Can you distinguish them?

Other urls found in this thread:

Southern French have more or less the same phenotype as most of Italy, but northern French are a little bit lighter. And the difference is already in your pic: Italians look more 'robust' on average and have rounder and bigger eyes.

This map seems fake to me. No way in hell are brown eyes minority in Slovakia

light hair says nothing

Italians are darker, more charismatic and have almost all black hair.

That's not true though.


The scandinavian genetic influence in russia is one of the wierdest things ever.

Why? Viking created russia. And they fucked a lot with finns

the resultant third world backwardness is perplexing.

Thats just result of communism

arr rook the same

Not really, the russian empire was backwards too. in fact the russians' inferiority complex was so developed that many of the country's nobility only spoke french

By the way, I forgot to mention that this study for hair color is a bit weird; it categorizes lighter shades of brown as "blond" and dark brown as "black", but it's true that the French don't differ much from Italians in hair color, the difference is in mainly eye color overall.

I think hair color is a bit misleading.

When I see Northern Italians, I don't think "that guy is white!"

Highly unlikely,considering that the presence of Scandinavian admixtures in the East Slavic gene pools is beneath 9%.As much as they'd like to believe,they're not the sole progenitors of fair haired traits.

Blue eyes and blonde hair are traits that have originated from two places in Europe,specifically,the landmasses around the Baltic Sea and in the western and northernmost parts of the Black Sea,which explains why the East Slavic people have always shared a strikingly similar appearance to their Scandinavian counterparts.

They've only helped to create it,they've lacked the numbers and capable cultural institutions to create it all by themselves.

>the resultant third world backwardness is perplexing

A people known for practicing incest and shunning mouth hygiene shouldn't be throwing stones at others.

It's interesting this French blooded guy seems really paying attention to words when he wants to just express "Italians are brown"

In the Netherlands you can see the border between the Roman empire and Germania.

monica-chan is awesome but her ex husband(french) looks creature. I like him tho.

t. butthurt Napoletano/Sicilian shitskin. Central and northern Italians are normal European people. It's just terroni that are dark as fuck.

>in fact the Russians' inferiority complex was so developed that many of the country's nobility only spoke french

They only began to speak French after Peter the Great's reforms,He basically wanted to create cultural bonds between Russian and European nobility,he has also brought in many French nobles to his court because they were more trustworthy than the local Boyars.

olive lol

French-Brown hair, brown eyes
English-Brown hair, blue eyes
German-blonde hair,blue eyes
what about former-yugo ppl?

I posted a literal Northern Italian who leads a Northern Italian separatist group who simply does not look white at all.

Now, I do have some Southern Italian admixture, but as an American, obviously, I have substantial actual Germanic DNA. You know, unlike people who LARP as Germanics.

Q. Why does the man who leads Lega Nord from Milano look Greek?

A. Northern Italians are funky looking, period.

anyyay which cunt are more handsome(good looking)?


Do you not realize that people with his type of phenotype are even in the most light eyed and light haired regions of Europe? You don't understand how averages work. Take a look at this crowd gathering here if you want to see how northern Italians really look like:

Croatia,Bosnia and Slovenia,Light brown hair with some blonde additions,predominately blue and green eyes

Montenegro,Serbia and Macedonia,Dark brown hair with predominately brown and black eyes.

>Do you not realize that people with his type of phenotype are even in the most light eyed and light haired regions of Europe

Their phenotype isn't comparable at all, the the irony is obviously nearly palpable to the point of suffocation in that this would be the man to front the 'North League' separatist party. It's a literal slap in the face of irony.

>You don't understand how averages work

No, actually, I do. It's you who doesn't. On average, Northern Italians are slightly less swarthy than the south, but to conflate that with phenotypical parity to Northern Europe is absolutely inane. Slightly less funky doesn't mean entirely unfunky, it means slightly less funky. When I see a Northern Italian in most cases, I think funky, and can instantly identify that individual as being Italian. I don't think British, I don't think German, and I certainly don't think Scandinavian. I think Italian, and I would in all but the most absurd cases be entirely correct in my assessment.

By the way, those people in the video have big old noses, curly hair, and vaguely olive skin. That's not normal where I'm from.


You're trying so hard. It's cute. Don't be mad that you're descended from literally the worst and darkest people in the peninsula.

don't feed the italo-american scum

How am I trying hard? I'm shitting out replies and laughing at your flimsy efforts to string together coherent arguments. That's basically how it goes when I'm arguing with a Southern European. I'm not even being petty here, it's just a general observation of mine that Southern Europeans aren't nearly as intelligent or well-spoken as Northern Europeans. That includes pseudo-Germanics from Milano.

