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Technology #605
Is software engineer a cool job now?
What' the best OS for a programmer?
6700k owner
Ok non-gamers, why do you not own a gpd pocket yet?
Why is my package manager trying to remove fucking everything?
Do you seed, Sup Forums?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ PC Building General
He unironically uses a seagate drive
What is the best Sup Forums app for Android? I use pic related
Google basic display
HP(E) Naples servers incoming?
What are these?
Some mexinigger just plugged in his phone to my laptop and walked away. What can I do to fuck up his phone? (i.e...
What are we using now that KCP and CCCP are hibernating?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Redpill me on loonix
I have a deep dislike for texting on a touch screen interface. It's a matter of taste...
Someone still on Windows XP, 7 or 8?
What would be a good server OS?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Be honest. Sup Forums, how many of your motherboard screws did you actually screw in?
Is it viable to use one of these as a multipurpose computer(e.g...
How do l learn how a computer works from scratch? As if in computers dissapeared tomorrow l would be able to create one
Ok I have 8/16 ready to use now what? How do I have fun with this?
WTF happened to Japanese technology?
So, where is your kode, user?
NTFS bug lets anyone hang or crash Windows 7, 8.1
Back in the day computers used to ship with copies of the OS on CDs (in case you wanted to reinstall the OS)
How badass are you at computers? Enter this as custom CSS on Sup Forums and then come back from it
Any Rustaceans here? Does Rust have a future? How does it compare with C/C++?
How many of you can build a computer in under 10 minutes?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
90% of Sup Forums can't pass a course in pic related prove me wrong
Honestly, programming is fucking unfulfilling, life sucking and boring...
Can we all agree that there are too many Linux distributions?
Did I "make" it guys?
Show me some beautiful code
Current and eternal state of linux
Best uses for a pc that can NOT be connected to the internet? Besides offline gayming and movies?
I9 7920k
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I just received my sound card, Sup Forums!
So i finally decided to open up my pc after the ventilators stopped working
How do you pronounce:
AMD AGESA update, fixed cheapo RAM issues, mostly, probably
Computer Science is as much about computers as astronomy is about telescopes
I need a new phone
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
Why the fuck would you want this fucktard to rule your country?
ITT: we post typical Sup Forums posts
Whut whut
Tfw you have to accept cookies
Will the VR stuff fail? Personally I always felt that it's kind of stupid however I'm not an expert
Why is UK broadband so shit?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Doesn't need to be an .exe
Install VLC beta
Devuan 1.0 Officially Released
What do I have to learn before learning Assembly?
Firefox addons thread
What does this technology do? I dont get it
/bst/ Battlestation thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So Sup Forums, do you think $250 for a 4k 28" monitor with a 2ms response time is worth...
Why are even "lite" Linux distros incapable of competing with windows xp in terms of performance and resource use...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Overclocking Census
Teacher wants me to do some simulation diagrams for homework
Accidentally deleted text before reading it
Pens are Sup Forums technology
Antergos is more garbage than ever, what next?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ubuntu or Fedora?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So right now I'm running a Raspberry Pi 3 as a basic file server, and DNS server for my house. It works fine...
Alright boys, let's make a new internet!
The internet doesn't feel as big or endless anymore...
Must have software
What did Linus mean by this?
Old Faithful Tech
Any recordists/ producers here?
Windows 10 is better than Linshit
How are you guys opening new email accounts when they need to be verified?
Speccy / CPU-Z / specs thread
Tools are technology
1 week without videos
Is worth $750?
Which Windows 10 version Sup Forums?
Which linux distro do terrorists use?
Why are PC gaymen such degenerates and how can we get rid of them?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Do you have job Sup Forums?
My opnion on pc vs mac
If android runs on linux, why don't android apps run natively on linux?
An exploit on Linux and BSD allows attackers to gain root access through Samba
Post to Sup Forums at work
Why in the fuck can't I open this window?
Is good code easy to read/understand, or clever and concise?
I posted a thread yesterday about how I'm being monitored by this IP camera...
