
>This season's Advent of Code:

(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md (embed)

>Useful tools
pastebin.com/q5nB1Npt/ (embed)
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT/ (embed)

>How to get started
pastebin.com/pDT82mQS (embed)
pastebin.com/AL6j7GEE (embed)

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:

google.pl/search?q=fractal of bad design

Why is node garbage?

I'm building a 'snake' web app game with django as backend for scores.

Managed to finish the REST api for now. I have very basic knowledge of client side technologies.

Any tips?

I know php and c#.

Should I pursue Laravel or C# .net core?

I read a post in one of the old /wdg/ threads that said they were an employer who didn't hire a laravel dev because they could only work within the framework and couldn't do anything with the core language itself.

In Agnular 4, how do I get the Materializecss datepicker to bind its value to a form? It changes the value in HTML but the form value stays empty and doesn't change.



export class HomeComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {

myForm: FormGroup;

constructor(private _formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
this.myForm = this._formBuilder.group({
date: ['']

onSubmit() {

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
$(document).ready(function () {

ngOnInit() {

I don't want to use angular2-material or anything similar because this styling is temporary and I will need to be able to quickly get it out of the project.

if you have to ask that question then you've obviously never used anything but node.

Is there a way to persist some data locally (like with localStorage) if you use a private window?
I thought about making a startpage generator site or plugin if I could get it to work in private windows

Session storage?

Trees and Subtrees in HTML

pic related

I would pick .NET Core if I didn't doubt whether it's really production ready.

In my area, there are far more .Net jobs than PHP jobs, so I'd personally go with anything .Net

Can ASPajeets and PHPajeets be considered human?

Laravel. It has a better package ecosystem and great docs/tuts.

>django as backend for scores.
Holy overkill
>Any tips?
Choose a rendering technology and base the rest on that: svg or canvas. You could even use an HTML table, since it's a gridded game.


Javascript. No multithreading.

.NET. PHP job market is filled with shitty WP jobs. Also C# is god tier language.

Let me guess - you are beginner programmer who is learning node.

Spring Boot master race for years, my man.

Good choice actually. But C#>Java.

that's great, but fuck off with the fucking frog

It really is a good choice. Also Kotlin (which has first-class support in Spring 5) > C#.

what country/area is that?

there was a guy in a previous /wdg/ thread who said that laravel devs tend to just know their way around THAT framework and not the core language it runs on.

im afraid of becoming a bad developer if i pursue laravel.

it doesn't help that the core language is utter shit

what do you mean by this?

I'm trying to create a todo app on heroku with vue and an express backend. I want to use all the latest es7 shit on both of them and the frontend needs to get bundled with webpack. What's the best way to organize all this shit? just put them in /client and /server folders? Some kind of git submodule magic? Most tutorials/examples have all the frontend stuff with just a basic single file server.js for the backend, but I want the backend to actually do something interesting. Wat do?

That it's not really easy to "know your way around PHP" because there's a trap around every corner and a lot of shit you don't really need to know.

>What's the best way to organize all this shit? just put them in /client and /server folders?
Yes. I would make them separate node modules but store them in one repo.


>That it's not really easy to "know your way around PHP" because there's a trap around every corner
please elaborate

Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on
I'm setting a div's color property in javascript and it's showing up as black. I have literally zero CSS rules to set anythings color to anything, and the dev console looks like it should work but nope....

I want it to show up as white, and it looks like it's supposed to but its obviously not working

A lot of functions in PHP have little ways in which they are vulnerable, little ways in which they have totally insane behavior, don't respond how they should to inputs, have misleading error reporting, silently do the wrong thing instead of throwing an error. Basically look up any PHP rant on the internet and you'll get hundreds of things wrong with PHP

google.pl/search?q=fractal of bad design (can't link directly)
I feel dirty linking to this in 2017.
Using PHP can be tolerable if you're using a subset of the language and a good framework, but then would that guy still consider that "knowing your way around"? Who knows.

paste a minimal example into codepen, jsfiddle or whatever

you set the background color to black in the div

Okay so it works in jsfiddle, but not in a regular webpage.
I feel like I'm going insane
works: jsfiddle.net/59dy1krx/
doesn't: ghostbin.com/paste/b2b2r

check the "computed" tab next to "rules" in the dev tools

I went from being a NEET to a full time wagecuck, doing Laravel for 40 hours / week.

