90% of Sup Forums can't pass a course in pic related prove me wrong

90% of Sup Forums can't pass a course in pic related prove me wrong.

But I did.

>t. math minor

[spoiler]But I only got a C[/spoiler]


It's why i'm doing Computer Science instead of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

CS is a walk in the park and still entitles me to a nice wage.

In my university, real analysis is split into three sub-courses, I've got A,B,C+.

The new pokemon game looks great

I did complex analysis, bruh.

Not sure about the English terminology, but would "real analysis" just imply simple derivatives and integrals? Surely even 90% of Sup Forums must be at that level?

Very boring course. Complex is more interesting.

Hahhahahahha i pass it anytime you fag haha gtfo with ur gay shit smfh haha

That's called calculus here. Real analysis covera calculus from a rigorous standpoint. Topics typically include limits, sequences and series, continuity and derivatives and integrals. My uni also covers metric spaces and a little bit of measure theory.

I had 4 calc courses, derivatives and limits, integrals series and sequences, the next two were partial derivates, derivatives over higher dimensions, line-surface integrals and the cool theorems etc.
the real anaysis course we had had metric spaces, convergence, uniformity, bounds, compactness and connectedness and stuff. Compared to the calculus courses it was really hard, but more fun.
I was a math major btw, so we went in depth, that's why we had more courses. I don't really remember what else we had, I'm an algebra guy. The only analysis I have to use is related to analytic number theory, and you can fake analysis there.

Sounds easy enough. Did it in uni, wasn't bad at it.

You wouldn't have to do it in CE or EE either though. And CE and CS are essentially the same nowadays.

>brainlet who could only get into applied math program try to compensate the thread

100% don't care

>And CE and CS are essentially the same nowadays.
uh no. it may be different for other schools but in mine CE is a lot closer to EE than CS. The highest CS class i took was data structures.
Also in regards to the OP i took a class that was basically real analysis for physics students as an elective. I think it was easier than actual real analysis though

how can numbers be real when math is an abstract concept

Nah, here both CE and EE have Real analysis, and not the easy version. These courses have the reputation of being one of the most difficult of the entire university in the first year. At's pretty consistent with the rest of the country.
They also have more than 40 hours of classes ever week.

Meanwhile CS doesn't even have Calc 1, Linear algebra & algorithms until the second semester here. Only math course in the first semester is discrete math.

Planning on learning some CE/EE on my own. I'm more interested in the software side anyways.

glad i made it in the top 10%

i would fucking hope your real analysis courses covered metric spaces

I finished university level trig and precalc with full college credit I was still in high school. Close enough.

That's why I do computer science, not pure mathematics.

Not a big deal if you take topology.

that's neat, but complex is easier than real analysis.

>tfw superior post-soviet education
>tfw major in Electrical Engineering AND Applied Physics

I got 27/30 in Calculus I

This thread gave me a stomach ache

I did after two tries.

I don't disagree with you. It probably makes me part of the 10%.

Enjoy your erf(x).