Chrome won
If a 4/10 grill uses Sup Forumsentoo, would you bang her?
I want dual boot with a Linux OS, what do you guys recommend for a first time user
Tfw you have 3 kids and none of them look like you and never will
Mum photocopies recipes directly from her iPad in hilarious technology fail
Use linux exclusively
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I submerged my beer-spilled GPU in Isopropyl alcohol for a couple of hours...
Make me paranoid as fuck about Technology Sup Forums
Windows 7 in 2017?
Snake oil general
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Download mp3 with youtube-dl
Can We Get a Monitor General?
Why is the 3ds security, hardware and software such a mess...
49 yuromoneys
India hate thread
You don't need math to program!
Are you getting the new Surface Pro?
What is the best/chepest way to run a home debian/ubuntu server seedbox considering electricity bill?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Mobile Tech Thread
Microsoft surface laptop
What's the best way to download torrents without getting emailed by my ISP? Proxy? VPN? Seedbox...
World Wide P2P internet
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Getting a job on Sup Forums
Any of you who have worked for repair shops/other tech jobs; How safe is my data with you...
Thoughts on Codecademy?
Let's write a Java program, one line per post
/cyb/ /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity
Previous thread: >>60583331
Post your home screen, rate others
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Website packages from your ISP
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
GNU/Linux users, does anyone miss .exe installers?
What was he thinking at this moment?
Why aren't you getting a Mac?
Any ideas for teaching an intro to programming class involving Raspberry Pi devices?
"perfect logos don't exis-"
Umpc in 2017
He doesn't use a password manager
Why are you not using free alternatives to the normal youtube app?
Wage Cuck General
2018 - 6 months
He calls Windows 10 a spyware
So, how do I troll this thing into oblivion? Will deliver results
Fuck it. Who else recently made the plunge and de-installed Windows and switched to Linux?
Linux is more secure tan win
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums tells me to get a job
Just bought one for $150. What am I in for?
Computer Sci
So tell me again why you dislike Python and Java?
Have you payed respects to the mother of computer programming Sup Forums?
It just saves lives Sup Forums
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
When will we make three 100m diameter Petawatt fusion reactors on every continent?
The new Nvidia GeForce GTX Battlebox comes with Ryzen
Its about time gpus made the switch from pcie to a dedicated socket...
I'm thinking to get a gaming laptop, which one should I get?
#include <stdio.h>
Newfags mistakes
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is there a reason to use RHEL with the developer subscription instead of CentOS or Fedora for (mostly) Java...
Stallman is coming in a week to my university. What should I ask him
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
How is this compared to unity and unreal for 3d games?
Wtf i hate google now. why would the ruin cute emojis?
How much harm could some random asshole do knowing your IP...
Intel 10-Core Skylake-X Core i9 7900X Leak Suggests 4GHz Base Clock And 4.5GHz Turbo
Are external hdd's really that unreliable...
Windows Version
What are some good programming communities...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is it against the law to rip a cd onto your computer, and convert the wma file online so it can be played into Audacity...
If you want to brute force the travelling salesman problem and you have 15 different cities...
Backing Up Computer Profile
Guys why my stupid router and wifi are so lagging in evenings! I use 5ghz radio and it still lags! When I am trying to...
GTK or Qt?
Convince me to not uninstall my gnu/linux partition
Text editors
Why isn't everyone using the best browser?
Why is Linux so popular in India?
ITT: Abandoned PCs
Linux Samba Exploit
Which programming language truly is the most superior one?
Many years ago microsoft told me no more green button on the bottom and today I can firmly say "no"
Rasberrypi 3
Why is there no open source linux phone without android or ios...
Getting into IT-Security
Laundry technology
Thunderbolt just went royalty free
Has Torvalds gone too far?
Deep Learning
Is vulkan going to destroy DirectX?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why in the fuck are """"smart"""""phones still so god damned expensive?
Did you know most of the SYS_FANS are actually voltage controlled?
This is iPhone 8
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What went so horribly wrong?
I need a cloud to upload my important files. They are large and i care about privacy a lot. What do you guys recommend...
