Why does everyone like France so much?

Why does everyone like France so much?

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well, i don't know but i have this...

Tbh we get far more 8 than let's say Germany, eventhough we never caused as much harm.

Because they are the best ally

I like this pic. I wish I could explain things in such a way but I'm not very articulate. ;_;

And oldest

>more 8 than let's say Germany,

8 means "hate" I believe


why do they both look like Trump?

I think it's just some kind of manly/based haircut, I believe this picture was made before Trump started his presidential campain, but maybe it purposely looks like his haircut, I really don't know honestly.

Everyone hates France. Standing "with France" after a terrorist attack is hypocritical virtue signaling, and before the week is over Americans return to their jokes about cheese eating surrender monkey, permanent strikes, caliphates and what have you.

Everyone like France, but the French.

>Everyone hates France
Only the assblasted countries



>Why does everyone like France so much?

I only like LELsaß-Lothringen. The rest might aswell be destroyed and turned into a giant wasteland.

Why does France hate Turkey so much?

Virtue signaling, you're not proving me wrong. It's kind of like when some kid in school kills himself. His biggest bullies, those who humiliated him the most, will also cry the hardest about how much they miss him.

I think it has to do with the people Booing the minute of silence after the Paris attack during the Greece/Turkey football game.

Thank you based France for protecting our embassy.

France a shit. UK is best girl!

Why are native german posters so edgy?

because they're rational human beings

I remember this. Fucking roaches.

>in English

Not France

fasolka po bretonsku

But he's greek

They only shouted "şehitler ölmez vatan bölünmez" which means "martyrs are immortal, our land is indivisible"

Well fuck you too then

Despair. I try to cover up my pain, knowing that nothing will ever be okay. Instead of crying I hide my feelings behind the edgynesss.

>They only shouted "şehitler ölmez vatan bölünmez" which means "martyrs are immortal, our land is indivisible"
Which is already very disrespectful

Ze stereotypical french 'e can not pronounce 'is 'aches

So it's okay to interupt a minute of silence to show suppport to ISIS?

In the old french pronounciation we used to pronounce the H, as you do in english.

yes, that's obvious.

Isn't France like half-mudshit already? Why would anyone like them? The French culture is gone.

H aspiré ?
ça devait être...amusant.

La vieille prononciation devait être particulière.
Oi ça se disait oué
La plupart des lettres silencieuses étaient prononcées
On roulait les R aussi

>suppport to ISIS?
"martyrs" implies turkish soldiers
not arabic allah akbars

>on roulait les R


Non je trouve pas, c'est différent c'est sûr, mais pas non plus dégoûtant haha.
Si tu veux une idée de comment ça sonnaît : youtube.com/watch?v=5ieO2MlwB1w
C'est du français moderne, mais elle roulait toujours les R.

They go on a big strike just in time for the Euro 2016, what's not to like? One of the only countries where people still stick it to the man.


Je préfère ce petit R guttural propre au Français qui fait bouillir de rage certains apprentis Francophones

Isn't Bulgaria like entirely mudshit aready?

Because more than 50 years have passed since they masskilled someone. It's too much.

France, and Paris in particular, is the birthplace of modern western culture and values. Attacking Paris is attacking the entire west and every enlightened person in the world.