In your opinion, what is your favorite version of windows?
I just tried vista on a laptop of mine and while It's my favorite looking version, it's just not compatible with any software anymore.
Also, somebody redpill me on the server versions.
In your opinion, what is your favorite version of windows?
I just tried vista on a laptop of mine and while It's my favorite looking version, it's just not compatible with any software anymore.
Also, somebody redpill me on the server versions.
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win7 if I really have to
2000 was an excellent release, NT kernel, more stable than the 9x versions, and far more stable than ME. It was compatible with almost all the software XP was and was far leaner/less ugly than XP.
XP gets a lot of love but XP was pretty shit when it came out. "Fisher price" interface, high minimum requirements, stability issues (not as bad as vista though)... XP only came into its own with service pack 2 with the built in firewall (final-fucking-ly) and improved wifi support as the specs of devices increased.
Vista is a tragedy of Microsoft's own design. scrapping longhorn and rushing to get the OS was a disservice, mandatory driver signing being optional on 32-bit was a disservice. combine that with the new driver model and you get an unstable mess (shit quality drivers that didn't need to be approved by MS). MS also lowered the minimum specs to be "vista capable" to a ridiculously low spec to the point where all devices performed like shit. By SP2 vista was actually pretty good.
seven took the mess of vista and polished it, time helped too on the manufacturers getting the driver model right. but seven was great out of the gate, and it was super easy to pirate with OEM Activation 2.1.
eight was harder to pirate (relied off KMS activation) but was also good out of the gate IF you got a start menu replacement. the tablet/desktop UI mishmash was off but it was a stable well performing OS with good support.
10 is a hit and a miss, it does some things better but microsoft basically fired almost all the dedicated QA people and rely off devs to QA their own code. (Hint: Devs don't have as much time or creativity in their test cases as dedicated QA people, meaning more bugs). the forced updates and privacy invasive defaults are huge detractors, particularly the inability to disable telemetry at all.
tl;dr 7 was probably the greatest windows release of all time
In my opinion my favourite Windows version is 2000. What is my favourite Windows version in your opinion?
My pick is windows 98, Win98 always had the best UI and themes.
Unlike most people's experience it seems I never really had an issue with stability under 98, only time shit fucked up was when trying to run newer shit not made for 98
>what is your favorite version of windows?
8.1 :^)
xp sp3 is bae
Nothing wrong with 8.1
Well, nothing that'd care to moan about.
>LU5A 1
Loser 1
>I just tried vista on a laptop of mine and while It's my favorite looking version
I agree. The glass themes were the pinnacle of UI design IMO. This flat UI shit is literally just the result of hiring lazy millennial and pajeets who can't design anything nicer so they try to pass it off as hurr durr minimal. Disgust.
my favourite server is 2008 R2
2003 was also good.
they went to shit after that with metro
That was close, almost saw your product key.
Except for telemetry, 10.
I would also like to know about server versions. I fucked up and got 8.1 Pro for my kaby lake build. Had to use it to upgrade my laptop from 8.1 home instead. I have a copy of server 2016 essentials, but know nothing about it. Can I use it as an os instead of 10? Are there security issues I should address if doing so?
2003 if we're counting any version
8.1 with classic shell
Is that really Trump? Never can imagine the dude driving himself.
If you owned a Diablo, would you really let somebody else drive it?
Of the ones based on the NT kernel. 2000 is my favourite. Stable, and the tools were simple and easy to use. Later versions made the UI more complicated and messy.
Of the versions built on top of MSDOS, Windows Me is a good one too. Stable (unless you buy a POS, or use bad drivers). Has more modern features like support for USB drives, so even after the transition to NT and XP, it was still a useable system. 95 is great too I think, but I might think that since that's the version of Windows I started with. Never understood the hate for Me, or why it still lives on today. Most of the people that hated Me hadn't even used it. They're just saying what their friends said. Vista too is ok I think. The blame for the suckyness of Vista is on those that made low end computers for XP, and decided in the last second to preload those with Vista. Vista ran great on competent computers.
Before 95 I used Amigas and various computers with plain MSDOS.
Vista was - and still is, imo - the best-looking, but for compatibility nothing beats XP, with the NTVDM providing almost flawless support.
I don't get the full hate for vista, 7 is pretty much what sp3 was for xp, with 7 increasing the NT kernel of 0.1 versions, the hardware requirements are the same and, i've already said this, the UI is really nice.
So tell me, why do hate/love vista?
