who would it be and why?
Post pics of you and your girlfriend, Sup Forums
Why hasn't the hug box formerly known as discussed this?
Hilo latino
Finns are Koreans with blonde hair and blue eyes
Not a shoop
1. Your cunt
Are you worried about the environment Sup Forums ?
One day Latin America will unify and make gringos pay for everything they did to us
Be my dad
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Meanwhile, on Sup Forums in 1910
Your country
ITT we post censored screenshots of our fap folders. pic related, please kill me
Are you part of the naturally hairless chest master race?
What developed western countries are the most difficult to get citizenship in?
How does this makes you feel?
Why useally japs are much uglier than korean?
You can choose from any country in red to move to
What country is culturally the closest to yours?
I really am starting to dislike Americans lads
How confident are you that the 45th president of the united states will defend your country?
It is true yuropoors can get fired if they don't go to a gay wedding of a co-worker?
Tower of Babel thread:
Check email
Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
How do girls in your country look like?
Why do you hate America?
Is Trump really that good?
Be english
Really makes you think
Parliament of Sup Forums
Prove me that your country is the best
What went wrong?
Thoughts on Kurdistan and the Kurdish people?
What will your reaction be this November when Donald John Trump is elected as the 45th President of the United States...
Why do we always give gooks a pass?
War of the Pacific
Canadians still not rangebanned
Lesser Antilles
Sup Forums qts ITT
Dr. Sup Forums, I'm /brit/
What are some Sup Forums approved things to do here? I'm here for a month beginning June 10th
This is a real pizza, Italy
ITT: Flags that will NEVER be seen on Sup Forums
be westerners
You may post in this thread only if you can drink milk
Your opinion on Bosniaks?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Germany is moving their manufacturing jobs to Mexico AND beginning to take in Mexican workers
Say something mean about another country
I will never understand what these French fucks are talking about behind my back
Who's depressed?
Itt: we trigger france
Is European culture going to be replaced with African culture? How do we save Europe?
What is the ''anti-establishment'' party of your country?
Your family knows you are a beta virgin loser
Do you trust the British?
Will italian girl have ever cuddle with Jewish dude from Moscow?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
I'm half Polish and want to visit Poland before the EU completely ruins it
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
Why is the French NT almost entirely made up of sons of immigrants (mostly niggers) while other major European NTs have...
/ita/ - il filo
Is it true yuros are to dumb and poor to afford pickup trucks?
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Sverigetråden - Mysiga kvällsupplagan :3
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
What happens there?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...