/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I sold a guy a used pair of HD 600's once. To show off their durability, I yelled "SNAP INTO A SLIMJIM!!!" and bent that shit as hard as my nerdy little noodle arms could. To my surprise, it actually snapped in half. He still bought it for 50% off.

Anime a shit

That silly snapheiser meme.




>Type of headphone
Full Size.

>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Sound signature
Neutral or bright.

>Past headphones
Literal trash $5 generic earphones.

I'm deciding between Superlux hd660 and hd661. Yes i'm poor, and these would be my first decent headphones. Thanks in advance.

Iphone 6s
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
Good enough for comfy three hour train rides
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
I've used m40x's for desktop use and I've never bothered buying a pair of nonstock iems until now.

I have hd668b and think they'd be perfect for you, bright signature with lots of detail.

I love Kumiko and my HD600

From the last thread:

>Most expensive
Kek. Then I guess I can't convince you

I don't give a shit about money, I assumed you were talking about incredibly expensive headphones. I've owned nearly all the good headphones before the 600/650 interms of price. Are you actually going to say what headphones are better, or just be an absolute faggot like most people with no argument on here tend to do.

Wow, so it literally is the same anti 600 guy who makes nearly every single /hpg/ thread. wtf. How long have you been doing this? Seriously.

$200 USD


>Type of headphone

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Don't care

>Sound signature
Whatever is closer to 'True Sound'

>Past headphones

>Best headphones user owns are HD 600s
>Claims they're end games
What the fuck? Seriously? Why do people do this?

About to pull the trigger on Magaosi K3 Pros, I'm not about to do a fuck up am I lads ?

>order IEM
>consider moistening the tip before insertion
Did you fags trick me into ordering an expensive anal toy? wtf is this shit

>He won't answer my question

Why do people do this?

>>consider moistening the tip before insertion
Nice meme, but nobody has ever done this.

Welcome to the club.

Sennheiser HD380 Pro.

Now quit shilling HD 600s as literal end game headphones when the most expensive headphones you own are fucking HD 600s.

Do you know someone, or even someone who knows someone, who has full-sized headphones which are actually better than HD600?


lol planar meme.

>He doesn't own planars
kek. Spot the dynamiclet

Electrostatic masterrace.


Please name ONE fucking headphone that is clearly better than the 600, that doesn't cost three times as much.
I'm still waiting lol


>Moving the goalpost
>I don't give a shit about money, I assumed you were talking about incredibly expensive headphones
What are you now, a poorfag?


For now, even without the price restriction, none has been named.

>Inb4 muh planar meme

I have spent a lot of money on this hobby. Why wont you name one fucking headphone? You are an absolute pace of shit on every level. That, or a decent troll.

>I have spent a lot on this hobby
>What? the most expensive headphones I have tried /own are the 600s and 650s
Lmao. You haven't even TRIED anything more expensive than HD 650s. Much less, own.


Clearly not the same user.

Idol trash here, just taking a quick look before going to sleep. There's at least 3 distinct anons with HD600 I am aware of, other than myself.


Opinions on the Apple Earpods?
Serious question. Obviously compared to the one's around its price range.
I think they're okay.

Night night, user.

I'll try and sleep snug, smug.

I haven't tried a more expensive headphone than the 600.

Here is your last chance.. Name one headphone that is clearly better than the 600. It seems as if you're struggling.

Thank you. Now quit shilling.

Here; i'll do it for the last time.
Can you click on those for me?

Fucking hell you're an absolute mong.

Name ONE headphone that is better.

Stax SR-404. I fucking pulled that out of my ass.

You have to be autistic if you unironically think HD 600s are end game headphones, especially after

you ordered etys? they aren't too bad but the only thing to take into account is how deep they go.

When I said endgame, I mean reasonable endgame. I Have no idea about stax, as I previously mentioned. How much do they fucking cost? I still stand by the fact that the 600's are the best headphone within reason/cost

What was that, user? Did you forget about your original statement? I'll remind you.
>I don't give a shit about money, I assumed you were talking about incredibly expensive headphones
Fucking faggot

Just got my HD 558 lads. Wonder what they'll sound like after they're burned in. They sound very clear and punchy in the right places.

>after they're burned in
Just wear them for 2 weeks and get used to the sound. Burn in is a reddit myth.

Who told you this "burn in" meme?

$10 on Reddit or Head-Fi.

That's a better clarification of what you mean, and you are welcome to your opinion. Many people will share it, and many may disagree, but no one can say that you are wrong because it is an opinion.

Binky taught me this yesterday.

Yeah I suspected. I knew it was going to a response though.

What's the closed endgame? Something high end fostex?

That or probably Mr. Speakers Ether C



Phone, laptop, maybe desktop in the future

>Type of headphone
Full size, over ear

>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Sound signature

>Past headphones
Noontec Zoro HD and some cheap IEMs. The Zoros sound breddy gud, but fuck they hurt my ears if I wear them for any amount of time. Can't get them to seal for shit so I lose out on dat bass which kills me.

The M-Audio HDH50s are looking real good. Solid choice?

DT770 pro 80 ohm. Great bass and super comfy.

I've asked for a recommendation multiple times but as a different "samefag" with almost the same specifications in the past few threads to collect the most info.

And with that, I've been recommended all of these:
beyerdynamic DT-770 80 Ohms
beyerdynamic DT-250 250 Ohms
Sennheiser HD 598
Sennheiser HD 380 Pro
Audio-Technica ATH-MSR7

I can purchase them all, but what is the 'Best' for closed neutral setting for Desktop use?