ITT: Things Sup Forums seems to hate but secretly wants
Which laptop has the best quality display?
Intel's going to use toothpaste in coffee lake...
What is Linux really for? Why would you switch to Linux instead of windows? What makes it better than Windows?
Why is Python so comfy, bros?
What do windows users have against Linux?
Can I get a quick rundown?
If you were to spend two years isolated without internet in a South Pole base in Alaska and could take a laptop (Lenovo...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Speccy thread! Show off your beasts or potatoes. Or both!
Is the XPS 13 Developer Edition good for a laptop with GNU/Linux preinstalled?
Understanding Double Recursion
Do you guys use some kind of audio selector to switch between headphones and speakers without having to physically...
I'm done with Google's shit...
I5 or i7 Surface Pro?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is Ubuntu a good choice for a first GNU/Linux distro?
Which linux distro do millennials use?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I got 16gb ram. now what?
Do you have one, Sup Forums?
AlphaGo vs Ke Jie, Game Two
TempleOS Web Server
ITT: git commits
Are Web devs Programmers?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
DAC Reccomendation to Pair with AMP
MacOS is ba
Post a superior laptop
“Within an hour of landing in China, there will be malware on your mobile device,” says Dave Anderson...
Help Poppy Build The Computer
SD cards
Guys, how do we make a new decentralized internet that doesn't suck?
Are fingerboxes technology?
I'm confused, almost every motherboard you buy has a ps2 port for old peripherals, but they don't work
Let's make a computer, Sup Forums
Order item from amazon prime
Does anyone else feel like since they started using Arch Linux that their sexuality has been considerably diminished?
Fun fact, you can still browse Sup Forums on MS-DOS...
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
He fell for the screen protector meme
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Don't mind me im just adblocking
Just like the good ol days
Stolen Phones
Arch instillations are easily accessible even if you don't have the user password by simply resetting the root and...
Hacker? That's a bit glib
So Comcast is using customer names and service addresses to leave fake anti-Net Neutrality comments on the FCC site
[$ [$RANDOM%6] == 0] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
When you realize the $8 trillion spent on wars and destablizing the Middle East and northern Africa...
Alienware Alpha/SteamMachine
Been using default vim as a server-side text editor for like 10 years
What are some intresting books I can read regarding tech
I did it
BSD And Other Things
What do?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Upgrading to new ISP on Friday
Teacher wants me to use proprietary software
Bug fixes and performance improvements
Why isn't this guy our god, Sup Forums?
What are some good hacking tools I could use?
I'm being monitored by this camera. I can sign in on the router because it's still got the default password...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Sup Sup Forums
Can desktop fanboys ever experience the luxury of using your computer in bed?
How the h*ck do you guys use dark themes for programming?
Is this a good deal?
Hello Sup Forums
Transgender SJWs in TECHNOLOGY
Apart from Sup Forums what other websites do you use to stay up to date with technology, Sup Forums?
Why is Apple packaging so {aesthetic}?
A vast of majority of Sup Forums are Windows cucks. Why do you even come to Sup Forums?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Headphone purchase advice
StackOverflow Reputation
Apart from Sup Forums, where do you get your tech news from?
You ARE gonna get it this Fall, right?
Windows switch to Git almost complete
Redpill me on surface products. Are they actually that bad?
Indian tech giant Infosys says it will hire 10...
/wt/ watch thread
He isn't running Debian for maximum stability
Which operating system for running server?
Mozilla Firefox Nightly
Speccy thread, post them , rate them. CPU-Z and other related programs welcomed too
Still the best language
Hey guys
Haskell or Scala: Which one should I learn Sup Forums?
Best pixel art software?
/pcbg/: Post your component list; rate other anons'; ask questions in general
What do you use to watch twitch/youtube without raping the CPU?
For those of you who have jobs in the computer science or software field, do you enjoy your job?