Windows 10 is actually pretty comfy and stable.
I got a pi-hole set up to deal with the telemetry
debloating some its crap and installing classic shell/startisback made it my favorite after 7.
Gotta watch out for the telemetry stuff though
Have a new CPU so I'm not allowed to run Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 Sad. Only allowed to run Windows 10. Unless I want to run Windows 7 / 8.1 with no ability to get security updates.
Trying to make a bootable USB installer for Windows 10 now but Microsoft is "protecting me" by removing all the activation hax. So I'm not allowed to install Windows 10 either.
Is there any way to just get a clean image? Wish I could install Windows 7. Sad.
Use this to grab a clean iso from the MS server:
7. Last good OS they made.
>tfw the activation tools they removed were full of actual backdoor trojan keystroke loggers that send CP from my computer to the FBI if I talk positively about Trump
No lie
What's good? Pleb home? Pro? Enterprise?
2000 is my favorite I cant stand windows 10 and do not know how to downgrade
win xp and win 7 "just worked"
Every single Windows Toolkit is a virus too now REEEEEEEEEE I just want to install an OS that I don't want to install without getting my election hacked
I rekt 2 pc trying to figure out which one was the real deal. I can upload it for you user, but do you trust me?
win7 cuz it just werks
Can't you just use wsus offline to circumvent the cpu restrictions on 7?
Those gas prices make my peepee tingle
Millennium Edition
He's always been kind of a fat loser hasn't he
Windows ME. Everyone else says it was bad but I ran it for years and it was more stable than any version i'd used before. And it looked good.
95/98 bring back so many memories, VISTARGH looks pretty, XP runs hella fast, Shitven just werks, and 10botnets is forced on to every fucking new laptop/tablet/aoi/desktop like the marriage between pajeet and sanjita.
Eh, not me.
>Wow that pic must be from like 2008 or something
Holy shit.
>my favourite server is 2008 R2
Where to find clean ISO?
3.1 or eat a dick
I assume you eat a lot of dick then?
Could you redpill me on that? I just disabled some services that I knew I wouldn't use since Day 1 like Windows Update, disabled the autostart programs and the Aero effects, is there anything else I should worry about? Now I'm kinda curious.
This. Was about to reply but noticed you wrote exactly what I wanted to.
>Someone that loves security gets cucked by Microsoft's own protection
I'm not the only one who noticed the irony there, right?
Anyways, if you weren't so paranoid about privacy, security and stuff you could just use Windows 7 or 8.1+CS. Having a Ryzen or Kaby Lake CPU doesn't really matter much.
Probably Windows 2000. I think it was the best out of all of them. Windows 7 a close second, but I have a soft spot for 95/98.
I bet that everyone who praise XP to the skies never used it at release before any service patches.
It was a piece of shit, really. SP1 made it useable, and SP2 and onwards is the version of XP that everybody praies.
5 britbongs on ebay for a legit iso and key
Don't use SP2, ever. MS08-067 is a beast.
Is there anything wrong with that though? XP SP3 was a really good OS, I see nothing wrong with it getting praised accordingly.
for nostalgia i like 98se. have a box with that and a bunch of old games on it.
for use, i guess either windows 7 or 10. probably 7, just because i know it, and i think the default layout of shit is reasonable. windows 10, i had to install classicshell, 'cause that start menu is garbage, and i like to have a nice control panel mouse-over menu
>Also, somebody redpill me
fuck off retard
>Could you redpill me
fuck off you fucking retard
what kind of car is that
>Gotta watch out for the telemetry stuff though
You mean the stuff it doesn't have more of than Win7 ?
8.1. As soon as you got rid of the start screen it basically a better 7.
>flame shields up
3.1, just because it was my first GUI OS, it's the only windows that impressed me. Objectively though, win7.
lamborghini diablo
>pic related obviously
>user sees this thread
>"this is my chance"
>waddles off to boot up his ancient shitbox
>24 hours later
>computer is done booting up
>user posts this screenshot
>waddles off to boot up his VM
Great. Now create a shortcut in the folder with the path of that folder.
Windows 95 has a very /comfy/ UI, IMHO.
And it supports HiDPI much better than GTK 3 could ever imagine to.
What about it?
Have to say 7, I've spent so much time on this OS. Honorable mentions to XP and 98.
(You) first, you fucking retard. If you don't feel like or just can't answer the question provided because you're not the smartest boy of your class, ignore or gtfo. I'm honestly curious about any telemetry-related measure I didn't took.