In any case, speaking of lineage, I'm above you in terms of racial caste because I have real Germanic DNA. That's the obvious logical consequence of the European Northern to South gradient.

>being this mad

Also, another observation, Italians always get super butthurt after being logically blown the fuck out and descend into a form of deferred hysterics that emulates, but doesn't quite capture real shitposting. Methinks the ladies doth shitpost too much.

>In any case, speaking of lineage, I'm above you in terms of racial caste because I have real Germanic DNA. That's the obvious logical consequence of the European Northern to South gradient.

t. Paco Esposito

You don't actually understand that differentiating Italy in terms of North-South gradient opens you up to the same critique further North? Did you think white people suddenly spring into being at your arbitrary border?

Your beliefs only hold within the false reality of Italian politics. On the macro scale, they instantly dissolve. Yes, your same belief structure as applied to yourself makes you racially inferior to Northern Europeans. That's kind of been a thing for an extremely long time in the wider world, just something you could ignore in Italy when you might technically represent the whitest of the bunch.

Of course, the very framework you adopt is questionable, but its logical conclusion is clear; you're casted below me and other people who genetically cluster with Northern Europe.

>includes light brown
>under 10% in Sardinia (or south Italy)

Loving this meme

I'm not sure why you're even bothering typing this much stupid bullshit at me. I'm not taking any of it seriously. Just deal with the fact that your parents are Sicilian moors already.

>In any case, speaking of lineage, I'm above you in terms of racial caste because I have real Germanic DNA

Wow, I didn't know people could be this detatched from reality.

>I'm not sure why you're even bothering typing this much stupid bullshit at me

It takes me two fucking seconds to throw your entire worldview into question with minor observations about the cognitive dissonance you've nurtured by taking parochial level politics into the macro context and I get to exercise my fingers a bit. Why the fuck would I not do this? If I knew of some other way to make you uncomfortable and I was ethically comfortable with what I was doing, I'd do that, too.

>Wow, I didn't know people could be this detatched from reality.

>Hey guys, true Northman aryan here from Milano. How about those fucking Calabrian shitskins, am I right guys?

>Hey guys, true Northman aryan here form Britain. How about those fucking Milanese shitskins, am I right guys?

Ad infinitum. Go read a book. Better make it English, too.

You're anal devastated over a simple fact that northern and central Italians are significantly lighter than southern Italians, who are the darkest people in Europe along with the Greeks and Andalusians.

>Go read a book. Better make it English, too.

I'm not him you retard, the fact that you think you're somehow above him because you have "Germanic DNA" is ridiculous, you're a pol tier retard and can't be taken seriously.

>Germanic dna
>Being proud of it

He's probably some Hispanic-Sicilian shitmix in reality though. That's why he got so offended. He wouldn't care otherwise.

Do I really need a barely literate shitskin telling me what my argument is? Is that the version you're comfortable engaging with after being blown the fuck out several times in a row now? I mean, you can pose and argue with any position you want really, but it's called a 'strawman' for a reason.
>the fact that you think you're somehow above him because you have "Germanic DNA" is ridiculous

I don't actually think that, I was just positing it as the logical consequence of his anti-Southern ideals.

Truthfully, I do partially think that, implicitly, I am above him because I have Germanic DNA. But that's kind of an inherent truth about reality. We view ourselves as superior to variable degrees, and I think rightly so.

>Frenchies being that blond


I already pointed out that I cared because I have Southern ancestry. I don't really know what kind of alchemy you engaged in to come up with mestizo, but you're completely off-base.

In any case, the point still holds that adherence to your own ideals makes me your superior because I'm only a partial mixture of these random Southern Europeans, like most Americans.

Why so surprised? All the shitty french tv shows we import have tons of blonds.

>Eye colours

You also have native American and nigger admixture like all colony countries do.

How are Palestinian and Druze as blonde as Sardinians if the former two have substantial Sub Saharian admixture, while Sardinians have none?

It makes no sense, I really doubt that that many Palestinians have light hair

>french tv shows we import

wtf? I thought only the germans were into scat

el americANO the brown germanic

It's human to consider one's traits to be superior to those of others, but I don't think it offers a real advantage.

You don't really know much about America, huh? I can't blame you really, but to then pretend to comment authoritatively on the matter is kind of annoying. No region that would produce people with Italian admixture would also produce people with Amerindian and Sub-Saharan admixture. Amerindian and Sub-Saharan admixture is present to variable degrees (usually very, very minimal) in the south, where no Italian diaspora ever really went.

Both are attractive... Unlike their german and british counterparts

Right, that was partially what I was alluding to. But I do think there are some advantages involved that are somewhat fungible between groups based on what humans seem to universally value.

can't help but have nightmares about that midget

Example of a """""White""""" American with confirmed native and African slave ancestry.