Programs are now called Apps
Start using stock GNOME
6 am
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Webassembly is made because everything is becoming extremely bloated thanks to JS
Home screen thread
Blue LEDs were a mistake
floens hasn't updated clover in a month on his github
Sup Forums I'm curious about GPU pass-through in Linux with a Windows VM. What's the performances like...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/guts thread/
What are the absolutely crucial addons to enjoy an optimal bookmarking and tab managing experience guys?
Why are Ruby developers such fags?
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
/csg/ Chink Shit General
If Microsoft can see everything I do on Windows 10 then how come I'm not in jail?
Why haven't you switched to Docker containers on Microsoft Azure yet?
Google AI Defeated Chinese Master in Ancient Board Game
Why are Windows free major upgrades such shit but OS X are decent?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Itt: we wait for vega
How do i stop being spied on?
Those with windows 10. What file manager do you use?
Buy unlocked cpu
So, I know AMD is going to have an uphill climb from here on out with there graphics department
He thinks watching Serial Experiments Lain will make him a better programmer
Job title
Left or right?
The best video editing software is ________
Windows command prompt quickly appears then disappears
Hey Sup Forums
Sublime Text
Post your mobile keyboard
You're on your desktop on a regular day browsing the web
/bst/ Battlestation thread
Sup g I am thinking of buying a 2nd phone just so I can use it as a dedicated music/podcast player when my main phone...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
FBI agents came to my house today and kept calling Sup Forums, "fortran"
Should i get a ryzon or a intel?
ITT: Must-Have Open-Source, Freeware (or Pirated) Windows Programs
Mechanical pencils are technology. What are the best pencils for drafting?
Why does everyone prefer C++ over Java?
Should I get a Thinkpad or a Macbook for college?
Is Manjaro Linux good?
Post your
Beware! Subtitle Files Can Hack Your Computer While You're Enjoying Chink Cartoons
Linuxfags, what games do you play on linux? how is performance compared to windows?
PC Speakers
When your rig cost you next to nothing
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I found a Samsung Galaxy S4 laying around yesterday. Is there any way to unlock an Android phone?
Be a journalist for 39 years
Explain the hate for Javascript
Windows is in trouble
Which color?
User, are you enjoying your kindle?
Should I get an iPad to read comics/manga on?
Which linux distro do poor people use?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Can anybody decrypt this key ?
Give me 5 reasons not to buy a Surface product
Is there anything worse than an uppity nigger?
What can tech companies do to cut down on terrorist communication without infringing rights on regular users?
$30 CDR tax in Canada !!!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Now that the dust has settled, where did it go wrong?
What VPN do you use for torrenting?
Besides security and open things, is there any reasonable reason to migrate to linux?
Poettering - DEBUNKED
Dont play video games
Good news guys
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How do I convince someone to stop using Windows 7 and use Windows 10?
Grsec goes closed source
Where can I download Plan9?
So fucking what? You use more internet you pay more stupid fuck
IRC thread (BBS and Usenet also welcome)
Feeling like a fake dev
WanaCry is evolving
/pcbg/ - PC Building General: /
"I hate tripfags in Sup Forums" official thread
Does linux respect your privacy?
Name my code camp band
Now what?
LGBT flag emojis (leak?)
So is W10 better now? Supposedly the latest update gives you a bit more control over ads and privacy...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why does Intel keep using fucking toothpaste for their heat spreader TIM...
Web developers
Programming suggestion with socks
Hey, what do you guys think about let-leutrality? Fuck the government amirite??? xD
Ubuntu Masterrace
What did they mean by this???
Video players don't need updates!
Which OS has the best sound quality?
Surface Pro
What's the gayest way to use a computer?
I'm entitled to a new company phone in a month. Money is no object since I'm not paying for it
Instant messaging is a complete mess
Why does most of Sup Forums hates Windows?
Remember when the internet was a cool place to hang out?
Hey guys, femanon here. (Did I use that right?)
Woman was reportedly burned by Beats headphones, Apple blames 'third-party' AAA batteries
Is it reddit : The Distribution?
My wife is flying to somewhere alone. shes making a story that she needs to do an exam there for her school course...
Windows 10 China Government Edition
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
Is it time to ban encrypted messaging apps?
Does this look like the face of mercy?
