GNU/Linux users, does anyone miss .exe installers?
How am I suppose to install stuff in Ubuntu without a terminal installer?
GNU/Linux users, does anyone miss .exe installers?
How am I suppose to install stuff in Ubuntu without a terminal installer?
Use unity desktop or gnome 3 and click on .deb shit.
I got terminal cancer from reading op
Gog games are 1 click installs without .exe. Not really sure what you're on about op.
>How am I suppose to install stuff in Ubuntu without a terminal installer?
ubuntu software center?
I'm attempting to install Godot but I can't find any distribution thing and the Ubuntu store doesn't have it
>unzip Godot
>move it to opt/godot
>enable administration rights for it
>make an icon for it in Programs
>icon doesn't work
Since v. 16.04 Gnome's software entity will install .deb packages for you.
Google a tutorial user
Just use the terminal.
sudo dpkg -i thing.deb
Maybe you should reconsider whether GNU/Linux is the right operating system for you. There is no shame in going for different option.
Install gentoo
why not use a terminal?
>packed with the latest botnet abomination
I got a daily reminder from my sister on those shitty msi installs. Almost all of them contain something crap. If you are lucky it's just a chrome installer, but if not...
literally with one click in an freetarded "appstore", or by double clicking .debs since ubuntu 10.04 i believe
No, exes are shit
terminal is all u need, dont be a faggot
[spoiler]i tried this
but there is no godot icon art and the program can't load the "more info" thing
No wonder linux has less than 1% desktop market share. People would rather put up with the abomination that is Windows 10 than have to jump through unnecessary hoops.
spotted the macfag
I would use Atari, Commodore or classic MacOS computers in a second if they were still around, I just don't like Unix.
What the fuck happened to .zip files you can just extract and run? Why the hell do you need an installer?
>ITT: lincuck faggot asks for help and noone can help him/they tell him to fuck off retard
And you fags wonder why shitnux is irrelevant since the day it was made
that was how it was done 5 years ago, most programs who aren't in the respositories can be found in program.deb form, install it with GDebi
oh, so it was just a b8 thread? sorry OP, hopefully you're being paid for this
Micro"soft dik" please leave
I think you replied to the wrong thread by mistake there.
This is terrible, terrible advice and probably one of the worst ways to do it available.
>[Desktop Entry]
>Comment=Create different games
>Categories=Development; Games;
>GenericName[en_US]=Game development platform
>Comment[en_US]=Create different games!
jeez op dont follow the first link on google
>the ubuntu "store"
holy fuck how can you be this bad with computers
>>move it to opt/godot
the tutorial says opt/Godot capital G, Godot
make sure you didn't make a typo
Chisaki a shit but man do I want to ravage her body.
You could always just unzip and run, moving it to opts and making an icon is just quality of life / best practice.
I have a shitload of binaries in ~/Programming/tools
What's with all the Habsburg posting over the last few months. Did everyone just discover why incest should just stick to porn or something?
Has to do with bogposting i think
GUI frontends like synaptic or use appimages:
Fuck no, I even prefer a git repo with a nice makefile and readme to a sketch as fuck .exe from some shitty website.
>GNU/Linux users, does anyone miss .exe installers?
The answer is no because there exists both self-contained packages and executable installers like on windows along with the package managers, so there's nothing to miss.
>How am I suppose to install stuff in Ubuntu without a terminal installer?
At this point i genuinely don't know if you're just uninformed or if you're doing this on purpose but i'm gonna reply anyway: User-oriented distros (like ubuntu) usually ships GUI tools for managing packages, even on DIY distros (like arch) you can install GUI tools for managing packages.
Have you ever used a distro like ubuntu? because it's actually a bit hard to not see programs like the software center, gdebi or synaptic when you try it.
If you don't want to just run it from the folder where you unzip it then you can get it from steam if you want.
Absolutely not. Linux package managers are the best concept ever invented. It actually precedes crap like app stores, and is more advanced.
.deb .run .rpm ...
I actually hated it. It always bugged the shit out of me I had to hand over reins to a program written by a total dipshit for all I know to reach it's hand up my systems ass and modify God knows what just so I could run some trivial program.
I hated having to go to some website to download something
usually softpedia or some shithole
and then it installs a tool bar or something even if you clicked no
free software repositories should have been something on windows in the 90s
GNOME Software
Ubuntu Software Center
Synaptic Package Manager
GDEBI or whatever equivalent for your distro
Try using google before asking on Sup Forums next time.
>Double click .exe
>Have to click Next a hundred times
>Have to uncheck boxes which are defaulted to make you sign up for unrelated bullshit
>No idea what was just installed
>Uninstaller doesn't remove everything
No thanks
Not OP but thanks for this post
She could install Gentoo
>this marks the beginning of summer
Nah, I'm good. Package managers save a lot of time.
Tfw just married my first cousin last week and we had our baby 3 weeks ago and we have a healthy girl.
Why do people think that cousin born babies will come out with defects? I was at the US embassy two days ago and when we told the woman that we are cousins her eyes widened and said OK there's no problem with that. Kek
>It actually precedes crap like app stores
I dunno how you can call app stores crap when they're just package managers with a GUI front end.
Software center for ubuntu
Synaptic package manager
Dont miss windows exe installations at all
>programs not amassed in a repo. have to find actual programs using google, and top results are usually paid crapware unless you specify a program
>full of free trials that asks for registration or email addresses
>program periodically nags for 'premium edition'
I still use windows but I installed mostly gnu/bsd/freeware software so it might as well be linux