StackOverflow Reputation

Let's do something different Sup Forums, post you're StackOverflow reputation



>see reduced ads

This but replace

> 166
> over 3 years
You should be more active user

What the fuck did you say about the best programming language ever?

>helping students and Indians

More reputation = Better resume

Just fix a typo in the Linux docs

Let me help you guys out


Yes, basically

You're like a little baby

> jquery
why did you do this to your life user?

I do web dev. Don't worry though, I haven't used jQuery in fucking ages.


I want to mock the jQuery faggot, but I have a soft spot for it.
It's actually pretty good at letting those who can't code, code. The end result may be a mess, but it's a much tidier mess than if they used Javascript.

whoever is responsible for the grey fonts and all the gaping blank space in between shit should have reputation (signed)0xffffffffffffffff

>posting on stack
For what reason.
>hur dur my internet points

muh resumes

literally piss-easy. got this in like a week, just to get cross-site voting, and then stopped.

I don't have a stackoverflow account, everyone just copies and pastes Documentation or posts from similar questions.

>cross-site voting
Wat is dis?

It's fucking useful and you know it.

voting on any SE website