Member when everything was better?
Ok Sup Forums, i've decided that I want to move on from wincuck and move on to any distro of Linux...
Could a program still run if the computer ran slightly faster than light speed?
You will never have this much money to spare
Wanna see something rad?
Why Linux?
What is the best non botnet cpu money can buy? is it the fx8350 or something else? some old intel cpu maybe...
Get first job
If you want to work at a Data Center, will they check your credit score and/or credit history?
TL;DR: read the last 2 lines only
Alternatives To GitHub
Whats with the sudden urge of "all phones need a fingerprint scanner" bullshit?
This is a pretty fucking good deal, right?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Terry is sometimes self-aware, as evidenced in his"To pill or not to pill" video (linked below) and among other videos...
Guts thread - ryzen HARD 2 scoops 2 many edition
Dad figured out I leave my computer 24/7 and turn off all the monitors and LEDs to disguise it as off
What's a good phone for medical use ?
This is what we are learning in university
What the fuck is this happening Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Laptops still using shitty lcd screens
PS3 fat
/wt/ watch thread
Give me a good reason you dont use windows
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Moving to qbittorrent from utorrent(pre-ad version)
Need to activate Windows 10 on my work PC any cracks?
Switching to GNU/Linux
Sound Panels
Is the S8 the most aesthetically pleasing phone of all time? It seems like this is what phones should look like...
Hello. I have a specific question, about 2 weeks ago I spilled beer over my gpu...
Fuggen sjws xddd
Which linux distro do you recommend for a woman?
The GTX 750 Ti
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
CPU-Z / Speccy
So /g, just picked up my s8 plus. What are some of your must have apps?
Oneplus Meme
Has linux ever been hit by a wannacry-level ransomware?
Clover stopped working
Has anyone tried this out?
Is it worth to learn COBOL or is it a dead language? Is work guaranteed for the next few decades?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
All my indian friends all use Thinkpad
UK terror attack
Unity dead
So how does Epyc (Naples) compare to Intel's new Skylake server processors?
Would you recommend this to someone starting out with Linux?
Click at the pictures, goy
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why do mobile browsers all suck?
Zen 7nm tapeout in 2017
How fast is Sup Forums at typing
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What the fuck man
Can Sup Forums recommend a monitor that has an aspect ratio between 4:3 and 1:1, doesn't have a shit resolution...
I work at Pinterest AMA
Favorite programming language
WHY on earth would you use Windows in a FUCKING BANK??
I just came across this amazing little arduino based gameboy like device called Arduboy. Does anyone own it...
PowerPC G5
What do you guys do with your raspberry pi?
Create useless distraction
Getting harder and harder to pirate. Is it still worth the hassle...
How do you make Windows 10 non-spyware mode (turn off windows defender/updates etc)?
How safe is PIA? What is best VPN?
What was the greatest cpu to ever be created? and why was it the athlon?
VHS Tape Archival - Advice Needed
Should i buy a gtx 1080 ti
Hey Sup Forums
You should install Windows on your PC, buy an Android smartphone and use Chrome browser
Srs question: so every device has a mac address, right...
Hey Sup Forums have you gotten Ryzen yet?
Why has captcha become so fagadocious recently?
Decentralized internet
ITT: signs of patrician tastes
Loli folder in google drive was mysteriously deleted overnight
What language to learn first?
Convince me to go AMD for my next build
Hello Sup Forums
SteamOS Drops AMD Drivers
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why are so many Western nations throwing away the privileges of a free internet in favour of regulation and censorship?
Is GNOME is the easiest desktop environment to customize towards a windows 7 lookalike?
Uni groupwork thread
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
What's the point of the unlimited scroll feature on mice? What am I going to use this for?
File deletion
Post your boot up time :^)
/cyb/ /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity
Windows user, hate it, want to switch
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How long until free and open source hardware?
Password managers
What's the first thing that I should do when I get my XPS 15?
Is there a Technocratic Party?
/hpg/ - Headphone General - Non-Troll Edition
FreeVMS (OpenVMS clone) is looking for developers
Pens are technology?