And what would those things be? I'm thinking of height, being capable of developing your muscles and maybe facial symmetry. Are those the kind of things you're referring to?

I almost forgot she existed in first place.
No one has heard of her for about 10 years now

italians look more sandnigger
french have bigger nose

america is a failed experiment ,a dumping ground of all European garbage devoid of a culture and a ethnic homogeneity and this is why the USA is the birthplace of all the cancer that is infecting Europe like miscegenation , whore culture

Part Cherooke; you can see it in his features and he's still considered white in America.

thanks for the trivia jackie chan

you look same as arabs

Remember, a lot of phenotypical variation exists on the cognitive/behavioral level as well, and these traits are actually substantially heritable and variable between human groups. For example, even for weak psychological proxies we invented ad hoc, we see strongly heritable components, with about 50% of the big five personality inventory being heritable in nature. When it comes to intelligence, we're looking at an even stronger heritable component.

When I look at behavioral differences between the races and even ethnicites, much of what I can say about the cognitive profile is empirical (IQ, some behavioral differences), but we can also infer important behavioral differences that we can also credibly associate with heritable components, ie. the building of high trust institutions in society that people seem to value, which people have pointed out is mostly a Northern European thing.

These institutions are good at providing what people want, so this group seems to have a tangible advantage in that regard.

Looks and physical differences I view as more tangential and arbitrary. I actually think looks can be more important than behavior and intelligence for various reasons that I shant get into, but assessing looks comparatively seems like a non-starter to me, and physical competitiveness is just completely pointless in today's day and age.

Why do you even worry about the white meme? Embrace your pizza-making-pasta-chewing heritage, faggot.


gotta find those truffles mang

Again, some Southerners have variable levels of admixture due to proximity, but it's usually minimal, and none of them are from fucking Rhode Island.

Only superior people are white blue eyed nordics you retarded shitskin

kek look at these butthurt polentoni on damage control
"we are white, pure blooded germans I swear"


lel, always remember, polentoni are niggers in denial, literally the lowest scum

That's interesting.
>physical competitiveness is just completely pointless in today's day and age
You don't need to cut logs or carry heavy bags of flour in most places today, but saying that people don't value physical appearance (muscles, height, symmetry… is just not true. (I know, you didn't say such a thing).

So, what was your point when you were debating with that guy before?

we italians are basically middle easterners (we're almost identical phenotipically), but culturally european

I'm laughing so much because the horned helmet is part of Southern Italian ancient cultures (Samnites and Sardinians), not of Northen Italy's.


I was thinking about physical competitiveness in terms of phenotypic variation in sports performance, ie. blacks from certain regions seem to dominate sports that involve explosive power due to various genes that favor different types of muscle fiber. On that level, I find physical competitiveness kind of tangential. It's a slight problem that these blacks kind of take over our sports if we allow them to and freeze us out of one of our most important ways to attain and display our masculinity as a racial group, but it isn't an inherent problem, ie. the Japanese are doing fine with all Japanese baseball and basketball sports teams, and we could do the same with the proper will.

In terms of appearance, things are more fuzzy. Height is important, but I've seem some conflicting studies on the matter, with some claiming that height normativity is the most attractive, at least in America. Also, men are only 50% of the population, and my assumption is, without actually knowing, that height being pedomorphic would make shorter women more attractive, hence favoring women for the shorter groups and men for the taller groups. Of course, it's all kind of irrelevant to me because sexual fitness is very complex and seems to involve various complex social mechanisms that I could only speculate on, and would rather not. As such, I think sexual fitness is less interesting to speculate on as a whole. If I were to randomly guess based on the data I've seen, I'd say white men are the most sexually fit - at least in America - due to their universal attractiveness to the various races. I suspect social causes, but, again, who knows.

As for that Italo-nigger, I was basically just pointing out the dissonance that a Northern identity, anti-Southerner Italian actually holds. The Italian separatist movement has racial undertones and only actually makes sense within the parameters of Italy.


and you like asians , so ?

When you macroize the political question, their worldview falls apart, because the gradient nature of admixture and genetic relatedness in Europe literally puts various European peoples 'above' them in a direct mirror of the situation they have with the South. As such, a Northern supremacist movement is actually a Northern inferiority movement, because as soon as we make the question European and not Italian, we see that the logic they apply within Italy makes them second class citizens within Europe. My desire was to point this out and laugh.

Just because you have bad vision because your cunt eyes doesn't mean that's true, chink.

neck yourself my man

Western Europe has never been white in the nordic sense.

In fact, it was much less white before the Germanic invasions.

