When will Germany reclaim its lost lands?

When will Germany reclaim its lost lands?


The video has a aggressive tone though. And a message that shows confrontation with non-cucks as a solution.

These lands are our rightful claims

when will civilization end these barbarians for good?

this is why turks in germany are actually good for germany.

Not the OP. Was it worth loosing your eastern territory to Russia+The Ukraine in exchange for the western german lands?

It's all clearly Germanic territory. You just squatted there for a few decades

German women agree with you.

No, it's a bydlo filled, polluted shithole now. Germany almost went bankrupt attempting to undo the damage socialism did to east germany, we couldn't afford to bring these regions to livable standards again after Poland and Russia ruined it for 70 years.

We gained rubble for proper cities.

I say no, but a lot of people will disagree.

>after Poland and Russia ruined it for 70 years
Here, have some Szczecin before Poles got it back.

Or maybe it's Wrocław?

One way or another, you lads should fixed it good.

what's this about?

translation pls. Do German women like Italian benis judging by that?

Number of marriages with foreigners in each state in one year. German women marrying foreigners at top, German men marrying at the botttom.

Marriages with foreigners by popularity, top 3 nationalities for each state.

How many T*rks and how many Italians are there in Germany though?

>got it back
Stettin was never polish. I know your history books say that every city in todays poland was polish for the last 1000 years but come on.
Women who marry foreigners prefer turks, men russians and poles

Nice i love baden-wurttemberg now

1.5 millions Turks, 800k Poles, 550k Italians

It has more to do with how people move.
The northernmost state Schleswig-Holstein has for example a high rate of women working in Austria during the winter and at the coast at home during summer and therefore has so many Austrians.

idk but notice the difference between Mediterraneans and Slavs.

Soon, hopefully.

I will never be a Kraut, never.

Actually this.

>mfw Preussen is not in Germany

I would be fine with this as long as Hessen was also given to the Dutch.

What does pic related have to do with military?

They would just install more refugees there

Well, it would be empty when we get it, so somebody has to be settled there.

They need lebensraum for all those somalis and syrians after all

hey I see you are from Lothringen. I'm staying in Nancy for 5 days next month, which city in the region would you say is the best? Nancy or Metz?
Never heard of Moselle desu.