And I get paid
> 1600 euro per month

Yes, it sucks. But it's also my first job. And I live in the Netherlands, not Silicon Valley.

Tell me, did I get cucked?

This tells me that the text is indeed computed to be black, but doesn't tell me why on earth.

This frog has been around for over a decade, plebbitard.

It's less than a decade because I've been around here for a decade and they weren't there at first. You should read up on the meme lifecycle and how most of memes evolve into literal cancer. There are some cancer-immune exceptions that are immune because of how abstract and impossible to grasp they are for the 9fag cancer (spurdo is a good example).

t. memology phd

I have no idea then, sorry.

fuck webdev this shit literally makes no sense

do you have a degree or not? How much did you study before getting that job? We're all hoping to be like you dude

>ask people for help on twitter
>no one ever responds
>release untested thing
>gets very popular and everyone asks to help me test in the future.
>repeat forever.

I fucking hate people. Everyone is a bandwagon faggot and will ignore you unless you're the flavor of the minute dev.

i know what's cancer, and that's you.

how's being a google's beta-tester of a framework with endless version of disaster?

I get so carried away when I make stuff.

you need followers, not bot-spamming pajeets

christ clojurescript is complicated to get started with

like what do i even use? cljsbuild? figwheel? how do i get a decent template? do i have to write a large project.clj file every time?

Well, I know 3 people on there that could help me that use my current stuff.

Also on reddit there were 4 others that offered to help in the future that are ignoring me.

I am really starting to wonder if I'm shadowbanned on reddit.

So I have a chatclient and when it dies I try to reopen it and it says it's not a constructor?

Anyone know what I'm possibly doing wrong? It works when the page first opens, but not anytime after that.

that's a hurtful thing to say but also wrong so I guess it's alright

Is this not a JS constructor?

It's telling me it's not a constructor the next time I call it.

var chatClient = function chatClient(options){
this.username = options.username;
this.password = options.password;
this.channel = options.channel;

this.server = 'irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv';
this.port = 443;

it's probably setting the chatClient variable to something else somewhere

I just searched everywhere and could not find anything like that.

The chatbot is heavily based off of this one

I have this interview coming up tomorrow for an assistant application developer with php.

What should I practice before going in tomorrow? Assuming they will ask me to do stuff on the board.

What do you suggest?

Not programming related

please leave this thread alone, I'll pay

var CurrentTotal = $('#chatvotes').val();
CurrentTotal = parseInt(CurrentTotal);
var NewTotal = CurrentTotal + 1;

>It doesn't work

Had 5 votes and it added 1.

I was trying to create a new chat object instead of opening the current one.

>Had 5 votes and it added 1.
sorry, I don't understand

I changed val() to html() because I presume that the #chatvotes element is not an input, a select or a textarea. It works in isolation.


I've started self-studying web dev using Colt Steele's Udemy course. Is this a good place to start, and where/what should I do once I finish it?

Are you using the new keyword when you call chatClient? That is a JS constructor, it's just probably the most obtuse one (pseudoclassical style). Honestly if you write constructors in JS I recommend the functional way because it's much more straightforward, even if it's less memory efficient.

Also if you want to avoid issues with the variable name being reset elsewhere, I highly recommend using the pattern const funcName = function() {}

I'm trying that now. Have to wait for people to vote in chat to test it.

This project is insaaaane.

You are using val to get value and html to set value. One of those can't work. Also maybe keep votes value in variable and update element from that variable.

html worked.

what is the first web lang a C++ developer should learn?

