Is it reddit : The Distribution?

is it reddit : The Distribution?

>laggy shit DE that focuses on visual appeal than usability
>controlled by a shitty company
>community is full of tryhards, autists and neckbeard freetards
>has a """fully (((free)))" GANOO version called Blag for the autismos
>its fucking name

debian is the most reddit (and also shittiest) distro


debian is the father of most other shitty distros, the *buntus and a lot of other shit, so it has to be 1chan

1. it's smooth for me (amdgpu)
2.How so? (I partly agree)
3...... you are on Sup Forums...
4. Are you so insecure that a name bothers you.

Ubuntu is Reddit.
Fedora is for people who want to pretend to be "hardcore" but don't actually want to put in the effort required.

Debian is Tumblr if anything, but Tumblr went from lesbians to lesbians (male) so it doesn't apply anymore.

>community is full of tryhards, autists and neckbeard freetard
You just described arch linux.
If anything it's even worse.
Just you wait for those angry autismos to reply to me.

>tryhards, autists and neckbeard freetards
sounds like arch desu

Fedora is a grown up distro with a good oobe. Been using it on my laptop for 4 months now. No complaints, except maybe no native screen tiling in gnome. Can be fixed with extension so big big deal really.
Getting flash to work was a bit of a pain, but fine.
Finally an OS I can get actual work done. I'm a network admin, fuck me right?

>I use i3 but have no problems with GNOME
>never affected me
>don't get that impression at all
>never heard of it
>has a ring to it don't you think?

Sorry you had a bad experience with it friend.

ubuntu is facebook
linux mint is 9gag

So then Debian is MySpace?

reddit is fedora
debian is the original BBS
arch is Sup Forums's text boards
antergos is 8ch

Sup Forums is arch wishing it was gentoo
/tech/ is something like void loonics

Elementary is deviantart
OpenSUSE is digg
gNewSense/Trisquel is the mailing lists at

and BSD is fucking tumblr

2chan was the original chan retard

>laggy shit DE that focuses on visual appeal than usability
By far the best implementation of Gnome, and it's a great DE. I have never seen it lag on any laptop, sure maybe a Pentium III might struggle with it. And how is it lacking in usability?

>controlled by a shitty company
Really? They're one of the companies that contributed more to FOSS, every program they release is free-as-in-freedom, they fixed both hearthbleed and shellshock. How are they shitty? Seriously, point out some flaws.

>community is full of tryhards, autists and neckbeard freetards
I don't understand what these generic insults actually mean, but you're free to provide an actual argument.

>has a """fully (((free)))" GANOO version called Blag for the autismos
What are you talking about? I seriously don't understand what this is referring to.

>its fucking name
Oh no, that's so awful dude, they should have totally predicted that fedora would be le ebin maymay xD 10 years after creating the distro.

tl;dr not an argument.

>Really? They're one of the companies that contributed more to FOSS, every program they release is free-as-in-freedom, they fixed both hearthbleed and shellshock. How are they shitty? Seriously, point out some flaws.

red hat also gave us pulseaudio and systemd

they deserve the death penalty

Gnome works great on my 8 years old laptop, what the fuck are you talking about?

Then don't use systemd and pulseaudio. Purge it and use init and ALSA.
>oh but that's hard
But complaining that other companies did things for free for you to use is easy apparently.

Fedora is SJW, LGBT and cuck distro.

Maybe if you add more buzzwords and r9k insults your post will animorph into an argument.

it's easy to complain when they turn out the absolute shittest bundle of garbage "init system" known to mankind

Fedora had woman lead, only because muh Neckbeards wear fedora,fedora gets bad name.

>They're one of the companies that contributed more to FOSS

spotted the Red Hat™ shill

come here when you remove all binary blobs and nonfree programs in your repo

till then go back to editing the fedora wiki and then kys faggot

> not using fedora xfce

I like how you didnt even provide ANY counter-argument to anything he said (because you cant). instead you bring up your own opinion of what should and shouldnt be in a distro (muh freedom)

u mad?

>Sup Forums® is powered by Fedora®

imagine being upset that people use different operating systems

>Good oobe
>Gnome3 as a first class citizen

Pick one...