*blocks your path*
Who the fuck is this? Why isn't Yostuba on the front page?
Is there any program I can feed foreign language audio files and it translates them in text?
AlphaGo vs Ke Jie
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
Moving files from a work computer
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Windows 10 confirmed for the worst botnet of all time
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I have the opportunity to convert a bunch of people away from SMS
Anyone use Vivaldi as their browser? I've been using it for a few months and I like it a lot
If you're using a surge protector on an ungrounded outlet...
Start koding
My home is infest with black mold
Any leaks yo!?
Shit Editors: Atom
Once and for all, which is the superior input device?
ITT: We name the demographic that uses the distro
How long does a turned off phone keep information?
Pacman -Syu
Clover a shit
Straw Poll Time
29MB footprint
Found iPhone
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/bst/ Battlestation thread
Post your Desktop
/fglt/ - Friendlt GNU Linux Thread
Explain this bullshit Sup Forums. Fucking why!?
Lisa Su just said rx vega is coming a couple months after frontier edition
Linux doesn't have file previews
Travel Tech
Xperia Specific / The Return of the Compact Flagship Edition
Whats the Sup Forums of irc? Also whats your favorite client to use??
University course requires that I install non-free software on my computer
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Nvidia GeForce GameReady 382.33 WHQL
You nostalgia you lose
Learning programming
It finally happened, Sup Forums. I hit my activation limit for my old Win 7 Ultimate disc
/tpg/ ThinkPad General - Based T430 edition
Admit it Sup Forums most machine learning and datascience experts are women
Is functional programming the future of programming?
Storage thread - when how much is too much
Sup Sup Forums I recovered this stolen iPhone
If you have to use Windows 10, is there a single reason to not use LTSB?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are tablets obsolete at this point? Do people still buy them?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Stupid questions thread
Are the new Google Developer Certifications worthwhile for career advancement?
I have installed Linux Mint, and set it up completely. Problem is...
Ajit Pai Gotta Die
People are saying the guys who distributed the encryption malware attack will be caught if they cash out their bitcoins...
"hacker" news
I've read your CV and you don't have a Facebook?
Buy thin phone
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Name a more misused technology
Do you leave your computer turned on while you are sleeping?
Backend or Frontend
Wannacry encryption can be circumvented by a backdoor in windows crypto API
We need your help Sup Forums
Is vivaldi the /cute/st browser?
Is it best to just give in to the botnet in exchange for games...
It seems like these days you somewhat have to commit your life and your data to some degree to (at least) one of five...
BSOD on all windows
What do you guys think about wannacry ransomeware attack?
Linux From Scratch
Cannot even save pictures to MicroSD
Why is Apple so based?
Finally graduate after 5 years
You will never own a Dell xps 13
Muh WIndows 10 LTSB
Why dont they make a universal standard?
Daily Programming Thread
ITT: Post your app ideas
Try to update arch on laptop
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
What do you guys think of the PSP?
Help guys
Can anyone recommend a high DPI mouse that doesn't look like a dragon/alien/transformer?
I am seriously thinking about buying this. This is not based on a huur duur macs are superior...
Homescreen Bread. Post your cool papes, qt icons, anime girls, and gorgeous color schemes, faggots
How am I supposed to screw this card in if the holes don't line up? I mean the card fits, I just need a brace...
Traitor or Hero Sup Forums?
Speccy thread, post them rate them
Will Golang ever become popular?
Sup Forums in a nuttshell
Why is Ryzen 1600 has 65W TDP compared to 95W on 1600X and how does this affect my CPU buying choice
Systemd? Design philosophy? pre-compiled? Fuck it Sup Forums...
Why aren't PSU's getting any smaller?
What keep you away from using Linux?
What UPS does Sup Forums use?
Why arent ssd's cheap yet? Why is flash memory still so expensive?
He hoards data
I've always been fascinated with the idea of having a completely customized, secure...
What are some cool terminal commands?
I installed gentoo, openbsd
Overclocking Census
Is elon retarded?