Shit. Should have mentioned I want an in-line mic. I'm dumb. Thanks for the rec though man.

What would the logical upgrade to my AKG K712s be? I've had them for like 4 years now and absolutely love them and would like to get a new pair of headphones in the future.

What's the best way to connect an AMP to a DAC? Laptop->DAC->Amp->Headphones

I get static from current Laptop->Amp->headphones setup, but looking at DACs, I see the small ones only output to 3.5. Could I use the RCA->3.5 cable from the amp and plug into the DAC 3.5 output? Stupid question I know.

Are Bluetooth earbuds a meme? On the fence about getting a decent pair, but most of them have a fucking wire running from ear to ear, so they're not really wireless.

True bluetooth headphones are getting better, but I'd wait for the tech to mature a bit more.


1more quad driver

for neutral the best out of those is the 380 pro

So I've been a fairly big audiophile for a little while but a friend has gotten me itching for Bluetooth headphones that I can use for portable use. Trying to find one that isn't a meme and it's proving difficult.




>Type of headphone
Wireless Bluetooth

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Doesn't matter that much, but would prefer comfier.

>Sound signature
V-shaped or Bass Heavy

>Past headphones
Audio Technica ATH-M50, HIFIMAN HE-400I

Also, I have a preference towards over ear headphones, but I'd look into any type if it fit my needs better.

You've more or less reached the point where you'll have to blow a lot of money on something like HD800s to get an appreciable upgrade. There's not really a 'logical upgrade' from K7__s.

More than $200, but I like my Crossfade Wireless 2s.

Is there a way to check "benchmarks" of each headphone like you would with Video Cards?

Errr... Frequency response graphs?

Illinois, USA
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Neutral, I guess.
>Past headphones
Some $20 pair from Walgreens.

380's have boosted bass, MSR7 might be the best of the bunch you've mentioned, but they're slightly bright.
If you want pure neutrality, DT250 is probably the way to go.

I dunno man, I think the HD600 is the best headphone I've heard besides the ER4SR.

I use an equalized HD800 because it's superior for comfort. The HD800's stock sound signature is literal dogshit.

You could just clip a mic on to the DT770 cable, they're the best value closed under $300.
Otherwise, go for CB-1 and get the status flat cable with a mic, or any 3.5 cable with a mic.
They're real comfy stock, neutralish with boosted bass.

The dac goes to the amp, the reverse would make no sense.

I need recommendations for headphones to use with my phone when I'm out and about, nothing fancy.




>Type of headphone
Earphones or in-ear

>Past headphones
Whatever 10€ earphones where available at the store or the ones included with the phone

Best for closed neutral are DT250 and Sony MDR-V6.

DT250 on the warm side of neutral, the Sonys are on the bright side of neutral.

The HD380 is garbage. I'm in a foul mood today. I'd get the DT250 because the velours last long unlike the Sonys, there might be a variation in channel balance among units, I've had two pairs, one is perfect, the other sounds like shit.

What's your amp? A Modi 2 would output RCA to the amp and should clear up static issues.

Beyer A20

Tascam TH-02, get new pads once you're not poor.

I know, but I'm asking does it matter what method matters to connect the dac to the amp? Would 3.5 work? Or would I have to get a DAC that also uses RCA so I can connect the dac and amp via rca?

Thank you anons.

>Spends nearly $400 on amp and doesn't know how to use a DAC
Just grab a Modi 2 Uber.

i bought audio technica m40x's 2 months ago and they are about to break because of how flimsy the earmuff supports are

the fuck do i do ;(


Get the 80 ohm DT250 you dumb animu faggot.

I had the 250 ohm which I returned because the channel balance was shit, the 80 ohm is perfect that I own.

I know this is by no means a conclusive test but I think the 80 ohm might be the more consistent of the two.

Also you need a tiny screwdriver to set up the headphones.

>Get the 80 ohm DT250 you dumb animu faggot.
Will do.

You could also get a Beyer Custom Studio and throw in a BoomPro mic.
TH02 or Monoprice 8320
Check out what KZ has to offer. Their new ZS5 look like an inprovement over the ZS3's. VE Monk Plus with the Expansion pack imo is some of the best bang for your buck.

Thanks for answering my question

It's $180 for a relatively irrelevant piece of tech. If I can get away with spending $100 or less for a simple one to remove source distortion and static, I'd rather go that route.

I'm getting an OPPO PM-3. Is an amplifier necessary for it? Thanks lads.

No, it isn't.

Shit gets really loud from my cellphone.

>It's $180 for a relatively irrelevant piece of tech
Irrelevant if you don't mind staticy audio. Kek
Modi 2 is cheaper, just doesn't have as many connectivity options. I dunno if I'd trust anything less.

An e10k can't function as a dac only so it's useless to you.

Im a slut for details, is the SR-l700 the best option for liquid/transparent sound?



Any other recommendations?

These arrive next week. What should I expect? Anyone try them yet?

They look like Chi-fi bootlegs of Campfire Audio units. Not sure what to expect, let us know what you think when you get them.

Hi Sup Forums I'm looking for a pair of headphones in the $200-$350 ish range with the following characteristics

>very low bass extension
>smooth mids
>detailed highs
>open, overear

I'm planning on purchasing headphones for the near sole purpose of using them for pipe organ music and recordings. I am waiting warmly for your replies.

Your budget?

Anyone on here tried the monster turbines before? Experiences?

Re read the post.