Goths, Vandals, Lombards, Suebi, Franks, Burgundians, Angles, Saxes, etc... and then the Normans and other Vikings nordified Western Europe to the level it is now.

Celts were described by the Romans as "swarthy" not in the nigger sense, just dark haired. The exception being the Caledonian Celts that were described as red-haired (not blonde).

no need for regional banter right now ,we are brother

your point? those look like arabs

Kek. There's a saying in Spain that goes, 'in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king'. (It may exist in other languages though).

On a related subject, what's your opinion on European whiteness? The North-Sough gradient exist, but I've always thought that it's mainly a product of the different environment + historic movements. Right now it's 104 degrees out (I live in Southern Spain), but my friend, who is in the center of France, says it's like 72 degrees there, for example. Do you think that differences on skin colour and all those things can be used to argue that some Europeans (Southern Spaniards, Southern Italians, Greeks...) aren't white?

t. blind chink

Not even the lightest Middle Easterners which are Levants look like that.

all those people can be Italians lol

kidings? they could be italians for all i know

Ciro, your Shitlician moor cousins are not average Italians, get that through your head. You're darker than the rest of the peninsula.

>what's your opinion on European whiteness

My opinion is questionable because, as I've stated, I'm half Sicilian and half Germanic (specifically eternal Anglo). However, regarding 'whiteness', I think a good argument can be made for nearly all of Europe on a few grounds.

First, the American sample seems to have presented a model of fairly successful assimilation across ethnic lines in Europe. The conditions are slightly different because you could hypothesize that the severity of the black-white difference made people more willing to accept minor differences, but I'm pretty confident in the idea that intra-racial assimilation would at least, in theory, be possible between even the most tangential ethnicities in Europe, such as Greeks, Slavs and Northern Europeans.

Secondly, if you look at genetic relatedness, the various European ethnicities pretty uniformly cluster. As in, they are all contiguous physically with each other in terms of genetic distance and with no non-European groups with the exception of Jews, which are another topc onto themselves. The outliers in the European sample are, as you might expect, those on the edges of Europe; Greeks, Sardinians, Southern Italians, Finns, etc., but they're not completely aberrant, ie. they're still contiguous with and very closely related to other European ethnicities.

I don't know what the economic problems with many European groups are, particularly Southern and Eastern Europeans. I suspect the cause is at least partially genetic, but it confuses me that various Southern and Eastern European-Americans have the same IQ and wealth of Nordic and Anglo Americans.


In any case, the case is made mostly phenotypically in my mind. That's the crux of 'whiteness', or intra-racial identification. Literally the color of your skin rather than the content of your character. I'm less concerned about whether or not you're going to make my country filthy rich and more concerned about how you look, ie. would I be comfortable with and identify with you communally. When I look at the various Europeans, I find that nearly all of them fit the bill. Obviously I have visceral dislikes for some ethnicities for whatever reason (you probably have more as an actual European), but it's something I could easily ignore or get over, as I think appearance is the ultimate proxy for race.

And, finally, 'whiteness' is, at least partially, socially constructed. When leftists say this, they're implying that race is arbitrary, or refers to nothing real. That's of course absurd, as we know that 'white' must refer to commonly held traits and is also a useful term to identify these peoples in groups. My point being, however, that 'white' is basically just a term we're using to implicitly mean "sufficiently similar as to be politically and socially assimiliable with". Again, this seems to holds for nearly all European ethnicities with the exception of Jews, so I hold to a model of whiteness that is pretty universal.

Obviously, of course, the Jews are going to have to go.

Anyways, it's a complex topic and I probably missed some important points, but those are the most accessible thoughts I have on the subject.


Right, I was also going to briefly mention some Middle Easterners that are *fairly* genetically close to Europeans which I suspect are probably assimiliable on the genetic level, ie. we would view them as not sufficiently alien as to inherently disavow them from our social and communal groups, but I'd personally prefer not to even attempt the project on the grounds that A. It is preferable for Europe to retain as homogenous ethnic clusters as possible, as this is the ultimate realization of the ethnic nationalist project and B. They hold historically belligerent culture which is unlikely to evaporate overnight.

Yeah, brothers...


Some average people from central Italy. I don't even have to pick northern teams full of blondes to prove my point. It's just you Shitlicians and Neapolitan scum that can get confused with Mexicans even.

I made that picture and I'm Sicilian, why are you retards so obsessed with whiteness?

>that many of the country's nobility only spoke french

So did yours from 1066-1337 but you broke away from serfdom/slavery far earlier than them.

>I'm above you in terms of racial caste because I have real Germanic DNA.

Is there a way to get subtitles that make sense, not the autotranslate ones?