Don't forget to clear your RAM on shutdowns, Sup Forums
SO many reddit shills defending this
Are some people just good at coding, naturally? I try so hard, but sometimes it doesn't click...
/wt/ watch thread
Screenfetch thread cucks
Is Coffee Lake really coming 100% this year?
Contraception is technology
Funny weird g related stories thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Opera has a fucking dark theme now!
What DE do you use Sup Forums?
What RSS client does Sup Forums use?
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Which linux distro do weeaboos use?
I want to get into Latex. Gummi seems to be fine to learn and I could go pure text editor later anyway
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Debian or Arch
What is the cheapest best dac to bay
Weird Image
When did you grow out of gaming?
I found an ipod nano 6g lying around, can i do anything interesting with it?
RMS is a faggot
Why does everyone hate js?
What device is Sup Forums posting from?
ITT: Linux newfags unite
Tech Gore: Just fuck my whole desk up edition
/spg/ - Smartphone General
How the hell does imgur stay afloat? I have like 20,000 images uploaded with no end in sight
Mfw QA rejects my work because I didn't put any comments in it
I found this missing 5S during my trip to America, and i'm starting to wonder who owns it...
BSD And Other Things
Linux can't be used for gami-
What distro should I get
What is the best IRC client?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Zuckerberg will use Facebook to change how people think
Screenfetch thread
I7 930 to 7th gen i5
Are we going to have body augmentations someday, as seen in Deus Ex?
Locked iphone
Why the fuck do old people suck at technology?
/pmp/ thread
Editor thread
Why do they think that stupid incorrect code ads will attract us?
Why isn't this discussed more?
Which operating system is better ?
Damn, the Juicero looks pretty good inside. Look at those fucking gears, they're the size of a car's transmission...
Anyone know how to download videos from this page?
Why do so many Linux users have mental problems?
Average linux user
C++ Programming IDE
Every god damn single one of these fucking connectors I have ever owned (3 different computer screens...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Linus Tech Tips
$60 a year for UNLIMITED online storage
Should I?
Does Sup Forums do stickers?
Ok Sup Forums noob here. Don't tell me to install gentelmooo pls
Nyaa Replacement General /nrg/
Yfw you fell for the 16gb of ram is "good enough" meme
Why is open source always less popular than propriety alternative?
Best torrent sites for movies and games...
How many hours do you estimate you wasted on Linux when you could have done it faster on OSX or Windows?
Just one more laptop to go
Okay, this shit is getting ridiculous. Seriously considering switching to OSX or some Linux build
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is Sup Forums legit the most intelligent board on Sup Forums?
Are there any good 3-d file browsers?
Is he, dare I say /ourguy/ ?
Tablet to read pdf's
Redpill me on the HP Omen
Why isn't this discussed more?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Alright, this question is going to sound fucking retarded but fuck it...
Describe the most difficult/complex program have written
Windows 10
He builds a +$2000 badass custom gaming PC
Reddit won
What are you doing with your paperweight?
How many GBs of RAM does your computer have?
Easily serviceable
Autism tech triggers
How can i extract embedded files which are inside a .jpg file?
Are you still content with your G4560?
Hey Sup Forums what do you use as a media player
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/Dumb/ DumbPhone MasterRace
What's the next big thing in technology?
Post your first computer/OS and your experience with it
Ryzen is a success, they said
How would you make an intuitive control scheme for a touchscreen, 2D, Mario-style platformer?
What's the best first programming language?
Why are SJWs and leftists so able to take over FOSS and free software organizations and enforce their CoCs and...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Linux BTFO
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What went so wrong?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
If US does care about costs why it won't switch to 230V@50Hz like a normal first world country?
Winfag here should i get ubuntu or is there abetter OS for someone used to windows
Why isn't this discussed more?
Why do all the monitors bellow 200 burgerbucks have matte screens...
Sup Forums hates Powershell now
Stop using this shit immediately
What's the best password manager for a Windows fag
Is Firefox the worse browser?
Hasn't anyone found a security flaw that is not patched yet in Linux?
Normie desktops
How fast do you type Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...