C# is the closest thing to C++, so if you want to take an easy jump go with that. But really, it depends on what you want. If it's for work, then look for the most popular langs in your area and go with one of those. Demand for langs really does vary from region to region.

sorting algorhitms for normal and assoc arrays.

c# or php laravel for web dev?

massive majority of jobs where i live are for c# but i have practical exp developing php systems.

i would have to relearn c# advanced features and then make projects (greater than cli shit) for the first time with the language. but then again i'll also have to do the same with laravel.

what do?

Watching c# asp.net videos on the Microsoft virtual academy website will pretty much kick start you on c# webdev pretty quick.

I don't want to shill but I've been making lots of improvements to my Pictionary web game (don't let the old screenshot fool you), it'd be sweet if you guys came and tried to break it and/or gave me some feedback. If you have any problems let me know your browser/OS.

>Microsoft virtual academy
Wow, didn't know that it's a thing, thanks senpai

Thanks Doc

Can anyone explain Google Amp why is it bad or good like I'm a retard? I've read hn and reddit threads and don't understand anything. Is it supposed to make websites faster by limiting html and js abilities and caching resources on Google servers to load them up from Google, instead of site servers, on user devices?

Why do major websites make links like

instead of simple

I know django is an overkill. I already know node and Java(Tomcat). I wanted to try something new.

Tested the max username and message after removing the html maxlength, passed with flying colours

redirects are for tracking, analytics, and monetization (if linking to a merchant site)

Glad you noticed

>removing the html maxlength

Best way to store context for users across different system processes (ie program is multiprocess and doesn't have access to shared objects)? Python if it matters.

Wanted to avoid writing to a file but I'm having issues getting results from celery across different instances of the program. Would SQL or a simple JSON file work better?

if i have array made of numbers like
$array = array('1111,'22222','323131');

I want to output them ordered from smallest to biggest, how can i do that?



so that they know what you click on

$array = array(1, 10, 2);
foreach ($array as $value) {
echo "$value\n";

Not to mention that you send a 4x bigger payload down the line which takes like 10x longer to parse and execute on mobile browsers.

I'm not joking, angular websites often take 20 seconds or more to load on mobile devices.

>sort assumes least to greatest


look at this shit then. this language is a fucking joke


>Build basic chat box using Socket.io's guide with Node and Express
>Style is set in the head tags.
>Doesn't tell you how to send .css files with node.

I really want to get a good grasp on node so I can be hirable by July. Does anyone have any from scratch comprehensive node tutorials or reading material they could recommend?

In django, when should I authenticate a user? I authenticate them when they sign up the first time, should I authenticate them upon each session i.e. when they log in?


the process of "logging in" is an authentication process so I don't really get what you mean

I dropped out of college. I self studied programming with Free Code Camp, CS50, Project Euler.

of, I though of the authenticate() functions. Authenticate compares typed password with the hashed version of the password in the user database. But I guess it would be redundant since login in is an authentication process, as you said

> Is it supposed to make websites faster by limiting html and js abilities and caching resources on Google servers to load them up from Google, instead of site servers
That's the gist of it, yes

>Authenticate compares typed password with the hashed version of the password in the user database
and this is how you log in a user. you made it sounded like you were doing something else so I'm still a bit confused

What's the alternative? Angular seems pretty good and easy to work with 2bh.

Oh, and the Angular CLI creates a fantastic development suite right out of the box.

im getting this error and i dont know why please help

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token [ in JSON at position 1196
at JSON.parse ()
at XMLHttpRequest.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange

it worked fine before...

and you expect people to help you based on this contextless error?

Give me a sec to look at the JSON you just posted, my man.

user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user is not None:
login(request, user)

This is a piece of code for sign up, When users log in I do not do authenticate(username...) I only use login() function. My question was, when a user regularly log in into a system, should I do it like the code above?