Also the other spins are fucking garbage, especially the KDE one.

I'd say BSD is TOTSE, goober.

How is it garbage? It's faster than init, it has more features than cron. I mean you could argue that it's bloated, but definitely not shit.

Not an argument.

install solus

GNOME 3 is great. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't tried using it for more than a couple minutes.

Debian is the whole internet

Arch is Reddit. It's a distro for totally normal people to surround themselves with thousands of identically-minded others, and each claim to all be part of a unique superior patrician master race, despite lacking any sense of personal identity whatsoever.

Linux Mint is literally too pleb to be Reddit. It's like Facebook or YouTube; it doesn't even warrant an identity for its users.

>laggy DE
Show me one video of it lagging. (you won't)

wow the new windows 8 start screen looks great


>install fedora
>steam games lock up X, guvcview segfaults.
>find bugs already reported, only reply is a bot closing the report because a new release is happening.


>literally no counter argument

God guys do you even browse Reddit? They literally wet themselves over KDE. Every fucking KDE thread has a ton of upboats and insane amount of circlejerk. If you dare say anything negative about KDE you get downvoted like shit.

Reddit's godtier:
>KDE Plasma
>KDE Neon
>KDE This
>KDE That

Reddit's goodtier:

Reddit's shittier:
>Ubuntu with Unity
>GNOME without Wayland

> looks like facebook logo

haha, this.

KDE is their choice because most of the redditards are linewxfags who just downloaded their first live dvd this or late last year.

I've been using KDE plasma since the beginning and can even attest that plasmashell 100% idle cpu thing.

One doesn't just install or use KDE because "it werks."
It doesn't and will break after some time and that's how KDE got its newfag haters.
No distro shipped with plasma back then except KaOS and rolling distros like gentoo and arch only. Even manjaro was late to release plasma.

Systemd has plenty of great features. The only shit thing about it is all the kiddies running around yelling "muh unix philosophy!"

Fedora is dope. The name sucks, but it's the Linux distro for adults and people with jobs

It's not Fedora's fault that you're too retarded to change your DE

>redhat's litterbox
Literally a cucked beta tester distro.

KDE has a lot of eyecandy so it appeals to normies and reddit, KDE Plasma+a little babby-tier ricing can create a desktop so pretty that it amazes normies IRL and generates over 9000 upboats on /r/unixporn

The posters in this thread proved the OP right. Nice job, redditors.

>on Sup Forums
>complaining about freetards


pick one

tfw Linus Torvalds uses "reddit : The distribution"

I've used all the major distributions and Fedora ended up being my favorite. It's just super polished at this point. GNOME 3 is actually pretty good once you install some extensions.

>implying Linus isn't reddit

I dont like their lack of PPAs. Everything else is fine though. Fedora and Xubuntu are my goto distros of choice.

Linus is reddit incarnate

the only real complaint that's valid is that Red Hat sucks

the rest of your post is just shitty meme complaints (no seriously, the name? are you fucking with me?)
and fuck, you can install another DE -- if you pick a distro based on the default DE, you're actually fucking retarded

man, I'm still kind of mad about pulse
that whole transition period when it was being adopted was the absolute worst

I haven't actually had issues with systemd, although I do oppose it on principle for being actually bloated and sticking its fingers into everything.
but I really don't care that much

maybe on my cheapass 10-year-old laptop, but definitely not on anything new

>KDE is their choice because most of the redditards are linewxfags who just downloaded their first live dvd this or late last year.
god how long has it been since you've checked out a decent sub? /r/unixporn, for example, is a giant circlejerk of i3 posts with weeb backgrounds and most of their KDE content is shit-tier and barely upvoted.

No it was onechan, newfag


Even on /r/linux KDE is absolutely downvoted hard.

Not sure where he's getting that info.

this discussion wouldn't exist without redditman Linus

Get a load of this guy.

Linus uses fedrora

>they fixed both hearthbleed and shellshock.
Isn't that just a matter of upgrading openssl? Or is fedora the only contributor to openssl?

I'm using it atm and it fucking freezes all the time. I'm going to try a different de and different video drivers. Only distro that has ever given me this much trouble.